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Pakistani University develops Pakistan's first Phased Array Radar System.

Well in response to radar detection in-ability of Pakistan, the coalition needs to send a drone or two see if it works.

Plz---someone explain---why so much spent on Phased array radar---which would not be the radar of choice----.

Why the investment / research not done of the AESA----?
That mechanic might come in handy for the troubled Tejas project

QUOTE="Tolkien, post: 9333137, member: 183224"]Pic:

View attachment 387341 [

Does not look like a phased array. More something my car mechanic might rig up in an hour or two after a couple of beers. Certainly nothing like the 13 story structure in Alaska they used in the story.

What can Pakistanis not do when they take up a challenge. As a matter of fact, anybody can do anything when he knows what he wants and is ready to pay its price. But I believe our researchers and scientists do their job with patriotic as well as religious devotions and they shine more than an ordinary person trying to achieve random goals.

Its NOT a phased array "demonstrator" Its not even a technology "demonstrator" There is no "array" which is laid on a flat substrate. There is however six rusting steel horns crudely made resting on broken house bricks with one output from each horn going into a signal amplifier that is at least 20 years old. There is a £30 oscilloscope and a crude £2 power inverter. The thick cables are nice. Heavy duty. But in a real Phased array there are is minimal cabling and its thin fine wire.
But hey, it fools the fools who want to be fooled so thats ok.

Who thought of this

would turn out to this

Commendable achivement by local means for Pakistani University


Interesting prototype
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QUOTE="Tolkien, post: 9333137, member: 183224"]Pic:
Does not look like a phased array. More something my car mechanic might rig up in an hour or two after a couple of beers. Certainly nothing like the 13 story structure in Alaska they used in the story.
Hey can you share his cell number with HAL? They are looking to build a plane for decades now?
Years after years and decade after decade of failure and they may well finance his beer supply out of frustration to that mechanic working for them. Be a patriot and do share his number with HAL and DROD! :)
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So what's the output power? Detection and tracking range? Did they also develop the TR modules? Is it GaN or GaAs?

Hey can you share his cell number with HAL? They are looking to build a plane for decades now?
Years after years and decade after decade of failure and they may well finance his beer supply out of frustration to that mechanic working for them. Be a patriot and do share his number with HAL and DROD! :)
Thanks for trolling and posting off topic material. Your views will be duly ignored.
Our national military Tactics and gear are getting a whole lot better.Congrats to the Nation
Hey can you share his cell number with HAL? They are looking to build a plane for decades now?
Years after years and decade after decade of failure and they may well finance his beer supply out of frustration to that mechanic working for them. Be a patriot and do share his number with HAL and DROD! :)

It would be of no use. I was at HAL in the 80's for a short period because they wanted what my fellow Indians call "technology transfer". You could not teach them anything. Their ability is lower than a car mechanic and their ability to learn or think for themselves does not exist.
I would not waste my car mechanics time, who would do a far better job at HAL, by wasting his time.
India at HAL lives on this fantasy of "technology transfer" because they lack the ability to think analyse engineer manage projects. They have been spoon fed for over 40 years with "technology transfer" and they are always 2-3 generations behind because they cant keep up with large useless human resources and dollops of funding.
Many generations of Indians have talked about changing this. NOT going to happen.
Not the first Pak radars:



Pakistan develops own radar system, says PAF official


Web Desk November 26, 2016 00:02

KARACHI: Commodore Fazal Mahmood, Director Vision of the Pakistan Air Force, on Friday said that Pakistan has developed an indigenous radar system.

Commodore Mahmood, while addressing media at the IDEAS-2016 exhibition, said that the radar system has also been provided to Jordan.

To a question, he said monitoring of national territory is currently carried out through various radars

Pakistan's Home made GSR , Ground surveillance radar
GSR ,Ground surveillance radar is a class of radar sensors that monitor activity surrounding or on critical infrastructure areas such as airports,[1] seaports, military installations, national borders, refineries and other critical industry and the like. Such radars are characterized by their ability to detect movement at ground level of targets such as an individual walking or crawling towards a facility. Such radars typically have ranges of several hundred metres to over 10 kilometers.

Pakistan's Ministry of defense production launched a Research and development project for completely indigenous production of a GSR in collaboration with EME and other departments of NUST.
A total of 39 Million Rs were allocated for R&D. The preliminary/Theoretical work was completed within an year with 20+ PHD students working on the project. The project was so successful that AESA and PESA technologies seemed conceivable within Pakistan's own expertise and resources.
International Microwave journal IEEE received and published dozens of research papers about Radar technology from the students working on this project. See project 274 on NUST website
NESCOM was given the task of further developing the AESA , PESA related research which branched out of this project. 300 Million USD were allocated for Pakistan's own dedicated Electronics R&D labs near Islamabad which had to be a subsidiary of NESCOM.
Unfortunately the labs never materialized in its desired form. Much of the funds dedicated for the lab were diverted to other civilian projects by PPP Prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf.
A toned down NESCOM Electronics complex was completed in 2012,but was again a victim of financial corruption and could not do any mlre than manufacturing Motherboards for NRTC's Software defined radios.

The research on further development and building of a prototype GSR continued at NUST/EME
The project was started in 2006 and named "national Radar" or NR.

Over the years 3 versions were built and tested and in 2014 the Final prototype NR-V3 was accepted for production by Pakistan's Ministry of Defense production.

The Radar's Exact specifications are still undisclosed,but a learned guess is that the Radar has the capability of detecting Humans at 4Km range and Vehicles at 12Km range with an average accuracy of 96%.
The biggest challenge in any Ground surveillance radar is to identify target among clutter or reflections of trees,buildings and other ground objects. This was probably the biggest research project and many research papers were written by Pakistani PHD students on this subject during the project.
The final Algorithms was very robust and with accuracy of 96% or more.

All the components,including Antenna,transmitters,Receivers,Filters and software were designed,built and tested in Pakistan.
It is yet to be seen when the Radar will enter mass production and deployment on strategically important locations for area surveillance.
for all idiots:
First successful field testing was done on MAJU Roof Top in 2011.
Pakistan s first ever Phased Array Radar to be used for Air Surveillance (e).jpg

this is the pic of MAJU rooftop which mean it was taken in 2011 during FIELD TESTING ... which mean it was not even a Technology demonstration stage let alone finale product
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