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Pakistani unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards fighting in Syria


Mar 31, 2015
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Saudi Arabia

On June 28, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards organized a rally in Tehran to honor the "martyrs" of the "Zeinabiyoun" Brigade, which consists of Pakistani Shiites recruited and organized by the Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force to fight in Syria.

Since the start of the Syrian uprising in 2011 and the Iranian military intervention in defense of the Assad regime, the Quds Force has deployed several thousand of its members together with Hezb'allah fighters and thousands of Iraqi Shiites mobilized by its proxy militias in Iraq.

In 2013, the Quds Force recruited Afghan Shiites, mostly immigrants living in Iran, and formed the Fatemiyoun division, which is currently estimated to have nearly 12,000 fighters in Syria.

In late 2014, the Quds Force formed the Zeynabiyoun brigade after recruiting a group of 50 Pakistani Shiites. While one of its commanders told an Iranian website that the brigade has thousands of fighters, the unit is currently estimated to have around 1,500 fighters in Syria. In December 2014, Iranian media reported about the Zeynabiyoun brigade fighting in Syria for the first time.

The Zeynabiyoun Brigade also has an official Facebook page and a secondary page where news of its activities in Syria and its casualties are posted. A cursory review of public funerals held in Iran for Zeynabyioun members indicate that the brigade has lost more than 90 fighters in Syria. Panjereh Weekly, a publication close to the Revolutionary Guards, reported in July 2016 that 96 members of the brigade have been killed in Syria.

The Zeynabiyoun consists of two distinct categories of fighters: first, its high-ranking members and commanders who are members of the Iran Quds Force and Shiite fanatics loyal to the Iranian regime's ideology. But the majority of Zeynabiyoun members are impoverished Pakistani Shiites, mainly immigrants in Iran.

One of the brigade's commanders, Abbas, a Pakistani Shiite, confirmed that he was working for the Quds Force prior to joining the Zeynabiyoun. According to Mashregh, a website affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards, the founding members of Zeynabiyoun were Pakistani students in the Shiite seminaries in the city of Qom. Panjereh Weekly has also confirmed that the first group of Zeynabiyoun members were the Pakistani students of Al Mustafa International University.

Established in 2007 in Qom, Al Mustafa trains foreign Shia clerics, scholars, and missionaries. Its main campuses are based in Iran, and it has more than one hundred seminaries, Islamic schools, and religious centers around the world. Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is the highest authority of the university. Al Mustafa operates several seminaries and centers in Pakistan. The family of one Zeynabyioun fighter killed in Syria told Panjereh Weekly that he was a student at one of the seminaries in Pakistan before being recruited by the brigade.

Creation of Zeynabyioun and Iran-Pakistan relations

Pakistan is an Islamic country of 170 million, the majority of whom are Sunnis with a minority of Shiites estimated at around 15 to 20 million. The Iranian regime has established a network of religious centers and schools in Pakistan and enjoys some influence among the Shiite minority. Its affiliates regularly organize a number of events including annual Quds day rallies, an event designed to fuel anti-Israeli hatred amongst Pakistani Muslims.

Fearing the Pakistani government's reaction, the Iranian regime has been expanding its influence with caution. The creation of an armed radical militia could have long-term impacts on the Pakistani Shiite community and could intensify Shiite-Sunnis tensions in the country. According to one of the brigade's commanders, the Quds Force's initial 2014 objective was to form the Zeynabiyoun by exclusively recruiting from the Pakistani immigrants living in Iran and not accepting those coming from Pakistan. One of the Zeynabiyoun's officials confirmed that the Quds Force was not initially eager to publicize the brigade's existence, but the increase in the unit's fatalities and the rumors surrounding it forced the regime to admit to its existence and its participation in the Syrian civil war.

According to another brigade commander, the expulsion of 12,000 Pakistani Shiites from the United Arab Emirates from 2014 to 2015 and their arrival in Iran provided the Iranian Quds Force with a recruiting pool to boost the ranks of the Zeynabiyoun Brigade. According to Panjereh, some of the Zeynabiyoun fighters killed in Syria have been buried under pseudonyms in Iran, as their families cannot repatriate their bodies due to fears of persecution by the Pakistani government.


I hope these terrorists find the fate they deserve.
Why doesn't Iran send its citizens to fight in Syria instead?
Peoplr are joining themselves no one is forcing them fight against terroism is international just like many western guyz western forces are fighting against terroist in syria so whats the problem with them. Its a good thing . The onky prblem is they r fighting from Iranian platform . If from a western platform people would appreciate it.
^^^^^some western volunteers in syria
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Peoplr are joining themselves no one is forcing them fight TV against terroism is international just like many western guyz western forces are fighting against terroist in syria so whats the problem with them. Its a good thing . The onky prblem is they r fighting from Iranian platform . If from a western platform people would appreciate it

They are fighting FSA and have never fought Daesh to say they are fighting terrorism. How a country that labeled as the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism would ever fight what it supports? I don't understand this part.
Once again, why doesn't Iran send its citizens to die in Syria in favor for the murderer Assad instead of recruiting poor immigrants to die as cannon fodders?
It has proved time and time again that Iran is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and all iranian cultural centers, khana farang iran etc are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and responsible for sectarian violence. These peope when return to Pakistan will kill innocent Pakistanis. Our leadership should take strict action and cancel all their nationalities and if they return should be hanged
It has proved time and time again that Iran is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and all iranian cultural centers, khana farang iran etc are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and responsible for sectarian violence. These peope when return to Pakistan will kill innocent Pakistanis. Our leadership should take strict action and cancel all their nationalities and if they return should be hanged
Blame Iran plus aliens. Fr yr own failures
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These are individuals who are joining the war due to religious or other affiliations. Pakistan as a state has no interest in Syria or ISIS. Pakistan is very far from this war. The war in Syria has become a tussle between the Western powers and Russia. Russia, Iran and Assad are in the driving seat.
ISIS was about to take over Iraq and Syria, when Ian and it's allies joined in and stopped them. Now ISIS is almost destroyed in Iraq and inshallah, soon in Syria too

You Saudis can continue crying. Because when Iranians and Pakistanis join, we stop ISIS . When Saudis and Pakistans join, you guys pilot a plane into a building haha
middle east and iran the culprit. saudi tried this trick with pakistan, we want to fight in yemen to the last cheap pakistan blood, but it didnt work cos our people are awake. oil rich arabs are sellout like they sold out ottomans.
here in england few years back we had iraqis come to engand with atitude of we arabi, they learnt quickly this is not pakistanis from pakistan that are cheap laboruers. turks are good, straight up.
there is nothing called good terrorist bad terroist all of them are same
Well just a line ......Terrorist or whatever ...... i dont recognize these SO CALLED FLAGS .........any 1 can carry any flag ....can make any1 dummy ....EX ..white man for any brown or black as they call it .......So Forget .......
I can see ...

Pakistanis insulting themselves & let Saudis to do the same !!!
Well rot in hell from my side for all these mercenaries who fight for other countries.
License to serve abroad is not limited to pak military only then y ordinary Pakistan cannot serve abroad

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