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Pakistani Snipers Taking out Indian personnel on LOC


Aug 8, 2014
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United States
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اللّھُمَّ اِنّا نَجْعَلُکَ فِیْ نُحُوْرِھِمْ وَنَعُوْذُبِکَ مِنْ شُرُوْرِھِمْ (رواہ احمد وابوداؤد) ترجمہ: اے اللّٰہ! ہم تجھ ہی کو ان (کافروں )کے مقابلے میں کرتے ہیں اور ان کی شرارتوں سے تیری پناہ چاہتے ہیں
The moment of truth has come take Kashmir now or forever forget it. Call in the volunteers,tribals,ex service men and the political activists. Assemble two million men and wage a jihad in Kashmir.

Can Pakistan afford an all out war against especially when our friends are silent at this time ?
Can Pakistan afford an all out war against especially when our friends are silent at this time ?
Will have short term economic hardships better than 71 years of constant hostilities. Need to bring this Kashmir saga to a conclusion. Enough is enough India has up the ante along the LOC in the last few hours they think we are apologetic and cowards. Its time to free Kashmir by all our means.
Modi wants to play Russian roulette over votes. Let’s destroy his political career. This nasty motherfvcker is heading towards a humiliating defeat.
So far he won the first round... on our side, as always permission to shoot is missing.
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