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Pakistani response to limited Indian strikes


Sep 7, 2008
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There is much discussion in India circles on the way to deal with Pakistan and cut it down to size. These discussion have been happening in New Delhi not since November 27th, 2008 but since November of 1946. The Indian psyche has never accepted what they think of “partition” of Mother India and want the one country from Kabul to Bali. This Indian hegemonistic design on South Asia has led it to wars with each and every one of its neighbors, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Pakistan has been the major irritant in India’s expansion Westward. Bangladesh stops it from consolidating its the Northeast states known as the Seven Sisters and Assam.

The Pakistani response to the Indian “Cold Start Strategy” or limited strikes against Pakistan will be swift and punishing retribution. If any analyst thinks that “Cold start” will remain cold he or she is delusional and needs to be committed. India is the USA and Pakistan is not Afghanistan. If India does cross the border and sends aircraft to bomb any Pakistani territory, Islamabad will retaliate in a measured and limited manner. Any Indian bombing will be matched by an equal and opposite number of attacks on India. This will continue and if India wants to escalate, Pakistan will escalate too. Pakistan also reserves the right to use tactical and real Nuclear weapons. Tactical nuclear weapons have low radition affects while actual nuclear weapons cause colossal damage.

1) India attacks some targets in Pakistan claiming they are terror camps.

2) Pakistan send attacks an equal number of military installations in India with Hataf 4, Shaheen and Pakistan cruise missiles

3) India tries to cross the border at Sialkot, Wagah or the Kach regions

4) Pakistan rains down short range Hataf 3 missiles and bombs the Indian tanks

5) India bombs Karachi with a Naval blockade. Pakistan responds with Exocet missiles and Augusta class Submarines to sink Indian Frigates. Pakistan also has thousands of undetectable speedboats to respond to any Naval attack.

6) India bombs civilian targets in Pakistan. Pakistan responds with Cruise missile bombing of a town equal in size

If bay any chance India is making any gains in any sector, many Pakistani analysts have also entertained the suggestion of dropping a mini nuclear bomb in the India ocean as a warning to any aggressive design anyone may have.

At the beginning of any hostilities sleeper cells in India would be activated and 150,000 irregulars would be sent deep into India from various areas. There is also the danger that the Indian army faces in Kashmir and Assam. A popular uprising in Indian Occupied Kashmir will be impossible to put down by the 800,000 soldiers who are tied down in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

ISLAMABAD: All main militant groups fighting in Fata, from South Waziristan to Bajaur and from Mohmand to the Khyber Agency, have contacted the government through different sources after the Mumbai bombings and have offered a ceasefire if the Pakistan Army also stops its operations.

And as a positive sign that this ceasefire offer may be accepted, the Pakistan Army has, as a first step, declared before the media some notorious militant commanders, including Baitullah Mehsud and Maulvi Fazlullah, as “patriotic” Pakistanis.
These two militant commanders are fighting the Army for the last four years and have invariably been accused of terrorism against Pakistan but the aftermath of the Mumbai carnage has suddenly turned terrorists into patriots.

A top security official told a group of senior journalists on Saturday: “We have no big issues with the militants in Fata. We have only some misunderstandings with Baitullah Mehsud and Fazlullah. These misunderstandings could be removed through dialogue.”
The Indian allegations against Pakistan have suddenly forced the military establishment in Pakistan to finally accept that they are not fighting an American war inside the Pakistani territory.

On another level, the parliamentary leader of the 12 Fata members in the National Assembly, Munir Orakzai, has expressed optimism in this regard, saying: “I see a bright ray of peace in the tribal areas and if we come out of the American pressure, I can guarantee that there will be peace in the tribal areas in a few days and we will be ready to fight against India on the eastern border along with the Pakistan Army.”

The change in the attitude of the Pakistani military establishment is remarkable. Thanks to India, the security officials, who used to criticise the Pakistani media, are now praising its role in the recent days, saying: “You have proven that you are patriotic Pakistanis.” 1 - Number One Newspaper of Pakistan - Daily Jang- Jang Group Monday, December 01, 2008, By Hamid Mir

India is behaving a like a pumped up balloon; pumped by the Americans who need crutches to needle China; pumped up by the British who cannot fight the good war in Afghanistan and expect India to clean up the mess that they have made. In the aftermath of the Samjhota Express, the Babri Masjid and Gujarat, anything can be expected in India. India today reminds the world of the Wiemer republic where Nazi sympathizers held sway and blamed each and every German misfortune on the Jews. The German parliament, the Reichtag was finally burned and this was used as an excuse to turn Germany into a Nazi state. There are many parallels with the rise of the Nizis and the rise of the Hindu extremist Hinuvata in India.. The Indian threat against Pakistan are fast becoming the norm in Indian political discourse. This has already damaged the atmosphere and vitiated the progress made in the past decade.

There is a lot of huffing and puffing from across the border in India. Threats do little to intimidate the likes of Lashkar e Tayaba. The Voltaires of India are quiet, too scared to question the carnage. The mighty Indian media controlled by corporatism has become more obsequious than Pravda or Izvestia. Icons of the press freedom like Tehilka cannot survive amid the tough commercial environment. Bigotry sells. Pakistanphobia sells even more. The words of Arundhuti Roy are either marginalized or ignored because she is labeled as a communist.

Last year, the same officials were part of a decision to impose a ban on many Pakistani TV channels because of their alleged anti-state behaviour. Meanwhile, Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has made it clear to President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani that if India escalates tensions, then Pakistan has to move its troops from the tribal areas to the eastern borders and it would not be possible to continue the war against terrorism.

Top military officials conveyed the same message to the media representatives on Saturday. It was learnt that Washington and London were very concerned over the rise of tension between the two nuclear powers.
The Pakistan Army officials have been describing 48 hours as very important. These sources claimed on Sunday that the situation was now stabilising. A very responsible government official in Islamabad told this scribe on Sunday that nothing would happen in the next 24 hours.20Some late night telephone calls made from Washington and London helped to cool down the temperature in New Delhi and Islamabad.

Despite the assurances made by President Asif Zardari on sending a director of ISI to India for helping the Mumbai carnage investigations, it has also been decided by Islamabad that no ISI official will visit India, at least, in the next one week.

On the domestic level, thanks to the uncalled for Indian allegations, some ministers of the Yousuf Raza Gilani cabinet got an opportunity to criticise their prime minister on his face for giving an assurance to India that the ISI chief will go to New Delhi without consulting even his cabinet colleagues.
Angry ministers told Gilani clearly in Saturday’s cabinet meeting that his decision was not good and he should concentrate on “institutionalised decision-making” rather than going for solo flights in the future. Gilani was forced to change his decision. The cabinet, after discussing the Mumbai carnage and the Indian allegations in detail, also advised the prime minister that no ISI official should be sent to India in the near future.

It was discussed in the meeting as to why the militants made a ridiculous demand of liberating the Hyderabad Deccan (Andhra Pradesh). This issue was never raised by any hardline Muslim militant in India or Pakistan in the past. Why did they not demand the liberation of Kashmir, which was the prime objective of banned Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan?

The Indian government claimed that these militants reached Gujarat from Karachi by boat through a 500-km sea route. Why did the Indian Navy fail to stop this boat? The cabinet unanimously agreed that Pakistan will not come under any Indian pressure but efforts will also be made to decrease tensions without annoying the public opinion.

One minister was of the view that the Indian media war against Pakistan had helped Islamabad indirectly as the local media ignored all the domestic political issues and got involved in the tension created by India.

National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza was the most disturbed soul in Islamabad because of the media war between India and Pakistan. She talked to some journalists and advised them not to instigate the public opinion against India because this tension could hurt economies of both countries.
She fears a big conspiracy behind the Mumbai tragedy. She thinks that another attack like Mumbai will definitely create a war-like situation between the two neighbours. She is planning to call the Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and Indian President Pratibha Patel to remove doubts and misgivings between the two nations. She told me: “As a mother, I am thinking to make a mothers’ alliance between India and Pakistan. Let the mothers come out and stop their sons from fighting each other.” Monday, December 01, 2008, By Hamid Mir

Even sane politicians in Delhi are discussing the possibility of a “Cold Start Strategy”–limited strikes against Pakistan. All the polemics in India are already having in impact in Pakistan. All shades of Pakistani opinion are coming on one platform. The militants in FATA and Waziristan have sent messages to the government on a cease fire to deal with the threats from across the Radcliff Line.

The USA, NATO and ISAF forces have had a tough time in keeping the militants down in Afghanistan and the border areas of Pakistan. If the escalation between India and Pakistan rises to any level of danger, the same militants who have been fighting the Pakistani army will fight alongside the Pakistani Army.

Peace Talks

India says the success of the peace talks that started in 2003 depends on Pakistan ending alleged support for cross-border terrorism in the part of Kashmir under Indian control and taking steps to combat militants.

Pakistan and India should work together in the wake of the terrorist attacks and not allow the incident to spur new antagonism between them, Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., Husain Haqqani, told CNN yesterday. “Non-state actors” were forcing their agenda and Pakistan’s government “will cooperate with India in exposing and apprehending the culprits” behind the attacks, Zardari said on Nov. 28.

The U.S. doesn’t believe Pakistan’s government was involved in the attacks, and the Bush administration trusts Pakistan to investigate the issue, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters today. “We have no reason not to” trust Pakistan “right now,” she said.

Pakistan Meeting

Pakistan’s political leaders will meet tomorrow to discuss security policy. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani will head the meeting to assess the regional situation, according to Zahid Bashir, the Pakistani premier’s press secretary.

The biggest opposition group, the Pakistan Muslim League faction headed by former premier Nawaz Sharif, which split from the Pakistan Peoples Party-led coalition government in August, will attend the meeting, party spokesman Siddiq-ul-Farooq said.

Gilani canceled a trip to Hong Kong, where he was to attend the Clinton Global Initiative summit starting tomorrow, to focus on addressing growing tensions with India, Bashir has said.

The 60-hour killing spree by less than a dozen terrorists underscores the failure of India’s police force to keep pace with better armed, equipped and trained militants, a former intelligence agent said.

“That system has collapsed,” said Vikram Sood, former director of India’s foreign intelligence agency, known as the Research and Analysis Wing. “Police are overworked, understaffed and undertrained.”

At least 20 officers, including the head of the Maharashtra state Anti-Terrorism Squad, were among almost 200 people killed in the gun and grenade attacks.
Good ideas to spend the money given by IMF to save the economy.
Stop thinking about Indian threat but start worrying about your economic future. As nuclear state Pakistan should think of its future not worry about the any war. If the state of Pakistan fails & falls into hands of terrorists. common man in Pakistan will suffer. Just imagine what these terror groups have done to Sudan, Somalia. In that case guys who are posting time pass comments here will become technical helper to "Pakistani Pirates".
So try to think "as a democratic state what are the immediate challenges of Pakistan".
Guys like you who are educated and can bring Trade/wealth into Pakistan are busy chatting on such issues. If this continues Responsible countries of the world will have to give serious thinking to map of South Asia.I hope Pakistan leadership understands this and acts accordingly.

Pakistan really need to concentrate on it's economic future but it can not be done at the cost of sovereignty. First there needs to be a country and then you can set the economic guidelines. So it is not possible for Pakistan to "ignore" Indian threat.

In Pakistan there is a real worry that if a small bunch of terrorist can dodge Indian Navy and Coast Guard when they already had the warning from RAW and exercises being conducted were specifically aimed to stop vessels from Pakistan than what about nuclear weapons of India. They are quite unsafe and Islamic or Hindu extremist organizations can capture them and use them for hostility against minorities in India or Pakistan.

Pakistan leadership and above all people of Pakistan are quite aware of their responsibility as a nation. This incidence has indeed united all Pakistanis.
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Stop thinking about Indian threat but start worrying about your economic future.

If Pakistan stops taking Indian threats seriously then there will be no future for both of us, economic or otherwise. We need to keep our guard up to ensure peace and only peace can ensure prosperity which is something I hope our Indian rivals realize soon enough.
Nothing will happen i trust my Government. they are incapable
You trust your government is incapable? That was a little vague...
Worrying about economics, we already had enough of captialist economy. Its time to show some stiffness to Indddians.

You guys keep blaming us and we keep working on our economy great ideas mate!!!
Ok let me spell it again as always WE NEED PEACE! but again i support my nation as always and always will !!
Why waste aircrafts , what are super sonic and high accuracy cruise missiles for . Multi Million dollar aircrafts is very risky.
India will not attack Pakistan.
Gone are the days on conventional weapons. Both the countries are nuclear states and have short and long range missiles.

Lets hope Peace prevails

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