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Pakistani products selling like hot cakes at India trade fair

cash rich India, buying from poor hungry needy Pakistani traders :lol:, nice love you are showing, It cud be better if you haVe ignored that, but why wud you, showing superiority is racism FYI

Yaar, why make mountain out of a molehill.

Where anyone have said about pakistan being poor etc. etc.????

Its just two nations are interacting with each other and people to people contact is going on.

Is it bad?????????????
Yaar, why make mountain out of a molehill.

Where anyone have said about pakistan being poor etc. etc.????

Its just two nations are interacting with each other and people to people contact is going on.

Is it bad?????????????
Self perception often leads to souring of good developing ties. In India and Pakistan's case this has always been so.
One dont have to be rich to purchase spices lol ... they were not selling diamonds.. but loook what a headline haha OMG i cant beleive indian media can be so Fuc....ing dumb .. beleive me from the headline i thought Pak traders were selling gold or some sports cars to CASH-RICH indians :D

:D:partay: :tup: you explained it better than me.

I till this day failed to understand this idea of Indians making things out of nowhere for self-projections sans any real logic.

international trade fairs are supposed to be participated by international business community and there suppose to be buying and selling what is there so special i mean other than mentioning the quality of the goods and interests of the buyers.

I mean where is question of richness and thanking for sale ?
You are being ignorant just see any threat with china even a matchbox supply news will get dozens of thanks in the thread.

We have our own quality matchbox factories :P so NO we dont thank them for matchbox.

On the other hand JF-17 thundar is NOT a matchbox and if its a matchbox in your view then i must congrats Chinese for making such a fire igniting matchbox.

by looking at the headline i can figure out who is ignorant.

Don't put pressure on ur brain just read the news it was said by pakistani trader that Indians have good disposable income and want quality products.

Where is the thank part in this ???

The things you are talking are for normal countries not enemy nations.

:agree::agree: still we allow products of an enemy country in Pakistani markets as we are normal people.
Self perception often leads to souring of good developing ties. In India and Pakistan's case this has always been so.

during deadly floods when we lost crops in Pakistan we decided to buy potatoes from India by paying hard cash but do you know this self-perception by Indians was here as your fellow country men were saying Pakistan should thank India for potato aid :lol:

i mean it was simple trade we paid and you sold a product what was there for thanking ?
was following this thread yesterday & noticed that there was a lot of goody-goody posts floating about.. was chuckling to myself thinking how long it's going to carry on before it turns out to same old tu tu main main.. boy.. didn't take that long.. did it?
to make it worse.. the headline was changed as well to fuel the fire.. nice tactic by the admins to keep the interest in forum going & to attract more members. definitely works for me!!
It was because of that article.
Just ignore and carry on.

Anyway, I think Pak-India trade will never reach its full potential but it is nice that it is there.
Shaan masala ????


And don't pretend it's alien to the Indian market:

Shan Masala? - Sulekha food Forums

:D:partay: :tup: you explained it better than me.

I till this day failed to understand this idea of Indians making things out of nowhere for self-projections sans any real logic.

international trade fairs are supposed to be participated by international business community and there suppose to be buying and selling what is there so special i mean other than mentioning the quality of the goods and interests of the buyers.

I mean where is question of richness and thanking for sale ?

With the recent economic crisis that Pakistan faces, its very much possible that sales for "cottage" industry goods and niche products may have been slumping....
So thanking the Indians who havent been as badly affected by economic slowdown should be taken in the right spirit....

I fail to understand why some Pakistanis have a problem with this.....
Just because our nations align on opposite ends politically does not mean that we should follow the same alignment on a person to person basis....

All articles have only praised Pakistan and the quality of its goods....which in all circles is considered a positive...

Above is an example of some poor attitude on part of some Pakistanis.....
While living abroad, I experienced the following incidents which made me feel very proud:

1) I was looking for a sharp small scissor, I went to a nearest Chinese shop and asked the owner. She showed me many models but all looked very poor quality. I asked dont worry about price, just show me the best quality. She said okay and gave me one model. Just holding it felt like solid, sharp piece. I thought its some German tool. I looked @ the label and was pleasently surprised to see that it was made in Sialkot :D

2) For rice; I went to a desi shop. It was run by a Bangali guy. I asked him for Basmati Rice. He showed me some Indian varieties. I didnt know which one was better so I asked him just give me the best one. He said sure and pulled out a Pakistani Basmati rice Bag. I looked at the other products and he had all Pakistani Masalas stuffed on all the shelves :D

A very welcome news indeed! :tup::tup:

Yes indeed.

Surprisingly Pakistan is rated more corrupt nation than India but our traders opted for leagl way to do bussines with India, contrarly Indian traders use illegal means to export their goods to Pak-Afghan markets.
Meet the "real " people..

Not the real people but businessmen whose job is to make as much business and money as possible and will say almost anything to make business.

Its all about $$$$ when talking to businessmen.

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