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Pakistani products selling like hot cakes at India trade fair

Regarding Hamdard ,it was established in Delhi in 1906....Hamdard Pakistan was established after the partition so it is as much a pakistani brand as an indian brand.
Nevertheless, It is quite popular on both sides.

Also, Micromax Mobile company sells its products through Q Mobile in Pakistan.

Yeah, my sister and a cousin use Qmobile soap, great value for money......

Luxury Cars? Superbikes? I think you mean the Auto Expo and not IITF. ;)

Damn i always got confused btw trade fair an auto expo....sorry...!

on topic :-

This is just an excellent example of how much profit we will get from each other if the trade and bussiness btw our nations will increase ,specially for pak,cause they have huge,,huge market right next on there door, and we also got access to huge pak market.....and if once our trade increse with increased ppl to ppl contact then that will help both sides enormously in each and every context.....(Think)

no need for haters and sick mentality members to reply my post, sensible and mature ppl can understand what i am saying...
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Pak traders thank cash-rich Indian customers at the Trade Fair

Indo-Asian News Service
New Delhi, November 19, 2010

Pakistani textiles, spices and handicrafts have become huge hits at the 30th India International Trade Fair (IITF) in New Delhi. Pakistani traders have reported bumper sales thanks to cash-rich Indian customers. Ali Noor, a Karachi-based Pakistani businessman dealing in spices and readymade food pastes, said, "This is my first experience at the Trade Fair. It's only three days now and the sales have been great."

The 28-year-old Noor said that Indian customers had huge amounts of disposable income and were willing to shop for quality goods.

"I get a great many number of customers every day. At this rate my stock would be over even before the fair opens for the general public. It's not just me but everyone from the textiles, spices, handicrafts and leather sectors feel the same way."

Although the fair opened Nov 14, it was opened to the general public only after four days during which time only businessmen and those with passes were allowed entry.

Noor's enthusiasm is measurable. He has sold most of his 200-plus cartons of spices and sub-continental culinary preparations he brought from Pakistan.

He said that one reason for such a response could be that the opportunity to buy Pakistani goods comes rarely because of the lack of trade between the two countries. So people stock up when a chance comes their way.

"I see people visit my stall even after they shop for masalas at other Pakistani stalls. This is because they don't get quality Pakistani goods in India. I believe the potential for trade between the two countries is enormous," Noor added.

The Pakistani contingent at the IITF, one of the biggest, includes textile firms like Laila Art, Rohhirung and Nadia's, and handicraft goods maker Warsi Impex, which have been coming to India for over a decade.

"It's fantastic. In spite of high prices of ticket in the business days, we see very good response. We know some Indian customers wait for a year and keep in touch with vendors to bring their favoured textiles and other goods to the fair," Mufti said.

Suhmita Malkhani from east Delhi said her shopping bills at the Pakistani stalls totalled about Rs.8,000, mostly for textiles and handicrafts.

"I have been here since morning and have finished my shopping budget. I bought a lot of textiles, including cloth, shawls, bed covers, sheets and salwars," she said.

Alam, a textile trader from Lahore, expressed similar sentiment, "Sales have zoomed. Indians' love for our textiles is enormous. I wish we had brought a bigger stock. We are even getting several dealership inquiries."

Alam too is on the verge of exhausting his stock. He feels it would have been much better if Pakistani and Indian traders could sell their goods all year long in both countries.

"We have finished almost everything, and the general public is only starting to come," he said.

Noor is a delighted man.

"Indians are a beautiful people. They come not just to buy but also to inquire about the state of our country with a lot concern and care. Right now Pakistan is going trough some tough times but people from both sides have a lot of love to share," Noor told said.

Pak traders thank cash-rich Indian customers at the Trade Fair - Hindustan Times
lolzz they thanked them for what?

what silly headline.

Its plan selling and charging against the product sold.

what is there to thank? The customers buy only when they feel its worth their money.

sometimes i wonder why Indians are indulging in this false self-projection?
another toilet media article..the fact is that traders will thank anyone willing to but i am sick of this indian mentality of twisting and manipulating facts into showing itself as surpeme and Pakistan as some dirty backyard country. An average life in Pakistan even as of now is 10 times better than india..and cleaner too..

ohh and look at the national Indian talent of thanking each other retarded posts..spirit of brotherhood indeed!
It is good to hear that the Pakistani traders had good business in India. During my visits to Karachi, had picked up some really good leather jackets, apart from the usual handicrafts (onyx etc.) for family and friends. One of the jackets remains with me (a USAF bomber jacket clone), quite a favorite.
another toilet media article..the fact is that traders will thank anyone willing to but i am sick of this indian mentality of twisting and manipulating facts into showing itself as surpeme and Pakistan as some dirty backyard country. An average life in Pakistan even as of now is 10 times better than india..and cleaner too..

ohh and look at the national Indian talent of thanking each other retarded posts..spirit of brotherhood indeed!

And i'm sick of your troll and toilet posts. From where "dirty" comes in this thread??your post isn't it?

why some pakistani troll are spoiling the party and don't see that your traders are getting business and it will help you.
Suhmita Malkhani from east Delhi said her shopping bills at the Pakistani stalls totalled about Rs.8,000, mostly for textiles and handicrafts.

Yes these traditional handicrafts are popular world wide..and many Indian traders re-brand them for export to middle east while we sit back and relax. we need to beef up our export mechanism. 8000INR is roughly 15111PKR as of today's rate which is a good value of business from a single customer!
"Indians are a beautiful people. They come not just to buy but also to inquire about the state of our country with a lot concern and care.

"I see people visit my stall even after they shop for masalas at other Pakistani stalls. This is because they don't get quality Pakistani goods in India. I believe the potential for trade between the two countries is enormous," Noor added.

"Sales have zoomed. Indians' love for our textiles is enormous. I wish we had brought a bigger stock. We are even getting several dealership inquiries."

Meet the "real " people..
And i'm sick of your troll and toilet posts. From where "dirty" comes in this thread??your post isn't it?

why some pakistani troll are spoiling the party and don't see that your traders are getting business and it will help you.

issue is not Pak traders getting business the issue is indian media twisting facts and figures into showing Pakistani traders as desperados. Every seller will thank its customers as long they run his bread and butter.
One dont have to be rich to purchase spices lol ... they were not selling diamonds.. but loook what a headline haha OMG i cant beleive indian media can be so Fuc....ing dumb .. beleive me from the headline i thought Pak traders were selling gold or some sports cars to CASH-RICH indians :D
I think Pakistani cigarette companies should mass export to India, because of the growing demand and number of smokers there. There is a huge opportunity for Pakistani cigarettes in India.

dude didnt u hear..they were selling..wait..:drumroll: HANDICRAFTS to rich indian consumers..hahahaha
I think Pakistani cigarette companies should mass export to India, because of the growing demand and number of smokers there. There is a huge opportunity for Pakistani cigarettes in India.

i hope u do know that it takes a real hardcore smoker to digest a Pakistani cigg..ask anyone in middle east about Pakistani gold leaf and u will know..:yahoo:
cash rich India, buying from poor hungry needy Pakistani traders :lol:, nice love you are showing, It cud be better if you haVe ignored that, but why wud you, showing superiority is racism FYI

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