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Pakistani PM Nawaz ,s secret IRON meeting with Indian PM moodi & its impact in Pakistani politics ?

So blame-game-league has become what? An Indian agent?
I was one of biggest fans of PML N in start but they are just useless. Not as useless as PPP but useless nevertheless. PTI was a good news but it too shriveled away, I hope they sort things out. General Raheel though means well can't get into mud and still be clean. Things seem very bleak even though seemingly Pakistan seems better place. Politics have met a dead end in Pakistan only because the ineptness and curruption of our politicians. We Pakistanis have very little choice now
Tell me something you wise and all knowing clowns:


You're problem is what? That he's not continuing with the charade and wasting all our time instead of trying to start a real conversation?
Super clown !
Now understand one thing head of any dam states never meet secretly with out the knowledge of their security officials ?
& if they do so , they often counted as traitors ?
Next time , check your dam language ?

So blame-game-league has become what? An Indian agent?
I can't say about whole party ,but Sharif family is in the RAW laps to further cement their dam bussines empire while , taking more dam loans from IMF , then taking it out by tuffi -butts to dubai ?

I was one of biggest fans of PML N in start but they are just useless. Not as useless as PPP but useless nevertheless. PTI was a good news but it too shriveled away, I hope they sort things out. General Raheel though means well can't get into mud and still be clean. Things seem very bleak even though seemingly Pakistan seems better place. Politics have met a dead end in Pakistan only because the ineptness and curruption of our politicians. We Pakistanis have very little choice now
Just not select damocrazy any more , that's the best you ever can do for Pakistan ?

Tell them to call the dam pervaiz Rasheed come in press-conference & deny it ?
Then look what happens next , barkha dutt is a versed journalist in India ,she will burst your noora bubble in a second ?
Not many world leaders would be so brazen about brokering personal buisness deals in such an open manner. It's quite an uncooth prospect really- Pakistan really does deserve better leaders than this
Super clown !
Now understand one thing head of any dam states never meet secretly with out the knowledge of their security officials ?
& if they do so , they often counted as traitors ?
Next time , check your dam language ?

I can't say about whole party ,but Sharif family is in the RAW laps to further cement their dam bussines empire while , taking more dam loans from IMF , then taking it out by tuffi -butts to dubai ?

Just not select damocrazy any more , that's the best you ever can do for Pakistan ?


Not just rulers but opposition members and so on. And the people who facilitate these are always journalists, businessmen and so on.

It is well known that L K Advani had met secretly with Pak representatives and the discussions took place through a journalist. Before Indian elections apparently the BJP sent a secret emissary to Nawaz Sharif with a message to hold off on giving India 'most favored nation status'. From what I gather they were about to win the elections and wanted time to study Indo Pak trade situation and implications. This is very very important track 2 channels.

Not just rulers but opposition members and so on. And the people who facilitate these are always journalists, businessmen and so on.

It is well known that L K Advani had met secretly with Pak representatives and the discussions took place through a journalist. Before Indian elections apparently the BJP sent a secret emissary to Nawaz Sharif with a message to hold off on giving India 'most favored nation status'. From what I gather they were about to win the elections and wanted time to study Indo Pak trade situation and implications. This is very very important track 2 channels.

Frist get a grip , on the issue !
Its not a typical track 2 diplomacy shyt , its a secret meeting in which Pakistani PM was telling Mr moodi that, decesions are in Pakistani military,s hands ?
Get a view of BARKAHA DUTT s book , from where this dam story came out ?
No they don't , even if they can go secret from media or public but not , from their secret agencies ?
Some one has told you wrong , about track 2 diplomacy , & what ever the hell they have disscused , we can get in the language of actions in India by now ?
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Not many world leaders would be so brazen about brokering personal buisness deals in such an open manner. It's quite an uncooth prospect really- Pakistan really does deserve better leaders than this
There is no suggestion that NS tried to benefit from business deal. It just happens that he is a businessman hence getting another businessman to act as go between is useful thing to do.
We also had back channel diplomacy with Musharaf, the guy was a diplomat from pakistan side. It was done in secret too, I forgot his name, some khan, lolz.

And yes, all indo-pak top level meetings should be secret, so that media wont stand as vulture outside and scuttle any possibility of peace.
Frist get a grip , on the issue !
Its not a typical track 2 diplomacy shyt , its a secret meeting in which Pakistani PM was telling Mr moodi that, decesions are in Pakistani military,s hands ?
Get a view of BARKAHA DUTT s book , from where this dam story came out ?
No they don't , even if they can go secret from media or public but not , from their secret agencies ?
Some one has told you wrong , about track 2 diplomacy , & what ever the hell they have disscused , we can get in the language of actions in India by now ?

So what man?

This kind of a discussion can happen in secret only. Yes, some times they keep things from their own secret agencies. In the examples I gave (Advani, BJP in opposition) OBVIOUSLY the people circumvented the agencies to achieve what they thought was crucial political objectives. They are the bosses and have the power to do what is needed. You can't put a weak PM who is a yes man to some general and expect Modi to not EAT HIM ALIVE. And lemme tell you this obsession with keeping 'security agencies' in a pedestal is a key problem with your side. The reasons why hardened politicians are elected is because they can carry out these kinds of hard political moves. Unlike mushy and your current generals who was always obsessed with looking tough, in matters of state the only thing that gets you respect is your ability to show you know how to size the situation and make required moves.

What is so new that Nawaz is saying that Modi doesn't already knows? Obviously one of the big pieces that Modi would have brought up is long standing issues and lack of movement. Nawaz's point is a realistic estimate of the situation and sets the expectations right.

@batmannow Let me give you another example. WHen Nixon was working with then NSA Henry Kissinger, they secretly decided to open up to China. Kissinger, completely circumventing the state department (he was not Secretary of State then), and without the knowledge of any other member in the entire government secretly flew to China and met Zhou En Lai. It was after that meeting that 'detante' was launched. No one knew about it- not CIA, Not State Department no one but the two men and the then president of Pakistan. I can assure you the weaknesses and strengths of both sides would have been discussed would be as frank as this.

These are political moves and well within the scope of the political leaders.
Tell me something you wise and all knowing clowns:


You're problem is what? That he's not continuing with the charade and wasting all our time instead of trying to start a real conversation?

If World comprises of few heads in India than sure world already knows but if it is the world as it stands, Nawaz is the PM and highest responsible person in Pakistan.

But weather first pert is true or not, Nawaz cannot ask India for help, or Nawaz and Altaf are same category.
If World comprises of few heads in India than sure world already knows but if it is the world as it stands, Nawaz is the PM and highest responsible person in Pakistan.

But weather first pert is true or not, Nawaz cannot ask India for help, or Nawaz and Altaf are same category.

why don't you let your leaders do their job for a change?
What Nawaz Shirf and Narinra Modi talked about in there secret meeting

According to Barkhat Dutt's book

Anchor Kamran Shahid from Dunya News discloses Nawaz Modi talk in the secret meeting

for NooniToon like you > @Tameem and others.

You are one of the people who like to be sodomized by this gang thieves.

A steel businessman of Indian origin, who is in some way a business partner of Sharif family arranged this meeting. This is a conflict of interest. You dont understand this term.
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Tell them to call the dam pervaiz Rasheed come in press-conference & deny it ?

good point. As soon as Imran Khan says something, in the next minute Parvez Rasheed is sitting at the mic denying his allegation or slandering him. Where is he now?

The meeting did take place. The NooniToon reaction says it.
Why don't you mind your own country for the sake of the same?

Trust me I have no interest in your country other than that it wastes a lot of time and money for us when you mismanage your negotiaitons. Indians take care of our country much better than (Non Resient) Pakistanis.
Trust me I have no interest in your country other than that it wastes a lot of time and money for us when you mismanage your negotiaitons. Indians take care of our country much better than (Non Resient) Pakistanis.

I don't have to trust you for anything. If you really mean what you just said, you would stop addressing things which require zero opinion from you.

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