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Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'


Jan 17, 2011
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Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

17 May 2011 Last updated at 14:08


Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has arrived in China on a four-day visit to commemorate 60 years of diplomatic ties between the countries.

Earlier, he described China as Pakistan's "best friend".

Although the visit was planned long ago, correspondents say it is especially timely for Islamabad because of strains with the US over the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

China is one of Pakistan's staunchest allies and trading partners.

"We appreciate that in all difficult circumstances, China stood with Pakistan. Therefore we call China a true friend and a time-tested and all-weather friend," Mr Gilani told China's official Xinhua news agency.

"We are proud to have China as our best and most trusted friend, and China will always find Pakistan standing beside it at all times," he said in an interview released on Tuesday.

The BBC's Jill McGivering says this latest display of warmth seems designed to reflect Pakistan's appreciation for China's uncompromising support in recent days.

Any divisions between Pakistan and the United States could be an opportunity for China - Pakistan is desperate for foreign investment, especially in infrastructure, one of China's specialities, our correspondent adds.

Diplomatic balance
Mr Gilani's first stop is Shanghai. On Wednesday he is due to speak at a cultural forum in the eastern city of Suzhou. He will then travel to Beijing, where he will meet Chinese leaders, including President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao.

The two sides are expected to sign a series of agreements and discuss how they can fight extremism.

Trade between the two countries is increasing significantly. It reached $8.6bn (£5.3bn) last year, an increase of nearly 30% compared with 2009.

China is now believed to be Pakistan's biggest supplier of military equipment, providing surface-to-air missiles, warships and fighter jets.

Last week Pakistan opened a new nuclear reactor in Punjab, built with Chinese help. At least two more are planned.

Chinese officials and state media have hinted that they will use Mr Gilani's visit to portray Beijing as a steadfast and reliable partner in contrast to Washington, described in one editorial as a fickle and demanding interloper.

"US opinion has not only failed to criticise its own unilateralism in this action [against Bin Laden] violating Pakistani territorial sovereignty, it has vilified Pakistan as a scapegoat for its own rough going in its war against terror," an editorial said on Monday in the overseas edition of the People's Daily, China's main official newspaper.

BBC News - Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'
Yes. No doubt about it because china has proved from its actions that they are best friend of Pakistan. While US foreign policy has always been driven by the adage that "US has no permanent friends or allies". As long as it suits US they keep a friendship but once the purpose is served they drop a friend like a rock
Yes..Even it is good for India if the present ralationship between Pakistan and China continues
Good development and true statement.:toast_sign:

But would be better if the statement is not repeated every month...
i hope china treats pakistan better than it does North Korea :tup:
china and pakistan indeed have a lot of converging interests
i hope china treats pakistan better than it does North Korea :tup:
china and pakistan indeed have a lot of converging interests

North Korea likes to kick us in the teeth. We told them not to develop nukes, they did it anyway. We told them to attend the six-party talks, and to defuse tensions in the peninsula. They ignored us both times.

Pakistan on the other hand is a real friend to us.
^yepp, supplying nuclear designs definitely doesn't qualify as interference :tup:
^yepp, supplying nuclear designs definitely doesn't qualify as interference :tup:

You're right. :tup:

India should learn this lesson as well, and stop hosting separatist groups from other countries.

Especially ones like the Tibetan government in exile, who openly admit to training militants and guerrilla fighters against China, while being hosted by India.
lol @ anti-chinese guerilla fighters. has HK started madrassas as well?
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