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Pakistani PM arrives in Shanghai for China visit


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Pakistani PM arrives in Shanghai for China visit
09:25, May 18, 2011

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani arrived in Shanghai Tuesday evening, kicking off his four-day visit to China.

Gilani makes the official visit to China from Tuesday to Friday at the invitation of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

During the visit, Chinese President Hu Jintao will meet with Gilani, and Wen will hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart.

The two sides will exchange views on deepening bilateral relations, promote pragmatic cooperation in a wide range of areas and international and regional issues of common concern, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.

Gilani and Wen will witness the signing of agreements concerning trade, finance and culture. They will also participate in a reception to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Jiang said earlier at a news briefing.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan and is also known as a "China-Pakistan Friendship Year."

"The visit will be an important part of the activities that the two sides will undertake to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the forging of diplomatic ties," Jiang said.

Source: Xinhua



















快人快语的巴基斯坦海军参谋长巴希尔(Noman Bashier)将军说:“全体巴基斯坦人没有不希望尽快建设巴中铁路,我希望尽快连接到卡拉奇海口,越快越好,巴基斯坦中国是兄弟,我们的就是你们中国的。”

巴基斯坦Askari银行副行长Haseeb Saulat说:“南亚是世界人口最稠密的地区,人口高达16亿。我们巴基斯坦人、南亚和世界各国人民无论从心理和地理上,都盼望发展经贸,过上安稳幸福的生活,这是人心所向,大势所趋。”

巴基斯坦战略研究所所长、前驻联合国大使Ashraf J.Quzi总结中巴关系的友好的原因时说:“巴基斯坦和中国,在政治制度、经济文化、社会生活等方面大相径庭,乃至思维方式也不同,但两国关系一直非常友好。在交往、合作与援助中,始终相互信任、相互尊重是巴中两国保持发展友好的根本原因。”

中国一位著名的学者说: 中巴建交以来,不论两国国内政坛发生什么变化,也不论两国在国际舞台处于顺境还是逆境,两国都保持互信、互尊,相互合作支持。环顾世界,中国和巴基斯坦,一直以诚相待,堪称国际交往史上的典范。

China, Pakistan reaffirm all-weather friendship

(Xinhua)Updated: 2011-05-18 21:43


Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani (R) and China's Premier Wen Jiabao (C) inspect honour guards during a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, May 18, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]

BEIJING - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the two countries will maintain an all-weather friendship.

Wen held talks with Gilani at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon. They are expected to witness the signing of a number of cooperative documents between the two countries.

Before the close-door talks, Wen held a welcoming ceremony for Gilani, who arrived in Shanghai Tuesday evening for a four-day visit to China.

Wen first welcomed Gilani to China, adding that his visit would enhance the China-Pakistan friendly cooperative relationship.

According to Wen, the two sides had in-depth exchanges of views on bilateral relations as well as important international and regional issues."We have reached a broad consensus," he said.

"I want to stress that no matter how the international situation changes, China and Pakistan will always be good neighbors, friends, partners and brothers," Wen added.

Gilani thanked Wen for his warm welcome and hospitality and talked warmly about the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan relations.

"People and government institutions of the two countries are celebrating this year by organizing a series of activities. I still recall your visit to Pakistan during which we made important decisions to take our defence, economic and cultural ties to new heights," said Gilani.

The two sides signed three cooperative documents during the signing ceremony, including an agreement on economic and technical cooperation between China and Pakistan, Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding on Crisis Management between the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and the State Bank of Pakistan, and Addendum No. 2 to Lease Contract Sanduck Copper-Gold Project for Extension between Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd and Sanduck Metals Ltd.

Liu Mingkang, chairman of the CBRC said the amendment between the bank and the State Bank of Pakistan is a very important agreement, as it allows the two sides to strengthen coordination, exchange information and make joint efforts to tackle crises together

Nothing like a little reassurance after during a tough time. Always love pictures of the honour guards.
Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.

There are NO FRIENDS in international market, only own interest. China is using us to its own economic advantage and like idiots we are playing in their hand shouting friendship.

The Army if fully under people’s control and you will solve 99% of Pakistan’s problems. Right now our self-fish Generals are living in their own worlds, expecting us to treat them like Kings when they’ve done nothing but stolen from the taxpayers and looted Pakistani treasures along puppets in Government.

The pro-US and pro-China forces in Pakistan has already done the most damaged, now we should become self-sufficient and produce ourselves.
It is just terrible to see so much money being spent on toys for our armed forces. It hurts real bad to imagine how our fellow citizens could have benefited from this valuable money!

I just wish we could learn how to elect our representatives who can make the right decisions for us. China and America has been given a FREE ride in Pakistan - The trade between pakistan and china is not that much too and we need to safeguard are valuable resources at all costs.

Spending Billions for Chinese Equipment and Weapons without Transfer of Tech and making them a super-power at our own costs, stop fighting others wars - Bullocks!

Sorry people am being an ultra-nationalist here.
Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.


I have always said this on here, and yet no Pakistanis reply back to me. China is not helping Pakistan economy in the long term and should charge duties on they good.

Then again, this forum is more about military then economics, but the best economies in the world have some of the best military technology in the world as well.
Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.

There are NO FRIENDS in international market, only own interest. China is using us to its own economic advantage and like idiots we are playing in their hand shouting friendship.

The Army if fully under people’s control and you will solve 99% of Pakistan’s problems. Right now our self-fish Generals are living in their own worlds, expecting us to treat them like Kings when they’ve done nothing but stolen from the taxpayers and looted Pakistani treasures along puppets in Government.

The pro-US and pro-China forces in Pakistan has already done the most damaged, now we should become self-sufficient and produce ourselves.
It is just terrible to see so much money being spent on toys for our armed forces. It hurts real bad to imagine how our fellow citizens could have benefited from this valuable money!

I just wish we could learn how to elect our representatives who can make the right decisions for us. China and America has been given a FREE ride in Pakistan - The trade between pakistan and china is not that much too and we need to safeguard are valuable resources at all costs.

Spending Billions for Chinese Equipment and Weapons without Transfer of Tech and making them a super-power at our own costs, stop fighting others wars - Bullocks!

Sorry people am being an ultra-nationalist here.

Regarding the story that the signment of FTA killed the Pakistani economy,can you provide figures to back your statment?For example,the figures that how much reduce of Pakistan exported to China before and after the FTA?
Regarding the story that the signment of FTA killed the Pakistani economy,can you provide figures to back your statment?For example,the figures that how much reduce of Pakistan exported to China before and after the FTA?

Pakistani Textile sector has suffered (don't have numbers), but trade is picking up in other areas. That's just what happens when FTA are signed, some sectors win other lose. It's up to the government to determine if the good outweighs the bad. Let's not pretend this wasn't a mutual agreement.
I beleive in china more than our own leaders

you may call me blind china supporter but

their are no words to explain china friendship with Pakistan

CHina is a all weather trusted Friend

we are lucky to have a friend like china
Pakistan is making China a superpower? who's talking bullocks now?
America's weakens fighting with Muslim countries is inadvertently making China stronger and stronger. With that enough of Chinese weaponry for .e.g Chinese HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles and large cache of guns are with taliban used against US army supplied via Pakistan. With that access to Gawadar port, access to Muslims countries in Middle-east is being helped by Pakistan, even better Iran business relations are being assisted by pakistan.

Also buying Billions of worth of Chinese Weaponry helps Chinese Defence Industries to get mature and have a say in the world that a strong military country like Pakistan is buying good Chinese Military Equipment with successful results. It helps Chinese defence complex grow otherwise no-one give a rats to less quality Chinese equipment, rather I argued above that it is better for Pakistan to invest in its own industries and have transfer of tech agreements.

What wars are you fighting for China?

Chinese PM and President has said a million times about Terrorism war, and Pakistan's to be backed for fighting this war. If it was not in the interest of China, Chinese PM and President would have never been doing joint-military and counter-terrorism drills with Pakistan for so many years. Period.
Pakistani Textile sector has suffered (don't have numbers), but trade is picking up in other areas. That's just what happens when FTA are signed, some sectors win other lose. It's up to the government to determine if the good outweighs the bad. Let's not pretend this wasn't a mutual agreement.

I know that,you sign the FTA,you loose something and you gain something.From this guys comment,it seemed that after the FTA with China,Pakistani economy stopped and the FTA is the source of all their problems.But the real is the Pak exporting to China with an 20% annual increase in the last five years since the FTA which created thousands jobs on both sides.Textile industry might to be a problem,but Pakistan also gained a lot in traditional strong sectors like food and fruits exporting.
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