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Pakistani PM arrives in Shanghai for China visit

Pakistani Textile sector has suffered (don't have numbers), but trade is picking up in other areas. That's just what happens when FTA are signed, some sectors win other lose. It's up to the government to determine if the good outweighs the bad. Let's not pretend this wasn't a mutual agreement.

With the 2nd biggest economy in the world vs $147billion economy, sorry was going to be only one winner, as a result thousands of textiles jobs are lost in Pakistan as well as tax by giving China free duties.

Mind you, this is excellent news for China, same affect is happening to India too, we are talking to China in how to cut the deficit, but India do get duties.
Blame Pakistani Government for not subsidizing domestic industries and businesses, don't blame China for FDI into Pakistan.
Chinese PM and President has said a million times about Terrorism war, and Pakistan's to be backed for fighting this war. If it was in the interest of China, Chinese PM and President would have never been doing joint-military and counter-terrorism drills with Pakistan for so many years. Period.

Fair enough about the WOT, I forgot about that.

America's weakens fighting with Muslim countries is inadvertently making China stronger and stronger. With that enough of Chinese weaponry for .e.g Chinese HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles and large cache of guns are with taliban used against US army supplied via Pakistan. With that access to Gawadar port, access to Muslims countries in Middle-east is being helped by Pakistan, even better Iran business relations are being assisted by pakistan.

Still BS, China didn't make America invade Muslim countries.
With the 2nd biggest economy in the world vs $147billion economy, sorry was going to be only one winner, as a result thousands of textiles jobs are lost in Pakistan as well as tax by giving China free duties.

Mind you, this is excellent news for China, same affect is happening to India too, we are talking to China in how to cut the deficit, but India do get duties.

Damn I knew Canada should never have signed the FTA with America. Big always wins right?
the fact the pakistani heads went with a begging bowls like always with a 'shaheed benazir' photo not only ashamed pakistanis another time but equally bewildered the chinese and shocked them, the reaction is understandable
I beleive in china more than our own leaders

you may call me blind china supporter but

their are no words to explain china friendship with Pakistan
We are also very fortunate to have such a good brother in Pakistan

CHina is a all weather trusted Friend

we are lucky to have a friend like china
Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.

There are NO FRIENDS in international market, only own interest. China is using us to its own economic advantage and like idiots we are playing in their hand shouting friendship.

The Army if fully under people’s control and you will solve 99% of Pakistan’s problems. Right now our self-fish Generals are living in their own worlds, expecting us to treat them like Kings when they’ve done nothing but stolen from the taxpayers and looted Pakistani treasures along puppets in Government.

The pro-US and pro-China forces in Pakistan has already done the most damaged, now we should become self-sufficient and produce ourselves.
It is just terrible to see so much money being spent on toys for our armed forces. It hurts real bad to imagine how our fellow citizens could have benefited from this valuable money!

I just wish we could learn how to elect our representatives who can make the right decisions for us. China and America has been given a FREE ride in Pakistan - The trade between pakistan and china is not that much too and we need to safeguard are valuable resources at all costs.

Spending Billions for Chinese Equipment and Weapons without Transfer of Tech and making them a super-power at our own costs, stop fighting others wars - Bullocks!

Sorry people am being an ultra-nationalist here.

The gross imperfections of Pakistan are realities we have to accept. Under current circumstances, Chinese help is a great blessing for us. Who else is bothering to fund and build all the infrastructure in Pakistan at the scale China is? If in the end result, Pakistan stands to gain and get out of the current misery due to Chinese support, then what is there to complain about? The benefits are mutual.
China, Pakistan reaffirm all-weather friendship

(Xinhua)Updated: 2011-05-18 21:43


Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani (R) and China's Premier Wen Jiabao (C) inspect honour guards during a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, May 18, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]


Yusuf Raza Gilani surely has a very impressive personality.
Looks enormous.

He looks so confident, as if he's hosting the other guy. OMG.
we should take help ...from china...but not with blind fold on eyes... we should start seeing our interests ....

Look how India ...just kicked out US jets in mmrca ..... why? coz they see interest ....we relied on US before what happed ... we suffered , we will again ...suffer ...
Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.

There are NO FRIENDS in international market, only own interest. China is using us to its own economic advantage and like idiots we are playing in their hand shouting friendship.

The Army if fully under people’s control and you will solve 99% of Pakistan’s problems. Right now our self-fish Generals are living in their own worlds, expecting us to treat them like Kings when they’ve done nothing but stolen from the taxpayers and looted Pakistani treasures along puppets in Government.

The pro-US and pro-China forces in Pakistan has already done the most damaged, now we should become self-sufficient and produce ourselves.
It is just terrible to see so much money being spent on toys for our armed forces. It hurts real bad to imagine how our fellow citizens could have benefited from this valuable money!

I just wish we could learn how to elect our representatives who can make the right decisions for us. China and America has been given a FREE ride in Pakistan - The trade between pakistan and china is not that much too and we need to safeguard are valuable resources at all costs.

Spending Billions for Chinese Equipment and Weapons without Transfer of Tech and making them a super-power at our own costs, stop fighting others wars - Bullocks!

Sorry people am being an ultra-nationalist here.

If you don't even trust your best friend, then you are hopeless, as a country or as a person.

China needs friends, and cannot afford to lose even one of his true friend. Why? Think about it carefully.

True friend like pakistan is a bless for China. It is precious for both countries because it has went through difficulty time and been tested time and time again. Be confident!
If you don't even trust your best friend, then you are hopeless, as a country or as a person.

China needs friends, and cannot afford to lose even one of his true friend. Why? Think about it carefully.

No need to get personal with me, it was a view shared and a valid one with points clearly mentioned on the previous page and for everyone to be read.

True friend like pakistan is a bless for China. It is precious for both countries because it has went through difficulty time and been tested time and time again. Be confident!

Ok! I accept! As I said I was being ultra-nationalist here, particularly looking for pakistani interests. A way to know your real friend is know what it really thinks about you. :)
Big news for Pakistan, deals worth billions signed with China.

Defence Deals: Pakistan and China

Type 054 A Frigate, New Generation Submarine and New Naval Base for Pakistan Navy. FC-20 Fighter Jet & Additional JF-17 Thunder(Stealthy?) for Pakistan air force.

Pakistan has looked towards its tradition ally after being bashed by the United States for its defense needs in 1965 and Pak-China defense and economic relationship never looked back. Current visit of the Pakistani Minister was a great success by all means as Pakistan was able to not only pursue China to stand by it in these difficult times but also agreed on number of pending defense deals.

Gawadar Port:

China has agreed to take over the operations of Gawadar Port in Pakistan at the request of the federal government after the agreement with the Singapore Port Authority expires. Pakistani Defense Minister, Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar has announced in front of local media that Pakistan asked for Chinese in number of fields and China was immediately ready to help Pakistan in any way possible.

Type 054A Jiangkai Stealth Frigate:

Pakistani Defense Minister, Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar has said that China has also agreed to provide loan for the purchase of the Chinese 4400 ton frigate. This agreement will clear the financial problems of the Pakistan Navy and it will be able to purchase new generation stealth Type 054A Jiangkai II Multi-Role frigate which is equipped with the HQ-16 Medium-Range Air Defence Missiles.

Chinese HQ-16 Surface to Air missile have range of over 50 kilometers launched from 32 vertical launch system (VLS) and is far more superior then the FM-90N surface-to-air missile (SAM) used on the F-22P Zulfiquar class frigate.

Frigate will also use 8 C-802A or C-803 antiship missiles which have range in excess of 180km. Type 054A Jiangkai II frigate is designed with stealth features, including sloped hull design, radar.


Pakistan and China has also agreed to provide training to the personal of the Pakistan Navy on the Chinese submarines. Pakistani and China has already agreed earlier this year to jointly development and co-production of diesel electric submarines fitted with the Air Independent Propulsion to meet Pakistan Navy’s long standing requirement of six new generation of submarines.

Unconfirmed news from Indian sources also suggest that Pakistan and China has also discussed the possibility of leasing a Chinese nuclear powered attack submarine SSN to Pakistan Navy for limited time period. Pakistan Navy has shown interest in leasing of SSN after the Indian leasing of SSN from Russia and construction of nuclear powered submarine armed with submarine launched ballistic missiles with Russian help.

New Naval Base:

Pakistani defence minister has also said that Pakistan has requested China to construct a naval base for Pakistan at the site of Gwader. This would be the third main naval base for the Pakistan navy.

JF-17 Thunders:

Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has also asked Chinese counterpart to pursue PLAAF (Peoples Liberation Army Air Force) to induct JF-17 Thunder fighter jets in their air fleet. He said that this will bring lot of publicity for JF-17 Thunder which will be good for exports and further decrease the cost. Pakistan and China has also agreed on the co-production of second batch of the JF-17 thunder aircraft for the Pakistan air force with advance avionics.

FC-20 Fighter Jets:

Pakistani Defense Minister, Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar has confirmed that Chinese friends have agreed to the Pakistani request to provide FC-20 fighter jet to the Pakistan air force.

FC-20 is an export version of the Chinese J-10 is a multirole fighter jet which was developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). J-10 was first time promoted to the Pakistan in 2006 during the visit of then President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf who was allowed to sit in the cockpits of J-10. This made home the first foreign head of state to see the aircraft even before its existence was officially recognized.

On 12 April 2006 the Pakistani federal cabinet allowed Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to start negotiations for the initial purchase of 36 J-10s under designations of FC-20. Since then Pakistan air force has requested our Chinese friends to develop an improved version to meet the Pakistani requirements of high end front line fighter jet.

In 2009, Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed, then Chief of the Air Staff of the PAF confirmed the Pakistani interest in purchase of atlease two squadrons of FC-20/J-10B in initial phase.

Long Range SAM system - Joint Ventures, ToT ?

For more in urdu:
Whole Sale Defence Deals: Pakistan and China
China : All The Way With Pakistan

Srilankan Guardian Report

This became apparent during the just concluded (May 20,2011) four-day visit of Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani to China during which he met, among others, President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. The visit had been fixed weeks before the Abbottabad raid to mark the high-profile observance of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, but as it took place a few days after the raid, Pakistan’s much-doubted sincerity in fighting terrorism became the defining and dominating theme of the visit.

by B.Raman

(May 22, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) China has gone all the way with Pakistan in the difficult situation being faced by Pakistan in the aftermath of the Abbottabad raid by some US naval commandos on May 2, which led to the death of Osama bin Laden.

2. This became apparent during the just concluded (May 20,2011) four-day visit of Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani to China during which he met, among others, President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. The visit had been fixed weeks before the Abbottabad raid to mark the high-profile observance of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, but as it took place a few days after the raid, Pakistan’s much-doubted sincerity in fighting terrorism became the defining and dominating theme of the visit.

3. Even before Gilani’s departure for China, the Chinese authorities had made it clear in no uncertain terms on many occasions that they did not share the skepticism being expressed in the US regarding the sincerity of Pakistan in the so-called war against terrorism. The Chinese also refrained from subscribing to the view that to have been able to live undetected for over five years at Abbottabad, OBL must have had some local support from official circles in Pakistan. They had no hesitation in endorsing the claims made by Pakistan that its security forces had made huge sacrifices in the war against terrorism.

4. These points were reiterated with even greater force by the Chinese during their interactions with Gilani after his arrival in China. It was apparent that the Chinese leaders have had no difficulty in accepting the claims of Pakistan that it was taken by surprise by OBL being found in Abbottabad. While refraining from any comments that could have been misinterpreted as criticism of the unilateral US raid to kill OBL, the Chinese underlined their own preference for joint operations with Pakistan in dealing with the Uighur dissidents operating on both sides of Pakistan’s border with the Chinese-controlled Xinjiang. The Chinese also refrained from any remarks that could be interpreted as an attempt to capitalize on the post-Abbottabad anti-US sentiments in Pakistan to drive a wedge between Pakistan and the US. Chinese analysts stressed the importance of continuing Pakistani counter-terrorism co-operation with the US on the one side and with China on the other.

5. During his meeting with Gilani, Hu promised to increase cooperation with Pakistan on fighting terrorism and cross-border crimes in a bid to create a sound security environment for the economic and social development of both countries. Hu expressed his appreciation of Pakistan’s contribution in the fight against terrorism, and said China would promote security dialogue and coordination with Pakistan.

He said China would join Pakistan in the fight against drug trafficking, cross-border crimes and the "three evil forces"--terrorism, extremism and splittism.

6. Pakistani journalists who had accompanied Gilani have claimed that during his meeting with Gilani, Wen said that Pakistan had made great sacrifices in the global war against terrorism and urged the international community to understand and support Pakistan' s efforts to maintain domestic stability and advance the economic and social development. They also quoted Wen as telling Gilani that "Pakistan' s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected," and as disclosing that China had asked the US to respect Pakistan’s sovereignty, understand its problems, address its concerns and acknowledge the sacrifices rendered by it in the war against terror. China was reported to have made this point to the US during a recent strategic dialogue between the two countries in Washington DC

7. The strong Chinese support for Pakistan on the counter-terrorism issue was also underlined in the joint statement ussued by the two countries at the end of the visit on May 20. The statement inter alia said: “China believes that Pakistan’s efforts for promoting peace and stability in South Asia need to be recognised and supported. The Chinese side recognised the tremendous efforts and great sacrifice that Pakistan has made in fighting terrorism and reiterated its respect and support for Pakistan’s efforts to advance its counter-terrorism strategy and safeguard its security.”

8. In a commentary on the visit carried on May 18, the Party-controlled “People’s Daily” said: “Due to special causes in various aspects, such as historical and tribal influences, the "three forces" headed by the "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" have existed for a long time in the tribal areas at the Pakistani-Afghan border. However, China has always respected Pakistan's sovereignty when combating the "three forces" jointly with Pakistan and understands Pakistan's enormous sacrifices and significant contributions in the forefront of the international fight against terrorism. Pakistan has also always supported China's sovereignty and territorial integrity in major issues related to the Taiwan region, Tibet Autonomous Region and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.”

9. In a commentary published on May 20 in the Government-controlled “China Daily”, Han Hua, associate professor at Peking University's School of International Studies, said : “Instead of creating a gulf in relations, the death of bin Laden has offered a chance to Pakistan, the US and China to work together to combat terrorism. After all, the three countries' anti-terrorism mission is still very much on.”

10. Thus, the following points relating to the Chinese position have come out loud and clear from the visit:

* China welcomes the death of OBL as a result of the US raid.

* Despite the success of the raid which was organized unilaterally by the US, it stresses the importance of respecting Pakistan’s sovereignty.

* Pakistan’s failure to detect the presence of OBL at Abbottabad does not detract from the sacrifices made by it in the war against terrorism. These sacrifices have to be recognized.

* China has no intention to capitalize on the US misgivings about Pakistan to wean Pakistan away from the US.

* Continuing counter-terrorism co-operation between Pakistan and the US would benefit the war against global terrorism which continues despite OBL’s death

11.Though India has not figured in any of the statements and reports emanating from China on Gilani’s visit, reading between the lines one could infer that Pakistan’s concerns over its ability to prevent any Indian air intrusions into Pakistan must have figured in the discussions. The reported Chinese agreement to expedite the supply of 50 JF-17 Thunder aircraft to the Pakistan Air Force during the next six months strengthens this inference.

12.The “Daily Times” of Lahore has commented on this as follows in its report: “According to official sources, these aircraft will be equipped with sophisticated avionics. Not only will the aircraft be handed over within weeks, China will also foot the bill initially. Although Pakistan and China have been jointly developing this multirole combat aircraft in the past, in the aftermath of the US operation in Abbottabad, serious questions have been raised about Pakistan’s defence capabilities. According to a strategic expert, the speedy delivery of 50 pieces of this aircraft, originally to be done over two years, is expected to allay apprehensions of not only the Pakistani public but will also send a message to the world that Pakistan’s defence is not weak. It might be remembered that not only has the Indian military chief speculated on the possibility of a US-style strike from the Indian side to take out jihadi outfits in Pakistan, there has been escalation on the Pakistan-India border near Sialkot recently. Also, observers believe that in a situation when the speculations are rife that Pakistan may not be able to resist another US attack inside its territory if it so decides, this agreement will send a clear message to the world on which side China stands.” ( 22-5-11)

( The writer is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai, and Associate of the Chennai Centre For China Studies. )

Are you out of your mind?

What China has provided to Pakistan, China won't provided for anyone else. What China has transferred to Pakistan, China won't transfer to anyone else.

If you are blind to see China's generosity, genuinity and sincerity, I have to say that you are just one person who truly have blind eyes and heart.

Chinese are good planners and they plan 20+ years ahead. They are simply "milking" Pakistan. We have failed to understand that today our roads, ports, nuclear, missiles, mitilary hardware, ships, aircraft, dams, irrigation, electric plants and even capital market is almost fully in the hand of chinese. Our small and medium sector industry is dead due to foolish Free trade with china, the worlds cheapest producer. Thousands have lost jobs due to cheap import of everything from toys to automotive from china.

There are NO FRIENDS in international market, only own interest. China is using us to its own economic advantage and like idiots we are playing in their hand shouting friendship.

The Army if fully under people’s control and you will solve 99% of Pakistan’s problems. Right now our self-fish Generals are living in their own worlds, expecting us to treat them like Kings when they’ve done nothing but stolen from the taxpayers and looted Pakistani treasures along puppets in Government.

The pro-US and pro-China forces in Pakistan has already done the most damaged, now we should become self-sufficient and produce ourselves.
It is just terrible to see so much money being spent on toys for our armed forces. It hurts real bad to imagine how our fellow citizens could have benefited from this valuable money!

I just wish we could learn how to elect our representatives who can make the right decisions for us. China and America has been given a FREE ride in Pakistan - The trade between pakistan and china is not that much too and we need to safeguard are valuable resources at all costs.

Spending Billions for Chinese Equipment and Weapons without Transfer of Tech and making them a super-power at our own costs, stop fighting others wars - Bullocks!

Sorry people am being an ultra-nationalist here.
the fact the pakistani heads went with a begging bowls like always with a 'shaheed benazir' photo not only ashamed pakistanis another time but equally bewildered the chinese and shocked them, the reaction is understandable

Indeed Pakistan is in much worse situation and does not have much to offer. However, it does not seem the friendship between China and Pakistan is set up only by economics terms.

I just hope Pakistan can become stable and focus on its economics development.

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