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Pakistani Offensive into North Waziristan to begin after EID


Dec 7, 2006
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Pakistan's long awaited offensive into North Waziristan will finally get underway after Eid. :victory:

Called Operation Tight Screw, it will be a coordinated attack with NATO and US. :usflag:

Although I support this offensive, it will usher in a new round of terrorist attacks in Pakistan like the ones that occurred in 2009 and 2010. I just hope they have taken the appropriate security precautions before they begin this attack and finally wrest control of North Waziristan from the Taliban. :pakistan:


ISLAMABAD - Pakistan’s military has decided to scale up targeted operations against militant sanctuaries in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) with additional troop deployment after Eid, ahead of an imminent broader cleanup in that tribal area.

Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Friday chaired the monthly Corps Commanders Conference ostensibly to discuss ‘routine professional matters’ but reportedly the moot was largely consumed by the anticipated NWA operation. At the meeting that started at the General Headquarters (GHQ) at around 8pm and continued till late night, the commanders extensively discussed the modalities of operation in the agency bordering Afghanistan. Another important and connected issue was border coordination arrangements at Pak-Afghan borderlands.

According to informed security officials, the targeted operations in NWA would be kept as a Low Intensity Conflict, to be gradually scaled up after better target identification of the militants and augmenting the troops’ operational preparedness. The top military and Pakistan Air Force (PAF) commands would hold a crucial meeting by this month’s end or earlier next month to determine strategy for enhanced aerial strikes in the area while International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) authorities would be consulted for intelligence sharing.

As per the tactical plan, the offensive would follow a two-level security procedure, the officials said. In the first, the Army would adopt ground penetration strategy aiming at ‘engaging‘ and ‘securing‘ militants launching direct attacks on security forces and ‘threatening’ ground presence of troops. The second level would involve aerial strikes by the PAF jets and intelligence backup by the Isaf.

“Once our ground presence is augmented and land routes are secured, the operation would enter into level-two,” officials said. They termed enhanced border coordination as an essential component for the success of offensive in NWA.

“The area has to be secured to take on runaway militants who would try to flee across the border or the neighbouring tribal agencies. Foolproof security in the border region is only possible with the intelligence and technical assistance from Isaf,” the sources said.

In their Friday night meeting the commanders are said to have shared concerns over the resurgence of cross-border attacks from Afghan side into Pakistan. Thursday night some nine militants and two security officials were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire at Tripaman Heights, a military post in the Lower Dir. Increased security arrangements were taken at both sides of the Pak-Afghan border after Pakistan and the Isaf military authorities had affirmed their resolve “for coordinated action against terrorists on respective sides of the border who threaten Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the region” following General John Allen’s visit to the GHQ earlier this month.

Reportedly, as decided during the Isaf Commander’s visit, Isaf’s Intelligence Component (IC) and Ground Operations Component (GOC) would be involved to jointly review security arrangements to stem and probe cross-border attacks including the Thursday incident.

Compared to the last month’s two-day Corps Commanders Conference that had discussed broader security and administrative matters, yesterday’s meeting focused the security issue, according to the officials, who also said that for a consolidated operation in NWA, additional troops would be deployed in neighbouring Bajaur and Mohmand Agencies as a backup arrangement.

Presently, one brigade and three infantry battalions of the 19th Infantry Division and six Frontier Corps wings are deployed in Bajaur while only one infantry battalion and six FC wings are deployed in Mohmand Agency, the security sources said.

“Additional brigades are to be moved to these areas as cover-up shield against runway militants,” officials said, adding that South Waziristan already had sufficient troops with four infantry brigades, 11 battalions, seven FC wings and a division deputed there.

The NWA currently has one division, five brigades, 12 battalions and 11 FC wings while additional troops would start reaching the area from alternate divisions after the Eid, security sources said.
well it is interesting..............
when military once talked of offensive in 2009 a strong reprisal was heard, a convoy was hit killing 20 soldiers including col and also flyers were distributed claiming that tribes will leave pakistan and move to afghanistan instead of becoming IDPs
Glad this operation will start, all the best to you. Also pray that citizens are not at receiving end of counter attack.
why is this being done? attacks in pakistan are at an all time low. this open pandora's box once again. they should undertake these measures covertly.
enough is enough. Here comes Pak Fauj!!

Panetta says Pakistan plans new combat operation in North Waziristan, targeting Taliban

WASHINGTON — Pakistan has told U.S. military officials that it plans to launch combat operations against Taliban militants soon in a tribal area near the Afghan border that also serves as a haven for leaders of the al-Qaida-affiliated Haqqani network, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Monday.

Speaking to The Associated Press in his Pentagon office, Panetta said Pakistan’s military chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, discussed the planned operation in recent conversations with the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen.

Panetta said he did not know when the Pakistani operation would start, but he said he understands it will be in the “near future,” and that the main target will be the Pakistani Taliban, rather than the Haqqani network.

Panetta welcomed Kayani’s initiative, even though the main target may not be the Haqqani leadership.

“They’ve talked about it for a long time. Frankly, I’d lost hope that they were going do anything about it. But it does appear that they in fact are going to take that step.”
Good Job Pakistan Army, Kill these scumbags TTP! Sooner, TTP will have to pay for the blood of all my innocent brothers and sisters whose lives they are responsible for in Pakistan!
If there is such a operation we can see PAF F-16 and if possible JF-17 thunder roaring in the skies delivering PGM's on Taliban strong holds. And Ah-1z cobra helicopters providing close air support to pakistan army.
Again Million people will become refugee. More burden on economy.
This taliban bastards will hide under civilian and children cover(children of taliban).
World media will again criticize the operation and effected children.
Again Million people will become refugee. More burden on economy.
This taliban bastards will hide under civilian and children cover(children of taliban).
World media will again criticize the operation and effected children.

They need to do a 24 hour media blackout as they commence the operation. :coffee:
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