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Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan

Btw just a thing to say: Laanat on all the people of waziristan and fata. They claimed they would "defend" the western border. Ended up hosting foreign terrorists. Who need enemies when you have such laanti citizens living on your own soil? And before you all start going "Punjabi Taliban, Punjabi Taliban". The Punjabis won't ever host foreign terrorists or support anyone who attacks things like mosques, bazaars, airports or everything for that matter. Most Punjabis are barelvis anyway. These Lashkar-e-Jhangvis and shit can easily be destroyed by Punjab police alone, but they all have hideouts in fata and afghanistan, where they got hosted by "mehmaan nawaz" locals.
If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.
Clearing up only one faction of the Taliban was not an option. There are a number of groups especially the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) who are termed as the 'good Taliban' based in Quetta and adjoining areas who are being helped to fight against the ISAF/NATO in Afghanistan. How could the Americans be allowed to stop them by sealing off the border?
Clearing up only one faction of the Taliban was not an option. There are a number of groups especially the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) who are termed as the 'good Taliban' based in Quetta and adjoining areas who are being helped to fight against the ISAF/NATO in Afghanistan. How could the Americans be allowed to stop them by sealing off the border?

Is that true? No matter what the topic, you guys hate for Pakistan comes off so obvious in every post. On the same account, how about the RAW training camps in India, Tajikststan and Afghanistan? Why is India sponsoring terrorism inside your country, your Hindu majority is killing Christians and Hindus (until last week, most recent events)....?? Why don't you stop terrorism in your country done by Hindu fanatics and stop training people to conduct terrorism in Pakistan??

Back to the silliest question of the day, The Americans have our own interests and we have been conducting strikes when we deem necessary. I don't think Pakistan, India, China or anyone's able to stop us from achieving our national security interests.

We respect Pakistan as a partner but respect and national security are two different things. Your post sounds like the Americans are weak and are not "allowed" to conduct strikes. We've conducted strikes in Abbotabad and we'll conduct operations in New Delhi if we are in a situation like that. Don't you worry. The American military's been fighting wars for centuries.....and we know how to take care of business.
Either you have no connection with reality or you are just here to stir shi*t up. Brave up and fight your own wars and issues. Don't need to bring America into your personal issues with Pakistan.
We've conducted strikes in Abbotabad and we'll conduct operations in New Delhi if we are in a situation like that. Don't you worry. The American military's been fighting wars for centuries.....and we know how to take care of business.
Operations in Delhi??:rofl: :omghaha: Don't spew methane from your backside! We ain't Burkina Faso that you Yanks can just walk in and conduct an operation in Delhi!!

You fellows have been getting whacked by those bearded yahoos in Afghanistan for years and you're in the process of cutting and running leaving behind a cloud of enormous casualties in your wake. And you want to take on the third strongest military power in the world by conducting an operation in Delhi?? Jeez!

Your American arrogance is legendary! No wonder you guys are going down the rabbit hole. Wake up and smell the coffee. The world has changed.

Warning: Too much American fast food affects the brain cells.
I actually want this operation to happen and on Pakistan's time. From the above post, I agree with everything. The problem was that you had a military dictator not a democratically elected government who could support the military. A dictator won't even know the meaning of "public support and political will" as its not in their dictionary. If a dictator knew these terms.....he wouldn't be a dictator.

If you truly understood how things work in Pakistan, you'd know that our dictators have been more democratic than our elected leaders. I hate how the US likes to force democracy as a solution to every problem. Western civilization evolved around democracy for last few hundred years. So it fits perfectly well with your culture. That doesn't mean it is going to fit everywhere else. To say that the military doesn't understand the importance of public support and political will is downright ignorant. Not a single war was won without public support or political will.

Corps & Formation Commander conference decide to launch military operation in North Waziristan
Frankly speaking, I don't care about the mullahs and the madrassas. Someone needs to put a leash onto these guys who use the term jihad over everything so loosely as if lives at risk are toys. Your country needs to ban these mullahs who preach hate, there should be strict laws in place. No religions spreads hate and if someone uses the religion card to spread hate, he or she should be taken into custody. Your national security comes above these mullahs. You can't fear these lunatics as they will destroy your country. Take a look at the terrorism that has happened in the past 24 hours in Pakistan....time for a moderate and modern Pakistan to take birth by burying these mullahs, talibans and the extremists!

Or perhaps maybe you should stop doing shit that makes them hate you. Considered that lately? These mullas and madrassas are an integral part of our religion .They have been misused by extremists. But by saying that you don't care about these aspects of our religion clearly shows that you know truly nothing about our culture or religion. That's what @That Guy meant when he said that you're looking at Pakistan through the US's lens.

If NATO had not stepped in Pakistan would have been much worse than it is now as 100,000 TTP would have crossed over and we would have seen towns lost to TTP with all out war.

I wish Pak had listened to NATO 10 years ago and rooted out all terrorists in Afghanistan and Pak border towns. They would have helped us by securing Afghanistan side of the border whilst we swept up Waziristan.

Because we have left it for 10 years TTP have entrenched in Karachi and other densely populated areas of Pak. They are now sleeper cells and become active as soon as wire transfer happens from next client.

Patently false!

TTP, for one, didn't exist when Afghanistan was invaded. The Taliban were in good terms with Pakistan. The primary reason they're attacking us today is because of our forced involvement in the American war. These kind of entities thrive on war, if there hadn't been one, they would be busy with their jobs and families.
Frankly speaking, I don't care about the mullahs and the madrassas. Someone needs to put a leash onto these guys who use the term jihad over everything so loosely as if lives at risk are toys. Your country needs to ban these mullahs who preach hate, there should be strict laws in place. No religions spreads hate and if someone uses the religion card to spread hate, he or she should be taken into custody. Your national security comes above these mullahs. You can't fear these lunatics as they will destroy your country. Take a look at the terrorism that has happened in the past 24 hours in Pakistan....time for a moderate and modern Pakistan to take birth by burying these mullahs, talibans and the extremists!

I am tired of you liberal idiots labeling all Mullahs as being the same and taking advantage of Pakistan's situation as an excuse to attack Islam and mullahs.

The Sunnis ulema have given their full support to the army. It is only the wahabi/salafis who are fighting against the army.

So stop labeling all mullahs as being haters of Pakistan !!!!
I am tired of you liberal idiots labeling all Mullahs as being the same and taking advantage of Pakistan's situation as an excuse to attack Islam and mullahs.
The Sunnis ulema have given their full support to the army. It is only the wahabi/salafis who are fighting against the army.
So stop labeling all mullahs as being haters of Pakistan !!!!

I am not labeling any mullahs to be the haters of Pakistan. But frankly speaking, if a mullah orders jihad without knowing the basic concept of it, how is that not against Pakistan? Your people are getting killed, or you are on a way to create tensions with other countries, etc, etc....how does that show the peaceful side of Islam???
People will judge you from your actions. The actions to a new watcher every night are terrorist bombings in Pakistan. And the ones that are supporting it are clearly against not only Pakistan but Islam as well. The aren't painting any good picture of either one. So if there are "good mullahs" they need to co*me out on the street and do peaceful gatherings, raise voice against the terrorists and help the society understand how to become moderate and tolerant of other cultures, religions, and people.
Or perhaps maybe you should stop doing shit that makes them hate you. Considered that lately? These mullas and madrassas are an integral part of our religion .They have been misused by extremists. But by saying that you don't care about these aspects of our religion clearly shows that you know truly nothing about our culture or religion. That's what @That Guy meant when he said that you're looking at Pakistan through the US's lens.

TTP, for one, didn't exist when Afghanistan was invaded. The Taliban were in good terms with Pakistan. The primary reason they're attacking us today is because of our forced involvement in the American war. These kind of entities thrive on war, if there hadn't been one, they would be busy with their jobs and families.

Emotional hatred!!! Re-read my post. I never said I don't care about your religion. I do care about your REAL religion which is peaceful in nature (unless you prove me its built on violence, bomb blasts and attacking people in shopping districts)???? And, yes, I don't care about mullahs or the fabricated version of your religion that's taught in those madrasas. When violence is taught somewhere, that's not a madrassa, that becomes brainwashing, terrorist training camp.....let's get this straight. Show me where in Kor'an is says to kill innocent people in shopping districts or at the airports because you want to destabilize a country? I can't believe you are arguing about this, you should know better than that. And if you don't, go see events from two days ago. Then show me a proof of one of these dead terrorists who went to English speaking schools and yet, decided to blow themselves up.
Let's get real man. You are putting your religion to shame by making these crazy statements about places where they teach kids to blow themselves up. That's not Islam's teachings and it is against Islam and God's commandments about killing anyone and its true in Islam, Christianity or Judaism as they all share the ten commandments.

There are ALSO a lot of schools that DO give religious education as well as science and technology. No mullah is teaching violence there. The Muslims who'll graduate from these schools, will make great doctors, engineers and Imams and I have NO issues with that. We have many schools like these in the US and they are pretty expensive as they do offer quality education with Islamic teachings. THAT, I have NO issues with.

Last but not least. You guys KEEP ignoring the point and you don't want to think this through. Taliban WERE on good terms with Pakistan back then. I get that. But they were going to try to take over Pakistan. That was the goal. 911 put some sort of a roadblock in their way and they started to show their real side way before it was supposed to have happened.
You should thank the American invasion which directly helped no one but Pakistan the most by killing so many terrorists.
Here's the reality, say there was never a 911. Now today, it is 2014......Taliban are over 300,000 strong army in Afghanistan, trained in guerilla warfare. Then by now, their influence would've produced about a few hundred thousand maniacs who'd be ready to do jihad against the Islamic state of Pakistan in case they didn't get their demands fulfilled (like Sharia, Islamic law, ban on modern activities, video shops, hotels, bars, etc, etc). What would be the result of a force of 300,000 guerilla commandos attacking Pakistan doing these terrorist attacks, WITH support from a few hundred thousand people within the inside of Pakistan..........what would be the result????
Your country would get cut in pieces by these barbaric terrorists. Both you and I and everyone else knows its a true scenario that couldn't get to the end due to the American invasion. Which helped Pakistan big times as thousands of these terrorists got killed and majority of the training camps in Afghanistan were destroyed, thus reducing their power, weapons, training, influence and numbers. But instead of realizing reality, you are just hell bent on hating America for no reason???
There is NO WAY any country could deal with 300,000 or half a million guerilla warfare experts without getting a huge chunk of the country destroyed. Imagine simultaneous attacks like Mehran and Karachi every other day in ten different places in Pakistan? How would life be if there'd be any life as people would be scared of them (SAME thing they tried to do two days ago in Karachi, i.e. scare local and foreign people away).........
I am hoping common sense clicks here. Quit blaming the Americans for everything. Your generals and leadership miscalculated this Taliban threat grossly and you guys are STILL in denial!!! And, this is NOT Islam or Muslims. These are terrorists killing innocent people whether the victims be Muslims, Christians or whoever!
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If you truly understood how things work in Pakistan, you'd know that our dictators have been more democratic than our elected leaders. I hate how the US likes to force democracy as a solution to every problem. Western civilization evolved around democracy for last few hundred years. So it fits perfectly well with your culture. That doesn't mean it is going to fit everywhere else. To say that the military doesn't understand the importance of public support and political will is downright ignorant. Not a single war was won without public support or political will.

Dude, quit giving me this crap about Western Democracy, etc, etc. I know what's up. I am not an average Westerner you can make a fool off or play word games with. Here, allow me to tell you something in the Indian - Paistani culture as analogy.
Every culture, democratic system and society has a way of life. You guys have one too. Unlike the West, you won't leave your home half naked or without clothes....why? Outside of religious values, it is because you are considerate about others and also about what people will think of you as the act would be considered super weird and against your family and cultural values.
Now the SAME is applied to the government and the world stage. Investors watching news about Pakistan, see a dictator taking over a TV station, or running tanks in the capital of a country, or a dictator coming on international media showing punches and biceps because he is in power......????? I have one three letter acronym that comes to head.....WTF!!!
You don't do these stupid things in front of the world as it is against the culture of the world. Or in this case, the culture of countries that you guys want to get investments from. The other side of that is the whole country goes through a power abuse, the institutions are destroyed and all. I won't get into that. So PLEASE. Remember, democracy takes time to mature. You guys are so intolerant of each other that you don't want to give time to your system to mature up. Its do wrong. If my guy didn't win....I want the military to take over??? How's that in the best interest of any country?
Operations in Delhi??:rofl: :omghaha: Don't spew methane from your backside! We ain't Burkina Faso that you Yanks can just walk in and conduct an operation in Delhi!!
You fellows have been getting whacked by those bearded yahoos in Afghanistan for years and you're in the process of cutting and running leaving behind a cloud of enormous casualties in your wake. And you want to take on the third strongest military power in the world by conducting an operation in Delhi?? Jeez!

Are you done with your mood swings? The answer doesn't change. It's still YES and absolutely. I can assure you that if we needed a terrorist and he or she was hiding next to your house, we will come and get him. You can post the details online, whether it be in Delhi or Bombay.
The American military's been fighting wars for centuries.
Investors watching news about Pakistan, see a dictator taking over a TV station, or running tanks in the capital of a country, or a dictator coming on international media showing punches and biceps because he is in power......????? I have one three letter acronym that comes to head.....WTF!!! You don't do these stupid things in front of the world as it is against the culture of the world. Or in this case, the culture of countries that you guys want to get investments from.

Then how would you explain this?


The other side of that is the whole country goes through a power abuse, the institutions are destroyed and all.

Once again, if you knew anything about Pakistan, you'd know that it's always been the military that has strived to strengthen the institutions of state and 'democratic' leaders that have destroyed it.

If my guy didn't win....I want the military to take over??? How's that in the best interest of any country?

Again, showing your lack of knowledge here. Most Pakistanis wholeheartedly agree that there's no current political leader capable of running the country or even incorruptable enough to work for the people of the country. We ask for the miilitary because one, they have a well-oiled administrative machinery and two, they actually work for the country.

Are you done with your mood swings? The answer doesn't change. It's still YES and absolutely. I can assure you that if we needed a terrorist and he or she was hiding next to your house, we will come and get him. You can post the details online, whether it be in Delhi or Bombay.

Very true, and then you guys wonder why everyone hates you
Then how would you explain this?
Once again, if you knew anything about Pakistan, you'd know that it's always been the military that has strived to strengthen the institutions of state and 'democratic' leaders that have destroyed it.

Again, showing your lack of knowledge here. Most Pakistanis wholeheartedly agree that there's no current political leader capable of running the country or even incorruptable enough to work for the people of the country. We ask for the miilitary because one, they have a well-oiled administrative machinery and two, they actually work for the country.

The chart you showed me, doesn't talk about EACH military ruler's time, ongoing issues at that time, etc. Allow me to shed some light on issues and on the luck factor:
1: Gen. Zia: Luck Factor:War with the USSR. The Americans, Saudis and the Chinese were helping you guys and the money was flowing through like water. How do you think you became a nuclear country.....thanks to the Russian war. You guys got plenty of money, influence, etc and were able to do things that otherwise the US and others would've never let you do. Too much money flowing through was causing the economy to go up. Wasn't General's "economic reforms" or policies. Militaries don't make economic reforms, nor do they know how to. It's the job of the democratic government.
2: Musharraff: Luck Factor: War on Terror: There was over 10 billion paid JUST in transit fees and all to support WOT. So its natural that the money was spend in paying for labor services. However, the amount of money actually spent on public was MUCH lesser than what was given by the US. How does a general (a good job at best), retire with many, many millions of assets, farm houses, etc, etc????? Use your sense!
3: I am taking a look at 90's till date. Allow me to highlight some real projects. I'll let you guess which military dictator started those (the answer is 0 as these were all civilian government's project that were started for whatever little durations these governments could breathe, and yes there was corruption as part of a democratic society. Your military generals are corrupted too, see Musharraff for example).
- Motor ways
- Karachi Steel Mill expansion (still ongoing)
- Stock Market revival and systematic global expansion
- Medical hospitals, universities and advance care centers
- School systems for children
- Metro Bus
- Initial plans for the elevated Mono-Rail
- International Airports, creation and expansion
- Trade Routes
- Alternative Ports
- Energy expansion infrastructure
- Policies and laws to curb terrorism
- Operations in Swat and other areas that cleaned up a LOT of terrorists hideouts
- National Highway infrastructure, alternative citi based rings for better traffic flow
- Coal, Mineral and Alternative fuel projects to product cheaper electricity
- Banking sector reforms
- Investment sector reforms, efforts to bring in about 100 + billion in investment from 2014-2018
- Expanding natural water management and electricity production (200 times increase from 2014-2018 since the birth of Pakistan)
- Help lines, rescue and disaster management issues
and the list goes on......these are or majority of these are all civilian democratic government projects!!

4) About leaders. Even in America there is debate between people about leaders and if they are capable or incapable. But that's politics. Same in India and Malaysia, etc. But you won't see a military sending a democratically elected people home brute force and by suspending constitution of the land?????? You have to see if the country is making progress or not. You guys are very emotional and get personal on everything. If something doesn't work your way, and a leader isn't liked by you, you guys forget your entire nation of 200 million people and start to support the military to get involved. Why don't you learn how civilized nations do this?? Are you the ONLY freaking exception on the planet? I am saddened by the ego and lack of nationalism you guys have. A country that doesn't have produce enough electricity and water for its people has people trying to destabilize the ONLY way that can take them towards a better future. And that's democracy and democratically elected officials!!! Learn from others who've done it and are successful because of it.
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