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Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan

Hafiz Gul Bahadur would just run across the border. He probably already has. Then he'll launch attacks on Pakistan border posts. Right now, ~250 terrorists attack border posts. After NWA, 250+250=500 terrorists would attack the border posts. The northern alliance would befriend them and give them a free hand, just as they did to Hakimullah Mehsud, whose bodyguard was caught having a cozy time with northern alliance.
Govt. is still confused & has no idea whats going on, they are only worried for themselves & they fear for their lives.

You are either dumb as f*ck or you just don't want to except the reality. Allow me to break it down for you:
1) If the 911 hadn't happened resulting in the US involvement in Afghanistan.....these Talibastards would've hit your country probably 100 times harder than what it is now. You had a huge semi-military of terrorists that the US killed and it directly helped you.
Imagine having 50 of these incidents going on in 50 different places across Pakistan as these guys had a huge number. These guys aren't listening to you guys, who trained these people against the Russians. This is jihad gone wild if you will. If 911 hadn't happened, who do you think was next on their list to impose Sharia law, your mosques were crawling with these guys across the country. Every corner even kids know where local Taliban guys may be. These barberic people who don't care to blow themselves up, you think they wouldn't have tried to control Pakistan or attack its nuke facilities??? Today, they attacked a Civilian airport. How could you possibly tell me they wouldn't have or won't ever attack your nuke facilities to get more power??? You can NEVER predict an insane manianc's behavior. These guys are just that.

You should be somewhat thankful to the US that we've tried to advise you since 2002 to take care of this terrorism issue or it'll come bite your as* hard. Here, for the 100th time, it is biting you hard. But you are too thick minded to realize that, while you go write me these "you hate America" posts, your own countrymen are getting killed (nothing new on here as I've seen a lot of "we hate America" crap all the time). Frankly speaking, who'll be helping clean up the mess with weapons, intelligence and other supporting measures? The Great United States of America. So may want to think about a flag with stars and stripes when you need help in getting advance weapons, intelligence support, etc, etc to safeguard your country from these barbaric terrorists.

Wherever we go...destruction follows.Right.The SAME Iraq today is much better than it was with Saddam. War has a cost, you should minus that. Iraq is creating advance infrastructure in science, military, oil and gas that it never created before as Saddam didn't allow the people of Iraq to prosper as he was a dictator and wanted all the powers.
The same Afghanistan is in much better condition today than in 2001 (or many parts of it are). The Afghans want a stable system and want to trade with India.....why is that? And how much progress have you made since 2001 and you were indirectly involved with wars (unlike Iraq and Afghanistan which were directly involved).
The answer may be hard truth you don't want to swallow. You didn't think these terrorists were a problem despite how much we told you. Today, you are paying a huge price for your own miscalculation and blaming the America because of the war (by the way, your President back then wanted the Major Non Nato Ally status). So get your facts straight before just bashing America for no reason. This is your internal mess and a result of years of miscalculations by your lazy officials who didn't want your country to go forward.
Last but not least, taking care of this incident in 5 hours...ALSO has a LOT of American input. The training, tactics, etc, etc. Sorry if you don't want to accept failure on your part. Its easy to blame and hard to accept the reality.

Am i the one dumb as f*ck or are you. I for one aren't and don't have my head stuffed up my arse so high that i can't comprehend the BS my govt feeds the masses.

I do ACCEPT reality not except it.

1) You dumb f*ck the taliban as an entity were present from 1994-2001 by your logic they should have attacked us before 2001. But guess what they didn't. Its only when we got involved with the b4stard states that terrorism started occuring on our lands. BTW there is a distinction between afghan taliban & ttp. TTP is supported & funded by your axis to destabilise Pakistan & potentially de nuclearise us. But it ain't gonna happen

You advised us, did you f*cks like. More like we saved your sorry asses. This is our hood, we have more intel, we dictate the playing field. You've had your asses handed to you by a rag tag militia. So much for the great USA, you ran from vietnam, Irag & now afghanistan. Stars & stiripes days are numbered, others are catching up in the advance weapons field, economics permitting all you offer can be bought elsewhere i.e. EU & China etc.

Iraq had no terroists, with you entering ISIL & the likes were created idiot. Better place? Go ask the thousands who lost their relatives , property etc same for afghanistan. You've killed thousands, the US is the main terrorist of the world.

The operation to clear the b4stards at KCI had US input? This clearly shows you are too deluded & as you put it dumb as f*ck. We train & learn tactics ourselves from various entities, since when did the US have copyright over these. By your notion every hostage situation or the one like yesterday utilises american tactics only. FFS get your head out of your arse before accusing others of being dumb or not understanding a situation because you clearly don't
Am i the one dumb as f*ck or are you. I for one aren't and don't have my head stuffed up my arse so high that i can't comprehend the BS my govt feeds the masses.

I do ACCEPT reality not except it.

1) You dumb f*ck the taliban as an entity were present from 1994-2001 by your logic they should have attacked us before 2001. But guess what they didn't. Its only when we got involved with the b4stard states that terrorism started occuring on our lands. BTW there is a distinction between afghan taliban & ttp. TTP is supported & funded by your axis to destabilise Pakistan & potentially de nuclearise us. But it ain't gonna happen

You advised us, did you f*cks like. More like we saved your sorry asses. This is our hood, we have more intel, we dictate the playing field. You've had your asses handed to you by a rag tag militia. So much for the great USA, you ran from vietnam, Irag & now afghanistan. Stars & stiripes days are numbered, others are catching up in the advance weapons field, economics permitting all you offer can be bought elsewhere i.e. EU & China etc.

Iraq had no terroists, with you entering ISIL & the likes were created idiot. Better place? Go ask the thousands who lost their relatives , property etc same for afghanistan. You've killed thousands, the US is the main terrorist of the world.

The operation to clear the b4stards at KCI had US input? This clearly shows you are too deluded & as you put it dumb as f*ck. We train & learn tactics ourselves from various entities, since when did the US have copyright over these. By your notion every hostage situation or the one like yesterday utilises american tactics only. FFS get your head out of your arse before accusing others of being dumb or not understanding a situation because you clearly don't

The middle east and Eurasia foreign policy for US is vastly different so don't lump Pakistan in the mess which is the arab world.

Afghanistan was beginning to fester with terrorists who were running out of money so became more and more daring. Pakistan is no.1 destination to make money through extortion, drugs, assassinations and bombings.

If NATO had not stepped in Pakistan would have been much worse than it is now as 100,000 TTP would have crossed over and we would have seen towns lost to TTP with all out war.

I wish Pak had listened to NATO 10 years ago and rooted out all terrorists in Afghanistan and Pak border towns. They would have helped us by securing Afghanistan side of the border whilst we swept up Waziristan.

Because we have left it for 10 years TTP have entrenched in Karachi and other densely populated areas of Pak. They are now sleeper cells and become active as soon as wire transfer happens from next client.
Today 30 Pakistani died by These Rats. Still to wait more to die? Action should be taken now or it will be to late.

more than 30 I believe. 23 innocents on the Iranians border, pilgrims, and 13 in Karachi airport, innocent family men

It's because of that b4stard US that we're in this shitfcuk. We'll deal with it on our terms the US n it's war can go f itself.

There was no terrorism in our neighbourhood until you showed up so quit going on the high horse.
Wherever you go death & destructions follows. Iraq?

the leaders of the terrorists and many of their spokesmen themselves are either born or raised in the west
I actually want this operation to happen and on Pakistan's time. From the above post, I agree with everything. The problem was that you had a military dictator not a democratically elected government who could support the military. A dictator won't even know the meaning of "public support and political will" as its not in their dictionary. If a dictator knew these terms.....he wouldn't be a dictator. But the US is always ready to support Pakistan when Pakistan is ready to start this operation and others. These guys have proven out to be more dangerous for Pakistan right now than for anyone else. See the unfortunate attack on Karachi AP that result in loss of human lives of brave soldiers.......elimination of terrorism has become the most important deciding factor in Pakistan's survival and its growth economically.
What the US needs to do is post it's soldiers on the border, and force the ANA to capture fleeing militants that will try and cross the border into Afghanistan. This has happened multiple times, where Pakistan has cleared an area, but the militants find sanctuary in Afghanistan, and just come back later. Mullah Fazlulla (Mullah radio) did exactly this. The Afghans have always resisted helping Pakistan in this regard, and have continued to complain about operations being conducted on the border region, even when no ammo round or shell enters Afghan territory.
More warnings?


Meanwhile scores of dead in the country's biggest airport.

It's high time the forces give the government the middle finger and just blitz, burn and kill all Taliban.

Good or bad Taliban. The very use of the word "good" and the word Taliban after is an affront.

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If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.

If these Talibastards knew humanity and anything of that kind they wouldn't be killing innocents (in this case, their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan). These are crazy, insane terrorists and they don't know, care or respect other humans. It's time that you guys cleaned up this mess in the Northern part of your country. This has become the biggest obstacle in the progress of the Pakistani society and you guys can't progress as a country if your country isn't safe enough......

Well the US has wiped put the leadership of the TTP and the greater Taliban nexus through drones. I would hate to think what damage these people would be doing if they were still alive.
SSG are not Super Humans! They need support too!

I remember SSGs were sent to kil/capture Baitullah Mehsud.. Mehsud's men killed all 28 of those SSG!! :(

They need good planners!

When did that happen?
Besides warnings, this majority govt of PMLN, with its 3rd term PM, must chalk out clear policies too.

It can only redeem itself if the dumb PM can take the leadership of the nation. What was the reason for seeking majority if it could not help Pakistan chalk out a clear policy on this longstanding issue?

The govts of Musharraf and Zardari created this mess because of mix if cowardice & confusion. The third term of Nawaz isn't doing any better.

We have been in this war for over a decade. Isnt it surprising we dont have any counter terrorism policy? Our police is as helpless, ill equipped as it was 13 years ago. They are not trained for new challenges. Our penal code is broken. Our judiciary could not convict a sinlge terrorist. It seems the state ceased to exist. All responsibility is on the army.

While the fire was raging on in the cargo area of the airport, the city could not send the fire engines as they did not have diesel! Can you imagine this is the state of affairs in the biggest and most important city of the country! We should stop taking revenge against Pakistan.
You dumb f*ck the taliban as an entity were present from 1994-2001 by your logic they should have attacked us before 2001. But guess what they didn't. Its only when we got involved with the b4stard states that terrorism started occuring on our lands. BTW there is a distinction between afghan taliban & ttp. TTP is supported & funded by your axis to destabilise Pakistan & potentially de nuclearise us. But it ain't gonna happen

You advised us, did you f*cks like. More like we saved your sorry asses. This is our hood, we have more intel, we dictate the playing field. You've had your asses handed to you by a rag tag militia. So much for the great USA, you ran from vietnam, Irag & now afghanistan. Stars & stiripes days are numbered, others are catching up in the advance weapons field, economics permitting all you offer can be bought elsewhere i.e. EU & China etc.

The operation to clear the b4stards at KCI had US input? This clearly shows you are too deluded & as you put it dumb as f*ck. We train & learn tactics ourselves from various entities, since when did the US have copyright over these. By your notion every hostage situation or the one like yesterday utilises american tactics only. FFS get your head out of your arse before accusing others of being dumb or not understanding a situation because you clearly don't

I'd keep it short as a stupid person tries to beat you with constant stupidity. Its not a winning, its whining. Here:
1) These talibans ask for Ransom by kidnapping people....this is their real level. So much for Islam. You think people that are this power hungry that they'd fly planes on a building thousands of miles away, wouldn't start to come to you? You guys were the next. 911 made that come out faster. No other country would've supported their jihad agenda better than Pakistan due to being one of the Atomic states.
Answer this if you can. Why are they attacking Pakistan now that the US has pretty much left Afghanistan????? If you can answer this, I think you'll get it. Tell me why....??
You were next. That's what's happening. The only GOOD thing is, the US involvement took out majority of these terrorists. So they aren't attacking you at 20 places a day as they are less in number. If you don't kill these people now, they will attack 10 airports in a few years on the same day. You'll think of my post then.

If its your hood, you'd protect your airports or would've had enough intel on everything, from OBL, to many, many attacks, etc, etc. Heck, the US gave you so much information but the HOOD wasn't keeping it safe. Tells me how safe your "hood" really is.
If anyone here tells me (from Special Services and ATF) that the US has no input in training to combat terrorism, I'll rest my case. We've taught you what we'd trained our people by spending hundreds of millions worth of urban infrastructure to train our military on anti-terrorism and urban combat. You guys got the best of the best training you. And you are one thankless piece of work.
If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.

If these Talibastards knew humanity and anything of that kind they wouldn't be killing innocents (in this case, their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan). These are crazy, insane terrorists and they don't know, care or respect other humans. It's time that you guys cleaned up this mess in the Northern part of your country. This has become the biggest obstacle in the progress of the Pakistani society and you guys can't progress as a country if your country isn't safe enough......
You don't know there are people like Many moulanas JUI like parties who would never even now support an op. against them..
First try to get rid of them....
You have an illiterate nation who even now can say that this evil Army is killing our blood brothers who are fighting for Islam...:confused:
We seriously needs more literacy rate bro!
You don't know there are people like Many moulanas JUI like parties who would never even now support an op. against them..
First try to get rid of them....
You have an illiterate nation who even now can say that this evil Army is killing our blood brothers who are fighting for Islam...:confused:
We seriously needs more literacy rate bro!

Frankly speaking, I don't care about the mullahs and the madrassas. Someone needs to put a leash onto these guys who use the term jihad over everything so loosely as if lives at risk are toys. Your country needs to ban these mullahs who preach hate, there should be strict laws in place. No religions spreads hate and if someone uses the religion card to spread hate, he or she should be taken into custody. Your national security comes above these mullahs. You can't fear these lunatics as they will destroy your country. Take a look at the terrorism that has happened in the past 24 hours in Pakistan....time for a moderate and modern Pakistan to take birth by burying these mullahs, talibans and the extremists!
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