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Pakistani navy charges are FALSE!! LIES!!

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IN was always ready to help.but the Ship refused help as it was captained by a Pakistani.

Sorry your IN had instructed the owner of the ship to contact NATO and see if they have any ship in the sea to escort the Suez. whereas Suez called for help repeatedly but IN avoided responding when pirates once again attacked them. at that time PNS Babur the Pakistan Naval ship thwarted the attack and escorted the ship and sailors including Indians to safety . but interestingly when they were out of dangerous waters your might IN decided to show up on which the Suez showed your IN a theenga and showed they are more safe with PNS babur which obviously frustrated might Indian navy and you guys decided to come up with failed attempt.
How is rescuing MV Suez solely Indian naval responsibility?
The ship is not Indian registered.
Does not have an Indian captain
Majority crew not Indian nationals

So the responsibility falls on international community. IF Pakistan has done something good then pat your backs and don't unnecessarily bash others.

Indian Navy is doing its part in curbing piracy.

Who said anything about it being a solely Indian responsibility? Both countries had a duty of care. Shout and scream all you want... , Actions speak louder than words.
Indian ship brushing PNS Babar incorrect claim: Navy

NEW DELHI: The Navy today dismissed Pakistan's allegation that an Indian warship had brushed PNS Babar escorting MV Suez, a merchant vessel released by Somali pirates, saying the "reports of aggression" are "incorrect and based on misinformation".

"Reports of aggression by INS Godavari are incorrect and based on misinformation," a Navy official said here.

The reaction came after Pakistan yesterday lodged a protest with India over the alleged incident in which Indian warship INS Godavari was said to have brushed with a Pakistani frigate escorting MV Suez, an Egyptian-owned ship.

The protest was lodged through the Indian High Commission in Islamabad over the "serious incident" that allegedly occurred yesterday.

The INS Godavari "not only hampered humanitarian operations being carried out by Pakistan Navy Ship Babar for Merchant Vessel Suez but also undertook dangerous manoeuvres, which resulted in the brushing of the sides" of the two warships, the Pakistani officials alleged in a statement.

PNS Babur is escorting and assisting MV Suez, which was released by Somali pirates earlier this week after over two million dollars was paid as ransom for its 22-member crew, including four Pakistanis and six Indians.

INS Godavari had been dispatched to escort MV Suez to Salalah in Oman but was pulled out after the merchant vessel under a Pakistani national did not respond to its call.

pakistani captain betrayed the INS Godavari
IF ins godavari was dangerously close to pns babur .....if babur ever felt threatened ,it would have engaged INS godavari ....because thats the rules of f#$king engagement ,,,, its not like 2 freaking massive warship brushing each other captains cursing " sale dekh ke chala nahi sakta kya bay" .... and a statement issued and everything's over ....??if it really hapnd it would have been really serious....it wouldnt have ended just by issuing a statement ....!!
just my thoughts ....

We are not paranoid like Indian navy that had engaged lolzzz sank Thai boat and claimed they had sank pirates' ship :laugh:

we (PNS Babur) was carrying sailors including Indians to safety so we were not there to engage apparently a coalition partner supposed to guard the sea and not attack other navies

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Indian ship brushing PNS Babar incorrect claim: Navy

NEW DELHI: The Navy today dismissed Pakistan's allegation that an Indian warship had brushed PNS Babar escorting MV Suez, a merchant vessel released by Somali pirates, saying the "reports of aggression" are "incorrect and based on misinformation".

"Reports of aggression by INS Godavari are incorrect and based on misinformation," a Navy official said here.

The reaction came after Pakistan yesterday lodged a protest with India over the alleged incident in which Indian warship INS Godavari was said to have brushed with a Pakistani frigate escorting MV Suez, an Egyptian-owned ship.

The protest was lodged through the Indian High Commission in Islamabad over the "serious incident" that allegedly occurred yesterday.

The INS Godavari "not only hampered humanitarian operations being carried out by Pakistan Navy Ship Babar for Merchant Vessel Suez but also undertook dangerous manoeuvres, which resulted in the brushing of the sides" of the two warships, the Pakistani officials alleged in a statement.

PNS Babur is escorting and assisting MV Suez, which was released by Somali pirates earlier this week after over two million dollars was paid as ransom for its 22-member crew, including four Pakistanis and six Indians.

INS Godavari had been dispatched to escort MV Suez to Salalah in Oman but was pulled out after the merchant vessel under a Pakistani national did not respond to its call.

pakistani captain betrayed the INS Godavari

:laugh: you are again with old lies

please go through once again this thread


BTW the IN statement has NO logical points but just denial lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah once again you Indians are trying to throw dust in eyes of readers by posting an old off topic news about Chinese lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

shame on some Indians you guys lost the plot

The point is IN is alway ready to take on any adversary... By the way cheap attempt by PN to divert the attention of their failure
We are not paranoid like Indian navy that had engaged lolzzz sank Thai boat and claimed they had sank pirates' ship :laugh:

yea your right ,,,,you( PNS BABUR) couldn't even sink the pirate boat .....:pakistan::pakistan:
Another attempt by PN to divert the attention of pakistanis from PNS Mehran attack..and diverting attention from the internal failure of PN...

Cheap attempt

:rofl: cheap attempts by Indians after mighty Indians failed to pay money for releasing own citizens, after Indian wana be blue water navy failed to escort its own citizens and after your govt closed eyes towards own citizens just because one of them was from indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

shame shame Mehran attack has nothing to do with great efforts by PNS Babur lolzzzz you guys are on fire

burn :flame: we are getting 2 P3 C orion
Another attempt by PN to divert the attention of pakistanis from PNS Mehran attack..and diverting attention from the internal failure of PN...

Cheap attempt

Lolz what...

That is a indian channel BTW...
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Pakistan has earned enough goodwill & it's time to give it a rest. If they keep going on about it in their quest to earn more mileage out of this episode, they might lose whatever they have earned so far!!
The point is IN is alway ready to take on any adversary... By the way cheap attempt by PN to divert the attention of their failure

NO the point is IN had failed own citizens. we have no concern if your navy is doing what for own interests but this time you failed and now you are acting like a drama queen .

entire world can see who is cheap here none other than INDIA
am sure PN will come up with some proof of their claims until then Indians will belive what India has said, just like Pakistanis who belive in Pakistan's claims. :pop:
Pakistan has earned enough goodwill & it's time to give it a rest. If they keep going on about it in their quest to earn more mileage out of this episode, they might lose whatever they have earned so far!!

Janja our Media was not giving any good space to this effort neither we Pakistanis had made any such attempt to take mileage whereas some Indians were sincerely thanking us and even then we kept our self very humble.

the issue started when Indian navy tried a bad facepalm by coming up with lies and maligning Pakistan. now its the point where we as a nation can not allow anyone to throw dirt on us for their own failure

please go through this thread and read another thread link in it and decide for yourself who is taking mileage out of it

NO the point is IN had failed own citizens. we have no concern if your navy is doing what for own interests but this time you failed and now you are acting like a drama queen .

entire world can see who is cheap here none other than INDIA

we have saved lives of other people.... our politicians may have disappointed our people but not the navy. the cheap game displayed by pakistani captain is shameful.. and another cheap attempt by PN to divert the attention of people from their internal failure
yea your right ,,,,you( PNS BABUR) couldn't even sink the pirate boat .....:pakistan::pakistan:

Our foremost priority was to bring all sailors including INDIANS to safe waters and not initiate a war with pirates to risk lives of sailors on Suez. we fulfilled our promise and by tomorrow Indian sailors will be with their families.
Any proof?Like any video,photos etc?If you have then claim,if not then shut up.
This was the statement by the Foreign Office aired on Express TV. And reign in your temper,it won't do you any good
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