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Pakistani Models And Actresses

She is in the perfect form (っ´▽`)っ ♥


Expired maal

another "expired" maal i like - simone singh...




simone is a year older than christina.

and doppelganger said he has met simone through her being his aunt's friend.

another expired maal i like - simone singh...




simone is a year older than christina.

and doppelganger said he has met simone through her being his aunt's friend.

Mmmm yes. Filling out like that is the ultimate pinnacle of female beauty.

Whatever happened to doppelganger?
Then see her picture, your B.P will be cold again

Looks ok to me. Make up is overrated.

i would say this picture of her would send the bp down...


or this...


in fact, most models and actresses don't get my bp up... they are thandi.

Mmmm yes. Filling out like that is the ultimate pinnacle of female beauty.

yeah, in early years nutrition is not the top priority but with increasing years they fill out... this is more a social construct... with a proper social system, the filling out will be from early on.

Whatever happened to doppelganger?

he was in a army medical college in bombay or some other place in maharashtra... must have gotten busy.

another "expired" maal i like - simone singh...




simone is a year older than christina.

and doppelganger said he has met simone through her being his aunt's friend.
She still has that youthful look like the 45 year old Mahnoor

Looks ok to me. Make up is overrated.
She has a nice figure

i would say this picture of her would send the bp down...


or this...


in fact, most models and actresses don't get my bp up... they are thandi.

yeah, in early years nutrition is not the top priority but with increasing years they fill out... this is more a social construct... with a proper social system, the filling out will be from early on.

he was in a army medical college in bombay or some other place in maharashtra... must have gotten busy.
You opened your eyes in the wrong country lol
Forcefeeding in Mauritania - West Africa Fat Camp
there isn't a single answer to this and i will start by declaring that i don't like the fakery of such parties. :)

hamzaad says he witnessed certain things himself but you and zibago want photographic evidence which is fair, but i will ask if we should be really making moral pronouncements here, even if all this turns out to be not not true.

is a middle-class software engineer in india from "decent god-fearing family" actually a good person when he doesn't protest against his 80,000 employee company that has redesigned the website of a private bank ( like icici ) whose capitalist policies have contributed to india being declared "suicide capital of the world" in 2014??

is a female "highly-religious" mba in karachi actually a good person when her entire field is built on globally propagating the anti-human socio-economic exploitation of people and contribution to human misery??

though what i didn't like was the models ( at least nausheen, though i am not a fan of her ) was smoking cigarettes.

when i meet someone in a new-style tea/coffee place locally, there sometimes is a bunch of collegians, male and female, whose behavior i find frivolous, crass and totally disconnected from the issues in the world... similar would be those who frequent the pubs ( alcohol places )... they waste their time and effort being selfish, momentary, fake, disconnected, rude and i as a socialist find this distasteful and troubling... and then these people go back to their idiotic college courses and jobs.

so if we must judge, we must take the entire social picture. :)
You have given me a dissertation for a response bhai.
She still has that youthful look like the 45 year old Mahnoor

mahnoor may be youthful but i find her plain... sorry. :)

You opened your eyes in the wrong country lol
Forcefeeding in Mauritania - West Africa Fat Camp

i know about that aspect of mauritania for some years now and it is a admirable aspect and it should be adopted by the rest of the world, of course with the chubbiness not overdone but done to the point of aesthetic attractiveness. :agree:

i will post some prominent bits from your article and i must point out that the article source, marieclaire, is a website within the modern western thin-is-in culture and a culture greatly controlled by fake-feminists and male homosexuals and capitalists so their analysis must be rejected because even after some of the interviewees point about the reasons why they prefer chubbiness in ladies, this website proceeds to see it from a capitalist perspective...
The preference originated centuries ago among the Moors, nomadic Muslims of Arabic and Berber stock who make up two-thirds of Mauritania's 3.1 million people. To the ancient Moors, a fat wife (much like fat livestock) was a symbol of a man's wealth, proof that he had enough riches to feed her generously while others perished in the drought-prone terrain.
see this ridiculous reasoning by the website?? how do they know what they pronounced is true?? were they present centuries ago??

"The practice is re-emerging because men still find mounds of female flesh comforting and erotic," explains Seyid Ould Seyid, a Mauritanian male journalist. "The attraction is ingrained from birth."
of course it is erotic and it is what nature intends... more particularly, this is what mauritanian member generally prefer despite the perverting efforts of the fake-feminists who try to turn ladies from feminine-ness and the perverting efforts of the mullahs who try to hide the ladies altogether... both these corrupting influences must be removed.

in 2003 the government started a campaign to fight child abuse and raise awareness of the health risks of obesity.
what the hell is "child abuse" in this context?? why does this website want to impose its twisted moralisticness on other cultures or even on males within the west?? and notice that modern hysteria term "obesity"??

Elhacen mixes crushed dates and peanuts with couscous and oil to make the second of the day's four meals — cloying, egg-size balls of around 300 calories apiece. Each girl eats about 40 per day, along with 12 pints of goat's milk and gruel, making their daily intake 14,000 to 16,000 calories. The recommended consumption for a healthy 12-year-old girl averages 1500 calories; an adult male bodybuilder eats up to 4000.
don't we in desi lands have the tradition of preparing a similar food, panjeri, for building health...


"No, no, it's for their own good," she almost shrieks. "How will these poor girls find a husband if they're bony and revolting?"
she said it !! :tup:

At 13, she was married to a much older man, and by 16 she had two sons. Then, like any normal teen, she rebelled, prompting her husband to divorce her. Newly single, she was flooded with romantic offers. "I suddenly saw how much Mauritanian men adore very fat women. Men told me I had the most beautiful body in town, and they fought over me." With her huge eyes and charismatic smile, Zeinebou would be a great beauty whatever her size. But the male reaction to her figure transformed her self-image. "When I realized the power I had over men, I started to enjoy being fat." Zeinebou's current boyfriend, Baba Slama, 29, who is, like many Mauritanian men, rail-thin, agrees that she's in charge. "She's gorgeous; I love her," he says.
she has realized that being voluptuous is good, that it is attractive, that it makes her feel feminine.

Zeinebou also frets that she would lose her It-girl status among her female friends. "My first thought when I met Zeinebou was, Where did she get that incredible body?" says her best friend, Hawer Sessay, 26. "I was so jealous." Although hardly skeletal at 5'6" and 180 pounds, Hawer says she has trouble piling on weight, and was teased by plumper girls as a teenager. Recently, her husband told her that he "didn't like sleeping with a bag of bones."
zeinebou's friend has also realized this.

"Increasing a girl's size creates the illusion that she's physically mature, that she's ready for a husband," notes Aminetou Moctar, a feisty, pencil-thin woman in her 50s who is chief of the Association of Women Heads of Households, an equal-rights organization in Nouakchott. "But force-feeding grows the body and shrinks the brain — all the girls do is eat and sleep."
look at the twisted and perverted ideas of this local fake-feminist... i am sure she likes dogs too.

Yet some young women in the capital refuse to bulk up. "I've always been thin, and I love my size," says Aminetou Kane, 28, a bright-eyed social worker.
here's another one of those.

Many of her girlfriends, educated career women like herself, prefer to be slimmer, too, she adds. Another encouraging sign is the success of Nouakchott's first women-only gym, where around 300 women exchange their mulafa robes for sweats.
so they want a ugly, muscular, size-zero, androgynous body??

That said, women here will almost certainly never strive to be a skinny size 0. In Zeinebou's home, she and Hawer inspect a photo of a bikini-clad model in a glossy magazine from neighboring Morocco. The svelte woman has — to Western eyes — a perfect figure, but the two women are genuinely repelled. "She looks ill," they agree, clicking their tongues at her jutting hips and clavicles. Then they turn to an article about liposuction, and laugh so hard the walls seem to shake.
they might as well be talking about most models in the world.

he may like this,
Jamahir you like to crush ?

namitha is a popular choice on pdf for those in love with the voluptuous lady. :tup:

it is no problem at all that she is six-foot... if a average height chap like myself gets her and we walk together with her towering over me, the other males will only look on in jealousy. :D
mahnoor may be youthful but i find her plain... sorry. :)

i know about that aspect of mauritania for some years now and it is a admirable aspect and it should be adopted by the rest of the world, of course with the chubbiness not overdone but done to the point of aesthetic attractiveness. :agree:

i will post some prominent bits from your article and i must point out that the article source, marieclaire, is a website within the modern western thin-is-in culture and a culture greatly controlled by fake-feminists and male homosexuals and capitalists so their analysis must be rejected because even after some of the interviewees point about the reasons why they prefer chubbiness in ladies, this website proceeds to see it from a capitalist perspective...

see this ridiculous reasoning by the website?? how do they know what they pronounced is true?? were they present centuries ago??

of course it is erotic and it is what nature intends... more particularly, this is what mauritanian member generally prefer despite the perverting efforts of the fake-feminists who try to turn ladies from feminine-ness and the perverting efforts of the mullahs who try to hide the ladies altogether... both these corrupting influences must be removed.

what the hell is "child abuse" in this context?? why does this website want to impose its twisted moralisticness on other cultures or even on males within the west?? and notice that modern hysteria term "obesity"??

don't we in desi lands have the tradition of preparing a similar food, panjeri, for building health...


she said it !! :tup:

she has realized that being voluptuous is good, that it is attractive, that it makes her feel feminine.

zeinebou's friend has also realized this.

look at the twisted and perverted ideas of this local fake-feminist... i am sure she likes dogs too.

here's another one of those.

so they want a ugly, muscular, size-zero, androgynous body??

they might as well be talking about most models in the world.

namitha is a popular choice on pdf for those in love with the voluptuous lady. :tup:

it is no problem at all that she is six-foot... if a average height chap like myself gets her and we walk together with her towering over me, the other males will only look on in jealousy. :D
Panjeeri is so heavy

These berbers all think like you if i was born in a berber family i would,ve picked the girl considered ugly by the entire tribe (the skinny one)
Panjeeri is so heavy

that is true... it is that oilyness and the dry fruits i suppose... do they use natural gum in pakistan too??

These berbers all think like you if i was born in a berber family i would,ve picked the girl considered ugly by the entire tribe (the skinny one)

Yet some young women in the capital refuse to bulk up. "I've always been thin, and I love my size," says Aminetou Kane, 28, a bright-eyed social worker.
this lady would have been your admirer. :D
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