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Pakistani Military Strength


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States

Compare Pakistans military strength with the other countries. So far what i figured out is Pakistan is extremely lacking with the artillery systems, armour, naval surface forces, military expenditure, and modern aircrafts.

It was interesting to compare Pakistani military with Egypt because while Egypt has nearly half budget of what Pakistan gets for defence it still has much more tanks, aircrafts, naval units, artillery, etc.

What we need to do is cut down the Active Frontline Personnels, we just have too many! Seeing that we have nuclear weapons, so i dont think that many personnels are needed. We also need to keep a close watch on military defence budget, i believe there is a lot of corruption in there. These things are need to be take care ASAP! :angry:

Compare Pakistans military strength with the other countries. So far what i figured out is Pakistan is extremely lacking with the artillery systems, armour, naval surface forces, military expenditure, and modern aircrafts.​

It was interesting to compare Pakistani military with Egypt because while Egypt has nearly half budget of what Pakistan gets for defence it still has much more tanks, aircrafts, naval units, artillery, etc.​

What we need to do is cut down the Active Frontline Personnels, we just have too many! Seeing that we have nuclear weapons, so i dont think that many personnels are needed. We also need to keep a close watch on military defence budget, i believe there is a lot of corruption in there. These things are need to be take care ASAP! :angry:

That site is pure trash, just look at there rankings and youll see it right away! Also all its info is wrong when concurning the amount of weapons each nation has. If we cut down on personal then we'll have to cut down on weapons (basic military logic). Stop getting worried over that site, all of its information is wrong and can even be laughed at
Mexico, Canada, Iran, Egypt and North Korea are all ahead of *Israel* Hm...a pretty lobsided poll we have there. :sick: :google:
We need to bring the pensions under civil departement just like China, that only will relaese a huge amount.
Furthermore a cut in secondary priveledges of high rank personell would make a signaificant difference aswell.

1. Compare Pakistans military strength with the other countries. So far what i figured out is Pakistan is extremely lacking with the artillery systems, armour, naval surface forces, military expenditure, and modern aircrafts.​

2. It was interesting to compare Pakistani military with Egypt because while Egypt has nearly half budget of what Pakistan gets for defence it still has much more tanks, aircrafts, naval units, artillery, etc.​

3. What we need to do is cut down the Active Frontline Personnels, we just have too many! Seeing that we have nuclear weapons, so i dont think that many personnels are needed.​

1. I agree that Pak. artillery capability is lacking considering its likely opponent.

2. Egypt makes extensive of conscription which does not show up in defence budget but which is a cost nonetheless on economy.

Egypt also doesnt support nuclear weapons or its delivery systems which use lot of resources.

3. The logic is flawed, one could argue nucl. justifies cuts in number of ships, tanks or artillery.

Pakistan has some pretty decent artillery tactics and weapons

Pakistan has the best Sp artillery arsenal in S asia and one of the best in the world

The only problem is that Pakistan doesnt make its own artillery weapons which it could easily produce in large numbers if needed
We need to bring the pensions under civil departement just like China, that only will relaese a huge amount.
Furthermore a cut in secondary priveledges of high rank personell would make a signaificant difference aswell.
Hardly. A single sortie of an air craft costs a million bucks, we could buy every general a Ferrari with that.

And the perks are needed as an incentive to get good people to join up.
Pakistan has some pretty decent artillery tactics and weapons

Pakistan has the best Sp artillery arsenal in S asia and one of the best in the world

Then why is it in every duel with India it comes up as second best? It is good, but inferior to India's artillery capability.
Lahori forgive me for lobbying for more defence expenditure! :partay:

By the way sig,

I totally missed the nuclear weapons cost! It makes sense.

And yes the site is not correct, but here in defence nothing is correct, you can only come close to it as much as you can. :rolleyes:

I am just listening to Kamran Khan talk to Rahul Bedi from jane's defenbce weekly an indian analyst stating that PAKISTAN HAS A LEAN MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE as compared to india's.
India is crying murder as usual. They have 1.3 mill mi compared to 650 k pak. 850 aircraft for india to 330 for pak. 3950 tanks to 2400 tanks. Gunship helicopters 296 india to 26 pakistan, 12k plus artillery pices for india to 4000 for pakistan. And india is still crying---as a matter of fact it was the AM Tiyagi who was crying.

Unbelievable isn't it. Factually---strength is also a frame of mind before the first contact amongst the adversaries. What does india really need where it feel secure!

Guy, I believe it that you are living in a different world or you are an indian. Just the numerical superiority that indian has, they would have wiped us off the map---the only thing they don't have is "BALLZ". So, even if we may come up second best, it is still a victory for us to live under the shadow of such a humoungous millityary force and make our point forcefully.

In 2002 we didnot come up second best. India became the laughing stock of the world's millitaries. Wam bam---I am going home ma'am.
Mastan Khan - 2002 standoff achieved its strategy - India was claiming pak sanctioned & trained terrorists were involved in the Parliament attack, Mush backed down and promised to crackdown on terrorists in Pak. Thus India achieved it's strategic aim of forcing Pak to clamp down on terrorism and also gained International focus on State sponsored Terrorism in Pak.

Mush had to ban the Terrorist organisations due to India's & world pressure. Thereafter Kashmiri terrorist groups were banned by USA & UK.

Not a shot was fired, no one was killed and yet the result was achieved.
Mastan Khan - 2002 standoff achieved its strategy - India was claiming pak sanctioned & trained terrorists were involved in the Parliament attack, Mush backed down and promised to crackdown on terrorists in Pak. Thus India achieved it's strategic aim of forcing Pak to clamp down on terrorism and also gained International focus on State sponsored Terrorism in Pak.

Mush had to ban the Terrorist organisations due to India's & world pressure. Thereafter Kashmiri terrorist groups were banned by USA & UK.

Not a shot was fired, no one was killed and yet the result was achieved.

Yes yes
And great 1 million man army of hanuman marched to the border then back :rofl:

Your indian army is the one that backed down right after our foreign minister said that we wouldnt hesitate to nuke hindoostan. I can bombard you with articles showing india's failure, and how it didnt have the balls to attack pakistan in 2002. Dont forget till today the people that were caught by india are freedom fighters not pakistani's
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