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Pakistani man Tarek Fateh is spreading hate against Pakistan in whole world

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Look at this man Tarek Fateh, he is spreading hate against pakistan i whole world.
Spreading false facts about muslims and pakistanis. Even hindus and sikhs understand that.
His only aim is breaking up of Pakistan to make Balochistan.

Its ok, that Pakistan has Kashmir(IOK) and Sir creek issu with India, but you dont find alle this hate as he is telling.

The problem is not what he is against Pakistan, the problem is that is he lier.

In this video he is begging to ban immigration from Pakistan
Guyz Like him are ready to sleep with every one who pays them more.
Stop making threads on cartoons Like him.
He is not even taken seriously in his own house and here some people making thread on such cartoons.

He is not a Pakistani.. He is Indian..

btw why he is praising Hindu being a muslim and calling india to capture Sindh and Punjab..
Let this dog continue to bark, who cares.
He is very knowledgeable. Despite being a Pakistani, he advocates independence for Baluchistan. You should have guts for that. Never in my dreams can I ever think of independence for Kashmir
He is very knowledgeable. Despite being a Pakistani, he advocates independence for Baluchistan. You should have guts for that. Never in my dreams can I ever think of independence for Kashmir

You are a typical Indian, doing mental farting in Pakistani forums.
Baluchistan liberation, nice joke
Come to real world kid. We know how much kashmiri people give you pain in your as.....s. However you are free to keeping entertaining yourself with cartoons like Tarik Fateh.
You are a typical Indian, doing mental farting in Pakistani forums.
Baluchistan liberation, nice joke
Come to real world kid. We know how much kashmiri people give you pain in your as.....s. However you are free to keeping entertaining yourself with cartoons like Tarik Fateh.

First learn to read. Then reply. I don't have time for people who don't read and write nonsense
He is very knowledgeable. Despite being a Pakistani, he advocates independence for Baluchistan. You should have guts for that. Never in my dreams can I ever think of independence for Kashmir

How is he knowledgeable? By all means enlighten me, what is something new that he has spewed out except for his hate against Pakistan. I wouldn't go as far as calling him a paid Indian stooge, but there is no doubt in my mind that he earns his bread and butter by spewing hatred against Pakistan. Besides, if he was a real intellectual, he would not be working in a tabloid newspaper and would actually be working for a reputable newspaper.

I remember i attended a discussion, where he was one of the guests. There was also another Ex Pakistan Army Officer that attended. The Officer chewed him out, and smashed all of his illogical arguments that were entirely reliant on his conspiracy theories. Tarek Fatah was literally in tears, he was stuttering and couldn't even talk after. Such a delight to watch when he was actually challenged by an intellectual, instead of the morons Indian Talk Show hosts invite on purpose.

He's a nobody and does not deserve our attention. Mods, can you please close this thread.
Tarek fath speaks his mind with evidence and facts.
Nyc work by exposing the dark secrets of his nation. He is only doing a service to humanity.

Two Peas in A Pod: Tarek Fatah and Robert Spencer
by Emperor on April 24, 2014 in Feature, Loon-at-large

By Emperor

Yesterday we tweeted a link to our article on the NYPD abandoning one of its spy on Muslims units,

#Islamophobia enablers @AsraNomani @TarekFatah supported disbanded/defunct NYPD spy program http://t.co/92GkmD8ZYJ #AntiMuslim

— LoonWatch (@loonwatchers) April 23, 2014

In reply, the UK based journalist Sunny Hundal asked why Tarek Fatah was an “Islamophobia enabler.” A fair question for someone who may be unfamiliar with Fatah. I think however that support for the NYPD surveillance program, teaming up with Zuhdi Jasser and Rep. Peter Kingare evidence enough that Fatah supports Islamophobia.

In fact there’s such a plethora of evidence on Fatah’s support for Islamophobia that we didn’t even know where to start!

We first mentioned how Fatah is a regular on his pal, the ultra-Zionist, extremely Islamophobic, Michael Coren’s Sun News show and also the fact that Coren is a huge supporter of Spencer and Geller. Maybe this wasn’t the best place to begin. Taken alone this might not be enough to convince someone unaware of Fatah’s history of support for Islamophobic causes, right-wing politicians and forwarding of loony conspiracies.

We should have began by pointing out that Fatah has supported veil bans, opposed the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” (calling it a “deliberate provocation, aimed at ‘thumbing the nose at infidels,'” thereby feeding the hysterical fear-mongering at the time), slandered Muslims left and right as plotting to take over the federal and local governments of the USA and Canada, claimed that Dalia Mogahed was “an MB member from Egypt,” accused Tariq Ramadan of coming to Canada over Labour Day weekend “to propagate the Muslim Brotherhood credo of ‘destroying the West from within’.”

Of course there is so much more that could be highlighted to expose how Fatah fear-mongers about Islam and Muslims, provides cover for Islamophobes and their conspiracies but that will be the subject of a longer article. It should be noted that when we challenged Fatah over these issues he magically turned silent.

Fatah exclaimed incredulity that he could be mentioned in the same vein as Rev. Deacon Robert Spencer,

Apparently Fatah wasn’t “privy” to what we’ve written about him even though we directly tagged him in our Tweets with links and all.

Fatah’s assertions were contradicted by Rev. Deacon Robert Spencer himself, who states that Fatah was an admirer of his “work.”

Of course, Spencer is not exactly known for his honesty and so we will have to wait and see what video he produces. However, considering the fact that there isn’t much difference between Fatah and Spencer’s views and taking into account Fatah’s history of supporting Islamophobic causes, conspiracy theories, lies, his assaults on Muslims it isn’t far-fetched at all


Can't argue with a man who can't (or won't) spell properly or uses foul language.

So im supposed to be polite when referring to as Arse clown who endorses hindutva extremists,talks crap about my country and is a bigot ?

Nope .. Can't do that.
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