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Pakistani lady caught up in the Tharoors' tiff

If any of the 2 married have a shakki damagh this is what happens...Tamasha! :disagree:

Maybe decreasing her drama serials might bring her back to her senses instead of viewing her husband with shakki eyes and going public with her accusations and doubts she should keep it within the house...

This is what I think as well.

Oh and in the past she has posted offensive comments about this journalist as well. :tsk:
i call shashi an idiot,because he is,

the way he got caught in the Kochi IPL team is hilarious.
This is what I think as well.

Oh and in the past she has posted offensive comments about this journalist as well. :tsk:

Well Lucky you. She is now dead. How convenient. You can now sing paeans to Shashi tharoor and his pakistani ISI mistress.
Oh please his psychotic wife tried to tarnish that other chicks rep for no reason.

Shame on your for bad mouthing the recently deceased. Tells us all the kind of person you are and the kind of family/background you come from. :sick::tdown:
Sunanda Pushkar used Taroor's account to tweet the following :

@mehrtarar I love you, Shashi Tharoor. And I go while in love with you, irrevocably, irreversibly, hamesha. Bleeding, but always your Mehr,

Shashi. I'm not crying any more. I'm not falling to pieces. I'm more lucid than ever. How little I knew you became visible to me..@mehrtarar

@mehrtarar You unfollowed me. You don't RT me and you don't answer me on twitter. I can live with your favourites. I have your personal validation have your personal validation of my words, I don't need any public one. For that I will wait until we are together publically really mehr

Pushkar's statement to Economic Times: "Our accounts have not been hacked and I have been sending out these tweets. I cannot tolerate this. This is a Pakistani woman who is an ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) agent, and she is stalking my husband. And you know how men are. He is flattered by the attention. I took upon myself the crimes of this man during IPL (Indian Premier League). I will not allow this to be done to me. I just can't tolerate this. I have nothing more to say," she said, speaking on the phone.

Pushkar's tweets: @prasanto @MehrTarar indians who have dignity unfollow her or are there no ppl in pakistan who R desperate 4 husbands of other women SHAME

@MehrTarar the audacity of a woman desperaely in love with an Indian "please shashi dont make me go i pleaded and begged i love u Shashi "

@MehrTarar leave us Indians alone and stop talking to my huband and pleading with him its digrading respect youself as a women

its funny on a election yr ppl want to bring down an MPusing a **** journo who has lost her job and tries with everyone including with Omar

Or perhaps to build up twitter followers thats a cheap thing 2 do ask the Pakistanis what they think of her & yes 20 calls a day is stalking

for her information Shashi an& I are very happy together sad for her to know i guess i get sick and go away 4 treatment &the vultures pounce

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/living/all...arar-saga-1342797.html?utm_source=ref_article
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