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Pakistani lady caught up in the Tharoors' tiff

Tarar is jat clan, and not she doesn't look like jatt. We jat people are just like any other punjabis in Pakistan.

And Shashi Tharoor is a Nair in Kerala.But that is not the problem here.This case may cause damage to the reputation of Tharoor and another headache to Congress.
It's a love affair not world affair... please choose appropriate sect. or i put Indian genocides in Indian defence!
Oh well...looks like Shashi Tharoor was getting his field ready for summer time. Afterall he is going to be redundant by then!:lol:
WTF r these journalists r upto?
These r those who r journalists of an islamic republic??
We really need to do something now.

You really believe this?? I still don't.

Exactly, she is distancing herself from tharoor's wife's rants clarifying only professional contact she had had with tharoor as she would have with many being a journalist. For someone who mostly tweets about her son, her professional assignments and her love of music, I don't find the stalking part. Seems Mrs. tharoor is paranoid, hence, the professional help.

My thoughts exactly.

mehr tarar is beautiful,shashi is n old idiot,

she can do much better.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I can bet Sashi can still snag some fine looking ladies even at this age.

Guy's a smooth operator.

It's a love affair not world affair... please choose appropriate sect. or i put Indian genocides in Indian defence!

People already do that, what's the difference

Oh well...looks like Shashi Tharoor was getting his field ready for summer time. Afterall he is going to be redundant by then!:lol:

I remember talking about Sashi with you the other day.

Still don't hate the guy though, What can you do when you are hit with the ladies man? Nothing.

And these are the guyz who condemn rape. So @WebMaster , @Aeronaut , @Oscar , what do u say about the above highlighted comments?

I still think this story is cooked up B.S. btw. Even if something did happen, none of our business.
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thats what Tharoor's wife says.

This is the Pakistani Jourmalist's account:

I have a great deal of respect for Shashi Tharoor. He was one of the first people I followed when I joined Twitter. In March last year, he began following me too. The kind of politician he is - I am a great admirer of his work. I wish there were more politicians like him.
I met him in Delhi in his office in April, 2013. We spoke for 45 minutes and then continued the interview in his car. I also met him in June at an awards event in Dubai. In some emails and calls, we spoke about Kerala elections, I was considering writing a book on Kerala and he offered me tips and advice.

I am not on BlackBerry messenger with him, so I was startled by his wife's comments.
I have never met his wife.

Blog: I wish Tharoors happily ever after, says Pakistani journalist | NDTV.com
And this somehow to you looks like fighting for his affections?! Really?

To me sounds like Aik Din Geo kay sath :unsure:

And the line in green clearly shows that she doesnt even know the wife whose trashing jealousy around and drawing attention unnecessarily! She wants a divorce Bismillah....Why drag a woman who interviewed and admires your husbands ideas as a reason?

'It was a pleasure to meet him. His views as a politician fascinated me,' Ms T admitted.
Today, she describes herself as a 'housewife and a mother'.
She is an avid member of the Twitterati club and posts regular tweets about her interactions with her son, her current assignments and whatever music catches her fancy.
While she initially refused to get dragged into the fight, a furious Ms T later dismissed Mrs T's charges and threatened to sue the scorned wife over the allegations.
'Becoming an ISI agent is not that easy. And how can I stalk him when I am in another country?' Ms T asked.
She also tweeted up a storm since the saga started playing out on social media, shooting off uncharitable barbs at Mrs T and defending herself.
'The blonde's aqal is weaker than her grammar & spellings. From an 'affair' it has become 'stalking'..make up yr mind, darlin'. Which one is it,' she wrote.
Another tweet read, 'For a woman to trash another woman linking her w/her husband is the lowest form of sickness ever. It's nauseous. No respect for her marriage.'
The plot got curiouser when Dr T and his missus released a joint statement on Thursday, January 16, saying, 'We wish to stress that we are happily married and intend to remain that way. Sunanda has been ill and hospitalised this week and is seeking to rest.'

If any of the 2 married have a shakki damagh this is what happens...Tamasha! :disagree:

Maybe decreasing her drama serials might bring her back to her senses instead of viewing her husband with shakki eyes and going public with her accusations and doubts she should keep it within the house...
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