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Pakistani Identity's Claim On Indian Heritage

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But a questions to Pak members ,
How big a role had extremism played in holding pak back? To what I heard Pak wasnt doing too bad , before all this Jihad in Afghanistan started... Why did not ONE muslim country progressed (exept liberal Turkey) on teh lines of European countries , exept those Oil-kings [no sence of direction,utter cowards, racists towards weaker economies and kaffirs], and many liberal countries progressed??????
Sadly amazing but true. :(
I want pakistanis POV on this issue.

Extremism played a big role in pushing Pakistan back.. but moreover the support of extremism by the establishment has undone the social fabric of Pakistan.
This is due to the identity crises faced by Pakistani's after Partition.
India remained India.. sure.. its boundaries changed a bit, but for the most part.. its still the same.
Pakistan however, was an entirely new entity which combined the areas of India which the Brit Raj had treated differently from the start. Instead of accepting the language differences and concentrating on secular lines as it should have been, Islam was used as the tool to unite. This is not to be confused with the need for Muslim unity but rather the use of Islam to suppress any national earnings rather than accommodating them amicably. The result was the separation of Bangladesh... and now the issues in Baluchistan and to an extent Sindh where politicians are able to use the Sindhi card with ease.

The establishment in its effort to strengthen the state and not the peoples used pan-Islamic ideology.
It was not as successful as hoped. Also, the attempt to use this pan-Islamic ideology to combat India has also backfired and the result are the mindless hooligans that roam the streets of Pakistan in guise.

This also reflects on the identity claim..
As I stated earlier..India is STILL India. Not much changed.(although there are attempts to ignore the heritage of Muslim rule in India by vested interests).
Pakistan is the new entity and therefore requires an identity, it does find inherent ones in the long spanning Muslim rule. But that is not enough as more Muslim rulers of India were secular in their governance than not. This is where the "over arabization" comes in, in a search for identity it is assumed that more and more cultural adaptation of Arabic(not Muslim) trends must be undertaken to forge an identity that separates Pakistani Muslims from those in India.
Although the fact is that those Muslims that existed in Pakistan and those that migrated from India had a very distinct Culture and identity from the rest of the Muslim world, yet they were fairly good practicing Muslims that adhered to the core of Islam.

In a nutshell about the Topic's "question"

Does the State of Pakistan have claim over any identity of India it chooses? NO

Do the People of Pakistan have claim over any identity of India they choose? YES
It depends, if you are from the North, then you are more leaning towards the Indo-Aryan.

In the South, you are more leaning towards Dravidian.
For ur Kind Information Mr. Tiger i am South Indian...But a Kshatriya... we have Mixed heritage of South & North... There is Nothing called Pure Aryan Nor there is anything called Pure Dravidian... Every thing is Now Mixed up...

I have my Heritage in both North & South...we Follow North Indian Aryan vedic Ritual But Still do Serpent Worship like Dravidians ...All of People Belonging to Sanatic Dharama (HINDUS,BUDDHIST,SIKHS,JAINS) have a Claim on Vedic Civilization... Cozz we Still follow Vedic Rituals in some or the other way...No others can Claim it as it is theres...even others Indian who dont follow Vedic Ritual or Sanatic Religion cant Claim it...
Lol another crapy thread about culture and what now... My culture = INDUS,HARRAPA,MOHENJO DARO,MEHRGARH=PAKISTAN...

@indians... you Mad bros? :laugh:
For ur Kind Information Mr. Tiger i am South Indian...But a Kshatriya... we have Mixed heritage of South & North... There is Nothing called Pure Aryan Nor there is anything called Pure Dravidian... Every thing is Now Mixed up...

I have my Heritage in both North & South...we Follow North Indian Aryan vedic Ritual But Still do Serpent Worship like Dravidians ...All of People Belonging to Sanatic Dharama (HINDUS,BUDDHIST,SIKHS,JAINS) have a Claim on Vedic Civilization... Cozz we Still follow Vedic Rituals in some or the other way...No others can Claim it as it is theres...even others Indian who dont follow Vedic Ritual or Sanatic Religion cant Claim it...

As i said, today's Indians are mixed, but it just happens that you may be racially more leaning towards the Dravidians, but you are not a 100% pure Dravidians.
this land was traditionally santhan dharm land from which budhhism evolved.. we were then ruled by muslim powers... few of the converted to Islam. even after 600 years of oppression and colonialism, most of the Indians preserved their culture and religion.. that itself is the legacy to the true heritage of ancient India.

Pakistan shares this heritage is has full right to claim gautam buddha to rabindranath tagore to gandhi. if they choose to embrace ghazni and ghauri thats their personal choice.
this land was traditionally santhan dharm land from which budhhism evolved.. we were then ruled by muslim powers... few of the converted to Islam. even after 600 years of oppression and colonialism, most of the Indians preserved their culture and religion.. that itself is the legacy to the true heritage of ancient India.

Pakistan shares this heritage is has full right to claim gautam buddha to rabindranath tagore to gandhi. if they choose to embrace ghazni and ghauri thats their personal choice.

How can we vlaim tagore or gandhi? they were bangalis n gujratis? on the other hand ghazni n ghauris were our fellow pashtuns?

You dig?
Lol another crapy thread about culture and what now... My culture = INDUS,HARRAPA,MOHENJO DARO,MEHRGARH=PAKISTAN...

@indians... you Mad bros? :laugh:

And what how closely is harrapan /IVC culture related to the religion that you practice????

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

How can we vlaim tagore or gandhi? they were bangalis n gujratis? on the other hand ghazni n ghauris were our fellow pashtuns?

You dig?

well pakistan is not just meant for pashtuns is it.. it is for the pakistanis that immigrated from gujrat bengal etc to .. or isn't it???
And what how closely is harrapan /IVC culture related to the religion that you practice????

IVC/Harrapans werent hindus... pagans probably... Religion has not changed the roots of Persians,italians,egyptians etc has it?

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

well pakistan is not just meant for pashtuns is it.. it is for the pakistanis that immigrated from gujrat bengal etc to .. or isn't it???

Funnily the indian immigrants also claim pashtun ancestory i.e AQ khan, ur indian cricketer zaheer,yousaf etc... dnt know if thts true or not.
IVC/Harrapans werent hindus... pagans probably... Religion has not changed the roots of Persians,italians,egyptians etc has it?

probably pagans??? you do realize that the word aryans is derrived from the sanskrit word arya which means noble.

this might help Aryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read up

---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ----------

IVC/Harrapans werent hindus... pagans probably... Religion has not changed the roots of Persians,italians,egyptians etc has it?

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Funnily the indian immigrants also claim pashtun ancestory i.e AQ khan, ur indian cricketer zaheer,yousaf etc... dnt know if thts true or not.

of course, when confronted with a question you suddenly become a funny man ... leave out the khans , how bout the biharis, and bengalis and up mulsims who are in pakistan,, can't they claim to be from the land of gandhi , tagore or buddha... so isn't your argument baseless
As i said, today's Indians are mixed, but it just happens that you may be racially more leaning towards the Dravidians, but you are not a 100% pure Dravidians.
For 100s of years we are Living in South India... Few of my relatives are Fair & Tall like North Indian...Few of my relatives are Dark like Dravidans ... Its said that my Great Great Grandfathers where Rulers of my Village & near by Areas since time Immemorial We ruled it under the Travancore Dynasty entity... So the Mixing didnt happen few 100 years back But took atleast a 1000 to 2000 years... So we have Full claim on Vedic Civilization...
of course, when confronted with a question you suddenly become a funny man ... leave out the khans , how bout the biharis, and bengalis and up mulsims who are in pakistan,, can't they claim to be from the land of gandhi , tagore or buddha... so isn't your argument baseless

I didnt run away did i? your the one shying away frm questions... as for bengalis,biharis and others they are free to claim anybody... but they make like 8% of the population..... now how can you claim indus civilisation when it didnt even spread to modern day india? just some parts of northern india like punjab etc... unless ur a punjabi or whatever i see no real evidence of you guys being able to claim anything!
The shift to pan-islamic ideology, in my opinion had a lot to do with Pakistan's inability to accept where it's heritage really did lay. We were a nation carved out of India, yet in our need to justify our very existence, Islam became the calling card. What was the point of Pakistan existing if it was a carbon copy of India?...there was a constant shift towards the Arab and Persian world, almost as a way to prove the difference between Pakistanis and Indians. In our haste to Islamisize and arabize our nation, we never realized the consequences, were the ideology to work.
We are now quite different from India and it's people, but that is not a good thing. We chose religion over our culture, we are muslims, but we were Indians first, and then Pakistanis first after partition. The advent of this religiosity turned us into a reflection of the middle east, where religion trumps all. There is a history in the land Pakistan occupies today, but only the portion that concerns Islamic rulers is given any value at all.
Had we ever chosen to be Pakistanis first, celebrating the unique differences of the various cultures within, we would have been a far greater nation...and with a very diverse population and viewpoint. Diversity and understanding provide openness and acceptance...Pakistan from the beginning tried to crush it. We lost Bangladesh, a huge loss from a cultural standpoint and have systematically crushed the Balochi movement from the 70s. I, being from Karachi, have seen similar scenes in the once great city, and will not comment on that further, since it seems to bring out the worst in my brethren.
What we have today is an islamic nation that is full of muslims, that also happens to be called Pakistan...but it could be swapped with any other nameless and faceless muslim nation on the planet with little change. That is all fine and good if that is the purpose people want to stick to. But a nation of "Pakistanis" is what we should have been aiming for, where Pakistanis of all colors and ethnicity and religions can celebrate their identity, finding similarity in concept of being Pakistani; a nation that connects them all. But, because the grounds for our existence was justified in our religion, where else will we go after, other than embrace the very foundation of Pakistan? There in lies the failing of our nation...a nation built for religious reasons is now completely overshadowed by that religion.
You didnt answer my question... as for aryan... how much aryans do the indians look? who has the highest concentration of R1A somethin genes ?india or Pakistan?

Look For ur Self...
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