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Pakistani ICBM

Pakistani ICBM

Pakistani scientists and engineers have achieved the ability to build and test an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

Capability was achieved, but the powers that be, have decided that for the time being that potential will remain just potential.

Full spectrum deterrence has been achieved against the neighbour to the east, and having a ICBM would invite a unnecessary spotlight on the homeland.

The only way I see that decision being changed is, well let's just leave it at that.

@The Deterrent @Oscar

Without actually constructing and heavily testing a working-system, how can engineers and scientists "achieve" the capability?

Its different to have knowledge of all the stages required to build an ICBM.....but its completely different thing to actually build it. Its there, but its not....

@The Deterrent @Oscar

Without actually constructing and heavily testing a working-system, how can engineers and scientists "achieve" the capability?

Its different to have knowledge of all the stages required to build an ICBM.....but its completely different thing to actually build it. Its there, but its not....


Just the way they were prepared in 1998 I guess?
@The Deterrent @Oscar

Without actually constructing and heavily testing a working-system, how can engineers and scientists "achieve" the capability?

Its different to have knowledge of all the stages required to build an ICBM.....but its completely different thing to actually build it. Its there, but its not....


With advanced CAD done on SC you can pretty accurately extrapolate, complicated processes and....... Nuff said.
@The Deterrent @Oscar

Without actually constructing and heavily testing a working-system, how can engineers and scientists "achieve" the capability?

Its different to have knowledge of all the stages required to build an ICBM.....but its completely different thing to actually build it. Its there, but its not....

They can't, period. You not only have to build it, but also to test-flight it several times.

The knowledge has been there since 2005, however the rumor-mills are usually not aware of implementation complexities, so I'm gonna leave it at that.
Nuclear science =/= rocketry

For goodness sake.

It's not about the specific area, but the general approach. In any scientific inquiry, if something prohibits experimentation, what do you do? Instead of performing the full experiment, you perform parts of it, then extrapolate by linking the individual pieces.
With advanced CAD done on SC you can pretty accurately extrapolate, complicated processes and....... Nuff said.

C'mon, "advanced CAD" is no alternative to actually building and testing ICBMs :rolleyes: Lets not become Iranians....

I'm sure our scientists/engineers can make missiles reaching 5k range.....but they have not made em.

Any functional ICBM deterrent Pakistan builds will either be submarine based or 10,000km+ range. Otherwise, 5-6k missile won't give us any value.
C'mon, "advanced CAD" is no alternative to actually building and testing ICBMs :rolleyes: Lets not become Iranians....

I'm sure our scientists/engineers can make missiles reaching 5k range.....but they have not made em.

Any functional ICBM deterrent Pakistan builds will either be submarine based or 10,000km+ range. Otherwise, 5-6k missile won't give us any value.

C'mon, "advanced CAD" is no alternative to actually building and testing ICBMs :rolleyes: Lets not become Iranians....

I'm sure our scientists/engineers can make missiles reaching 5k range.....but they have not made em.

Any functional ICBM deterrent Pakistan builds will either be submarine based or 10,000km+ range. Otherwise, 5-6k missile won't give us any value.

Who says they haven't built and tested the individual components? The thrusters can be affixed to a stationary rig and the full cycle of fuel combustion can be studied. Estimates of thrust can thus be obtained which can be used to predict trajectory in real life. The entire rocket can be assembled and electrical signals, and communication can be tested. The response of heat shields can be studied in advanced wind tunnels. All of this provides the team a very high level of confidence when the actual test is carried out.
They can't, period. You not only have to build it, but also to test-flight it several times.

The knowledge has been there since 2005, however the rumor-mills are usually not aware of implementation complexities, so I'm gonna leave it at that.
Knowledge is good but when one does not have the capability/technology to engineer a product, its importance diminishes. We are still importing technology legally & illegally and paying alot for it to put it in use in missiles being produced.
For now, let's quietly follow up on SLV updates...
People don't have much idea about the restrictions Pakistan had to face internationally. Only now have we got the human resource with adequate specialization to work towards more indigenousness. And still we lack the facilities especially for the electronics...
but its completely different thing to actually build it. Its there, but its not....
exactly this seems the status ..... knowledge and basic infrastructure must be there but the actual product is not in existence
C'mon, "advanced CAD" is no alternative to actually building and testing ICBMs :rolleyes: Lets not become Iranians....

I'm sure our scientists/engineers can make missiles reaching 5k range.....but they have not made em.

Any functional ICBM deterrent Pakistan builds will either be submarine based or 10,000km+ range. Otherwise, 5-6k missile won't give us any value.

'Capability' can be demonstrating by start testing SLVs. This will be a good alternative indication to icbm capability.
India Tested first Nuke in 74, Pakistan didn't as it never had a Technology.

India Tested Agni, Pakistan didn't as it didn't have a Platform in 80s

Fast Forward 90s... Pakistan Gets Nodongs..from N. Korea. Nukes are ready in 1995.

As soon as India Tests Agni, they Test Gauri.
As soon as India Tests Nukes, Pakistan tests in a month.

They don't wait to HIDE their technology if they can MATCH it.

They even went ahead to show that they have MIRVs much before India. Though MIRVs are yet to be tested... They are not keeping away from Boasting that they have a 'capability'

In short, if they have the capability to launch satellites they will do it....it solves no purpose to hide it..in any manner....if it does please enlighten me.
Different realities and different dynamics now and then.
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