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Indians and their islamophobia. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

ajtr, I live in city with 70% muslim population in Indian Punjab. We never faced any medium/major religious clash except 2-3 minor incidents with no physical injury to any one in last 100 years. I have more Muslim friends than hindu/sikh friends. I myself is a sikh. There were 7 muslim engineers/techs in my service operations team, selected by solely myself, out 16 total in an Indian (hindu) state of Himachal Pradesh. So don't give your sh** or "Islamophobic" fatwa on me!!!!!!!!!!!
Rape ll u get u upto capital punishment,the laws are there to punish rapists.

You think this is the same as rape,it is worse than rape.
India was made for Non-Muslims and Pakistan was made for Muslims.

So it is better for the others to move if the conditions are difficult.But they are welcome to live in India and we can assure nobody ll dare to do such a thing like kidnapping girls and all.

What third grade behaviour is that? It is worse than Love Jihad,that too minor girls,basically kids and there are courts which say a 13 year old girl can run away with a guy.

I wonder which hindu ll dare to live in a such a society.

Your countryman just said otherwise..
and here is the example of the "social disconnect" from the concept that I just mentioned.
You think all Muslims belong in Pakistan, your countrymen think otherwise.
Infact, you are echoing the sentiment expressed by many extremists here in Pakistan... So the Idea of Hindu India would not be wrongly prescribed in textbooks if the authors quoted you?
The only difference is that our press has greater exposure so our issues are highlighted better.

All in all, India is a much bigger place. Where there may be stories of persecution , there are many other opposing success stories that balance it out. Be it from any religion, caste or creed.
Pakistan no longer has the social fabric to sustain such success stories, nor a cohesive nationhood to promote them.
Your countryman just said otherwise..
and here is the example of the "social disconnect" from the concept that I just mentioned.
You think all Muslims belong in Pakistan, your countrymen think otherwise.
Infact, you are echoing the sentiment expressed by many extremists here in Pakistan... So the Idea of Hindu India would not be wrongly prescribed in textbooks if the authors quoted you?
The only difference is that our press has greater exposure so our issues are highlighted better.

All in all, India is a much bigger place. Where there may be stories of persecution , there are many other opposing success stories that balance it out. Be it from any religion, caste or creed.
Pakistan no longer has the social fabric to sustain such success stories, nor a cohesive nationhood to promote them.

Actually, this was the premise of the TNT.

And because Pakistan came into being, it is not wrong for a section of Indians to think that way.

Our official position was and remains that India has chosen to be secular, providing equal opportunities to all without regard to their faith or creed.

The division of country on the basis of Islam does pose a problem. You are indulging in circular thinking. Putting the cart before the horse.

If there had been no partition in the name of Islam, India would be home to all with no questions asked.

By dividing the country, Muslims forfeited the right to India. At least those who supported the TNT.

More, TNT when extrapolated proves much more to the world.
Forget it Asim to an indian, any contention other than that we are bloodthirsty people ready to convert a Hindu girl before breakfast is unacceptable, their prejudice will not allow them to do so.

Rafi do you really think, in country where a religious maniac threatened to kill children of a judge openly and got acquitted, 17 year old girl will reach to supreme court and media (When she was still in kidnappers possession) to tell that she was converted forcibly. Sindh, where claimed to 16%-17% hindu population, a single case of vice-versa (a Muslim girl converted to Hinduism) is happened in recent times and lived happily with police protection, as love is blind and did not see cast, creed or religion...........name a single case..................
I have to say that I was disappointed with ajtr's very strange position on this. As if we have to measure and compute outrage and keep proportions of outrage at incidents in India and incidents in Pakistan strictly balanced.
What you expect me to do???I had three similar cases nicely laid out marriage of 3 minors one in india, one in pakistan and the kidnapping an conversion of the minor hindu girl.when i was coming from the top to bottom of pyramid in illegality of it what people were more interested in throwing mud by showing outrage which i call is fake truly fake one.And as you say i do have inherent different positions then sure i do atleast in this thread.coz no outrage can be measured against a fake one.you want to scale it up then limit yourself to first 4 pages of this thread.

how will you analyze it a hindu only problem. a hindu minority problem. when there is precedence of LHC validating 12 yr muslim girls marriage and indian court validating 15 yrs old muslim girl.Or yo will just look it as kidnapping issue? or you will just look it as forceful conversion issue?won

Wont you try to dug up the roots and look it as only girl child marriage issue or you want it just as hindu only issue when this issue effect the girl child of any religion be it muslim hindu or christian etc......
It will be shameful for us even if razakars leave. We claim to be a secular democracy, we are not a hindu democracy.

Go ask Owaisi if he believes in secularism or even tolerance. He doesn't and people who are aware of how things happen in his backyard - the old city - will know that. No need to be tolerant to the intolerant.

Dude frankly you are high on the utopia weed. Things in India might look all rosy and idealistic sitting in UK, but no.

The Razakar thugs for example must be dumped into the bay of bengal at the first given opportunity.,
I have many Hindu and Christian friends in Pakistan and they don't have these kind of problems. But I can't say this for Muslims and Christians of India
Dude,Telegana has to happen thats all.

If Telengana happens, Razakars ll get fried on the streets of hyderabad.
Pakistan: 14-yr-old Hindu girl forced to marry Muslim boy, embrace Islam


Islamabad: The teenage Hindu girl in Pakistan who was kidnapped two days ago from Sindh has converted to Islam and married a Muslim boy, say media reports.

However, the girl's family claims she was coerced into doing it. Fourteen years old Manisha Kumari called up her parents and informed them about her new religion and marital status.

The kidnapping of the girl from Jacobabad and the abduction of 11 Hindu traders from Balochistan and Sindh provinces over the past few months has added to the community's concerns.

Pakistan: 14-yr-old Hindu girl forced to marry Muslim boy, embrace Islam - daily.bhaskar.com
I have seen Asaduddin Owaisi crying in the parliament that they ll fry them to death if Hyderabad goes to Telegana and thats why he is begging Jagan these days, He should be the next target.

If we have BJP in Karnataka,Telengana & MP & Chattisgarh. Kerala ll take time and if Telengana gets formed,the rest of Andhra ll be a fight between TDP & Jagan,Congress ll be a no show and if Amma is in TN.

Thats all we need.Then we ll see how they talk.

Congress knows they ll be in power only if Andhra and Kerala give them full votes,else they are gone.

Thats why they are looting like crazy.
Pak Hindus not seeking asylum, claims leader of fresh batch

Attari, Aug 11, 2012 (PTI)

As a fresh batch of 100 more Hindus crossed over from Pakistan here today, the leader of the group today claimed that they were not seeking asylum in India.

With tension writ large on their faces, the group arrived in India, a day after about 115 Hindus walked across the frontier amid reports of exodus of the minority community from Sindh province following kidnapping of a Hindu girl there.

Group leader Rajesh dismissed claims that Pakistan authorities were forcing them to give an undertaking that they would not seek asylum from Indian Government and would return to Pakistan within a period of 33 days.

"It would be wrong to say that Hindus or Hindu families who have crossed over to India were no more willing to go back to Pakistan," Singh said, adding that they would surely return to Pakistan and Sindh province.

"The Hindus from Pakistan have come to India to pay obeisance in the Hindu historic temples located in Amritsar, Indore, Haridwar, Rishikesh and Delhi but not for asylum," he said, while dismissing as "rumours" reports of exodus of Hindus.

"In fact, none of the Pakistan-based Hindu families could afford to live in India while leaving their ancestral houses and set up behind in Pakistan," he said.

However, a member, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that before crossing over to India, each member of delegation was forced to give an undertaking to Pakistan authorities that they would not seek asylum from Indian Government.

Another member Bishan Das said that if Pakistan based Hindus get an opportunity for immigrating to India, they would never lose the chance.

"If Indian government throws open the doors for Pakistan based Hindus, they would flock to India," he said, adding that they felt life would be much easier here especially when they have to marry their children.

Gobind Mal, also a Pakistani Hindu, said that most of the Pakistan-based rich business families already have settlements in Mumbai and Dubai. "As far as middle class was concerned, they are still struggling hard to survive due to one reason or another."Group member Aman alleged that Hindu girls were being targeted by fundamentalists who kidnap them and get them married after conversion.

Hindu pilgrim Jetha Nand, resident of Kot Ghulam, in Mirpur Khas district said that Pakistani government provided protection to Hindus but it was not adequate.A young pilgrim from Balochistan, Krishan Chand, said he was not in a position to live in India since his parents were in Pakistan.

Anup Kumar, head of the group that arrived yestrday, had alleged that that Hindu families were not safe in Pakistan, since kidnapping of young Hindu girls and brides by fundamentalists at gunpoint had become a routine affair.

"There is no law and order in Sindh province and the government is watching the activities of fundamentalists as a mute spectator," he had alleged.

He did not rule out the possibility that majority of the members of the delegation would never like to go back to Pakistan in the prevailing circumstances.

Pak Hindus not seeking asylum, claims leader of fresh batch
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