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Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

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These people are coming on temporary visas. Let us see what this pseudosecular government will do. I pity these people.

Here is a snippet from a 3 month old article.

"In India, they are facing a shock worse than catastrophe-betrayal. The Government of India refuses to recognise them as refugees and is unmoved by their plight. In its reply to activist S.C. Agrawal's RTI query on November 1, 2011, on the status of Pakistani Hindu refugees, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) claimed it was an "internal matter'' of Pakistan. In the same reply, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) admitted that it could not say how many Pakistani Hindus had emigrated."

No country for Pakistani Hindus - Yahoo! News India
No Muslim migrating to Land of Pure after many riots why. huh

They are free to move to pakistan.
Muslims have a tendecy to defend themselves and fight back, unlike some people.
Of course, the wise thing my grandparents did was they fought and died, but PA rescued my grandad from hindus when he was 3(but he did get tortured, he still has marks)
Proud :pakistan:
Muslims have a tendecy to defend themselves and fight back, unlike some people.
Of course, the wise thing my grandparents did was they fought and died, but PA rescued my grandad from hindus when he was 3(but he did get tortured, he still has marks)
Proud :pakistan:

Uh yeah, when you are outnumbered 100 to 1, not running away is not bravery, it's foolhardiness.

India stole a lot of land from both PK and BD. Some of the mentally disturbed people can be relocated to barren land of India.

Yeah man, the country that carved out a nation for you from your oppressors has stolen land from you right?
Muslims have a tendecy to defend themselves and fight back, unlike some people.
Of course, the wise thing my grandparents did was they fought and died, but PA rescued my grandad from hindus when he was 3(but he did get tortured, he still has marks)
Proud :pakistan:

Yes we can see your muslim tendency still going on. Plenty of things happened during partition you are the only one with these type of story.

Forced conversions, extortion and kidnapping still in process until Islam reach its highest number to claim the title.
India stole a lot of land from both PK and BD. Some of the mentally disturbed people can be relocated to barren land of India.

Well, this is Dharmic land and belongs to the Dharmic people.

A matter of time. Good for you, you ran away. ;)

its definitely sad to see them go but the question is as if Indian Muslims didnt come to Pakistan. They make 8% of our population....

Pakistan was almost completely ethnically cleansed! There is no comparison.

A land that was completely Dharmic for thousands of years is now almost completely occupied by a foreign ideology.
Congress can sent Mani Shankar Ayer to do the some preaching in Pakistan!
Pak Hindu families shuttle from footpath to tents - India News - IBNLive

New Delhi: From sleeping on the pavements to makeshift relief camps to finally having a roof over their head, the journey for a few Hindu families from Pakistan to India has not been easy. Those who have managed to escape to India say they are too scared to return and want to stay here for good.
For 80-year-old Bakhtavari, it's a new found sense of freedom forever since she came to Delhi from Sindh last October. She has overstayed her tourist visa and says she will not return to a country where her religious identity is at risk.

"We used to celebrated Diwali and Holi secretly, inside our homes... We never ventured out. We built our temples within our households..." she says.

Jamna is also among the 150 Pakistani Hindus who relocated to India. She says she is tired of the constant harassment by the Muslim community in Pakistan.
Girls are kidnapped and converted to Islam there... They don't spare the boys either," she says. "We lived in fear."

A local property dealer, Ashok Kadian has provided shelter to them after nearly two months of them living in makeshift tents in North Delhi.

However, their relief at being here is tinged with anxiety.
Says Jamna, "We miss our families... We constantly worry about our brothers and sisters who are left behind."
Their application for a permanent visa is still pending with the Indian courts. Even as they wait for the legal process to come through, it's thanks to the efforts of people like the Kandians that the refugees at least have a place to now call home.
India is Not a private property of any one as u claim to send any one to pakistan or wherever. It Solely Belongs to every Indian who are sons of the soil . u better enjoy ur life in australia dude.

He added, "If they want to".

Who are we to hold back someone against their wishes ?

Ofcourse it does not hold for nationalistic Muslims like Abdul Kalam sir. But for razakar thugs like Owaisi...
He added, "If they want to".

Who are we to hold back someone against their wishes ?

Ofcourse it does not hold for nationalistic Muslims like Abdul Kalam sir. But for razakar thugs like Owaisi...
It will be shameful for us even if razakars leave. We claim to be a secular democracy, we are not a hindu democracy.
Mute Indian Stranded In Pakistan Desperate For Home
KARACHI, Aug 11, 2012 (AFP) -When South Asia's nuclear rivals celebrate 65 years of independence next week, a deaf and mute Indian woman stranded in Pakistan will be thinking of only one thing: how to get home to see her family.
Geeta, now 21, was found by police 13 years ago, sitting alone and disorientated on a train that had come across the border into Pakistan's eastern city of Lahore.
As no one claimed her, officers took Geeta to the Edhi Foundation, Pakistan's largest and best-known charity, in whose care she has remained ever since.
Geeta, desperate to get back to India, has tried to run away several times but, defenceless and unable to explain where her family live, has failed.
However, activists are now making a renewed push in the hope that Indian and Pakistani authorities can intervene to find her parents.
"It is simple for her," Bilqees Edhi told AFP at the tiny apartment where she cares personally for Geeta in the same building as an orphanage and a hospital.
"She thinks she'll be in India as soon as she leaves us. She desperately wants to meet her family but she only knows she lives in India, nothing else."
At first, Geeta lived in a shelter in Lahore as the charity tried to track down her family, but years went by without success.
After she tried to escape several times and quarrelled with staff, Bilqees, who always had an easy relationship with her, brought her to Karachi six months ago and welcomed her into her own home.
Short and thin with a pale complexion, Geeta has her own form of sign language and can write in Hindi: "India, seven brothers, three sisters".
She adopts the Hindi custom of greeting elders by touching their feet and pressing her two palms together close to her heart in the gesture of Namaste.
Speaking through sign language, she said one day she became annoyed after being told off by her parents, left the house and kept walking for hours.
"Then," she swings her hands back and forth in a loop, a sign for a moving train, "I boarded the train and slept."
Geeta writes that her mother used to call her "Guddi", which means doll in Urdu and Punjabi. Through sign language, she says her home is next to a river, set in fields with the house behind a hospital and a restaurant.
"You know, it could be any village or town. We have so many places like this," sighs Bilqees in quiet frustration.
An official in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, when contacted by AFP, said he would inquire into the case, but was unable to comment for the moment.
Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, has offered to help by taking up the case with the High Commission, and calling on the Indian media to help find her family.
Geeta is not the first Indian child to stray into Pakistan. Other cases of children straying across the border have previously been resolved with them handed back to their home country.
One runaway teenager, who crossed over to Lahore then took the train to Karachi, was handed back in 2009 after police found him wandering around and he said he was from Kanpur city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, police official Afzal Khan said.
Three years ago, Bilqees says she managed to repatriate another Indian girl, who had also strayed across the border after a row with her parents.
"But, fortunately she could speak and tell us her whereabouts, which enabled us to arrange for her safe return."
For now, Geeta watches Indian soap operas on a small TV, and observes the dawn to dusk fast of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, although she also prays at a small Hindu shrine in a corner of Bilqees' veranda.
"She worships there and fasts as well with us," explains Bilqees.
Geeta touches her lips and ears to indicate that her siblings can hear and speak. Then her smile tinges with sadness. She looks at the sky and moves her arm slowly upwards, mimicking a plane.
"She says she wants to go home as soon as possible," interjects Ismat, a teenager who lives in the orphanage upstairs.
ISLAMABAD: A 14-year-old Hindu girl who was abducted two days ago has converted to Islam and married a Muslim in Pakistan, a media report said but her distraught father says that she "can never give up on her religion, she has been coerced into doing it".

Manisha Kumari, 14, is now Mahvish and herself called up her parents from an unknown location and broke the news of her conversion. She claimed it was voluntary as was her love-marriage with a man named Ghulam Mustafa Channa, said Geo News citing reports. It, however, did not explain what type of reports it had accessed.

The girl's father, Ravet Mal, alleged that her kidnappers have forced her to convert and marry. "She can never give up on her religion, she has been coerced into doing it," he told Geo News.

Sanjay Singh, the girl's uncle, said that her voice wavered on the phone and it seemed as if she was saying all this under pressure.

"She sounded scared on the phone, it's not what it seems. There were people around her dictating to her, we could hear them giving her instructions," he said.

Sindh has a sizeable population of Hindus, who are the largest minority community in Pakistan.

Kidnapped Hindu girl embraces Islam, gets married - The Times of India
14 year old, it's akin to kidnapping and rape whatever be the circumstances at least in India no idea about Pakistan.
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