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Miyan even if the girl ran away it sure comes under kidnapping coz the man she married is major and the moulvi who performed nikah is major.Girl is masoom but others are not.This case is sure shot kidnapping case in any court of law.

Miyan even if the girl ran away it sure comes under kidnapping coz the man she married is major and the moulvi who performed nikah is major.Girl is masoom but others are not.This case is sure shot kidnapping case in any court of law.

Hope her case won't end up like rinkle kumari by pressure from vaderas and clerics.
Girl has to be 18 to get married. This is not even a marriage.
Legal marriageable age for girl is 16 in pakistan if im not wrong.but in one of case LHC had declared the marriage of 12 yr old girl based on islamic rule of reaching puberty.so when You have such legal precedence in past it does encourage people to play with law.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3293612 said:
a girl who ran from home and married his lover and the media is trying to give it the colour of kidnapping, a kidnapped girl would never call her parents and talk about conversion by choice, 14 years is old enough, people do get mature at 14 years its no secret

rest should be investigated and rested if true to avoid more propaganda

It's people with your thought process that has brought Pakistan to where it stands today. Sabash!
Hope her case won't end up like rinkle kumari by pressure from vaderas and clerics.
Rinkle kumari was of legal marriageable age i think as per law its 16 yrs in pakistan and she was 17.It was her decision as an adult.but this case is sure shot kidnapping case.
Now that is what I call a slap & a punch to Indian lies & propaganda against Pakistan. Indian lies & propaganda are always active & they search for ways to spread their lies & propaganda against Pakistan.

My advice to hindis is it's time for you all to grow up, admit the truth & facts rather than living in the world of lies & fiction.
Kidnapped Hindu girl embraces Islam, gets married

Medieval barbarians of 21th century.

Then they accuse Pakistani Hindus as disloyal to Pakistan for leaving that country.
Under what law a 14 year old girl can be married off?As per pakistan penal code marriageable age for girls is 16 yrs,which in my opinion is still very low.This above case truly comes under kidnapping and child marriage act.Or is it that Pakistani courts have started following Shariat in its true form guided by the principles as age of reaching puberty as marriageable age.Btw way LHC has already in past has created a precedence by allowing the marriage of girl aged 12 based on reaching puberty principle.
LHC i mus say act more jehadi then the jihadis themselves.

But present case is sure comes under kidnapping/rape and molestation...for which all those involved should be hanged including the person who married the girl and the moulavi who commensurate the marriage.

This is the masoom going through the ordeal.

even if she is kidnapped, what has it got to do with prejudice against hindu community, and the girls belonging from hindu background are more prone to be kidnapped, are hindus more beautiful that they are more prone, this is a lame excuse just to incite a religious discrimination in a very pathetic manner

if a girl is indeed kidnapped as i said, investigation should be done but the media has no rights to give it a religious colour and score points, its simply another crime and thats it
Anyone talking like its not a big deal need to have a 14 year old girl first. The human in me will still be sympathetic to your pathetic existence because of that minor girl. Other than that if it was upto me I would never let you procreate after hearing comments like that.
Rinkle kumari was of legal marriageable age i think as per law its 16 yrs in pakistan and she was 17.It was her decision as an adult.but this case is sure shot kidnapping case.

clerics and vaderas run their parallel government in rural Sindh, so I don't see any hope.
It's people with your thought process that has brought Pakistan to where it stands today. Sabash!

good, i think looking too much in pakistan and avoiding where your country stand is the mind set you need to change you should look in your country's problem and try to embrace it instead of drumming about shupar powar future shining india
yeah right ,

This is exactly like taking 5 year old kid by by means of coercion(eg offering candy or saying im ur friend) and the n claiming tht the kid came to them on there own.

on top of tht u marry her off without the parents consent? last time i checked minor were not authorized by law to take major decisions without parental consent. OR is Pakistan some @#$##$% banana republic?

what bloody hypocrites. Pakistan will finally achieve its goal of 100% Muslim population ,kindly send the Hindus to us we can take better care of them as well as our minorities..
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3293684 said:
even if she is kidnapped, what has it got to do with prejudice against hindu community, and the girls belonging from hindu background are more prone to be kidnapped, are hindus more beautiful that they are more prone, this is a lame excuse just to incite a religious discrimination in a very pathetic manner

if a girl is indeed kidnapped as i said, investigation should be done but the media has no rights to give it a religious colour and score points, its simply another crime and thats it
You seems you are not confident of your own words you typed above.I took this case as that of a general minor girl and its you who bought in the hindu issue not i.And this girl is minor by law.even if she ran away with the man then both man and his family and molvi who conducted the marriage are bound to be charge under kidnapping rule.
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