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buddy i only told truth and i am not belong to hindu community .but i know value of hinduism in india .by the way mostly muslim literate are only panchvi paas . u hardly find muslim in higher engg. collages or medical collages .
Some extent you are right. They are less educated compared to others.
In kerala they are doing well. But they are being targeted for that reason :-)

There are reasons why they are not that educated.
1. They were poor and not able to afford education
2. Even educated one wasnt getting job. Many times jobs are controlled by "Upper casts Hindus" though it is getting changed now. Still it is relatively easy for brahmins to find job easily than other.
3. Muslims are more practising than Hindus. They need to offer prayer, fast. These facilities are not availabe to them in schools and companies. so earlier they preffered not going to school than not being muslim.
4. It is hard muslim girl wearing scarf getting a job or school admission.

the current pak were hindus forced to interbreed with invaders and hence the looks which are more white . the current indians were brave enough not to be forced and hence purer.
but my point is just that the cnverts were mostly lower class and jatts (who are classified as backward caste in india) hindus. so you are more likely a cross of central asian and lower caste hindu
Your post says that these conversion made them good looking :-) Then its really good.
@ JinxeD_girl

These both kinds of people are there in both india and pakistan. Don't generalise a whole community on the basis of a picture.
The pak hindus shown in the video are pretty dark. Does that mean all pakistanis are like that ?
India had attack for all prevoious ones too.forget the mumbai after babari demolition and then the bombblast by dawood gang.
If you think india never poked nose in pakistan's internal matters then i must say you were the most naive person.

see.. if indians destroy babri, why should Pak attack? do we attack when so many temples were destroyed in pak? NO
second, indians never have caused blasts in pak. even if india attacks all minorities in india, unless it impacts pak Pak should not poke its nose. period.
So your whole troll about samjhauta is flat.
OK . samjahuta guys are arrested. what about ISI head and dawood and saeed and lakhvi. Please arrest themm

Some extent you are right. They are less educated compared to others.
In kerala they are doing well. But they are being targeted for that reason :-)

There are reasons why they are not that educated.
1. They were poor and not able to afford education
2. Even educated one wasnt getting job. Many times jobs are controlled by "Upper casts Hindus" though it is getting changed now. Still it is relatively easy for brahmins to find job easily than other.
3. Muslims are more practising than Hindus. They need to offer prayer, fast. These facilities are not availabe to them in schools and companies. so earlier they preffered not going to school than not being muslim.
4. It is hard muslim girl wearing scarf getting a job or school admission.

Your post says that these conversion made them good looking :-) Then its really good.
nope didnt say that. first fair isnt good looks. second i never said that they are good looking. (although they are) thridly it was not conversion it was forced breeding, if you know what i mean. being a woman, i dont want to degrade my own kind
@ JinxeD_girl

These both kinds of people are there in both india and pakistan. Don't generalise a whole community on the basis of a picture.
The pak hindus shown in the video are pretty dark. Does that mean all pakistanis are like that ?

yes I agree but ON AVERAGE people from Pakistan and extreme North Western Parts of India like Kashmir, Haryana and Punjab, look much different from the rest of Indians. If you deny that, it doesn't matter.
Are you sure about that? What is you definition of lower caste?

Here is how average girls from UPPER PUNJAB look like

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

and here is your average Indian from Bihar and U.P. looks like...

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Pashtuns and Balochis are Iranic people, so don't let us start on them. They have nothing to do with India and Indians.

you are a liar.. second pic is from the south. there are no cocnut trees in bihar.
second there is no proof that top pic is punjabi.
third please go to streets in delhi to find people like the top pic .. all hindus

yes I agree but ON AVERAGE people from Pakistan and extreme North Western Parts of India like Kashmir, Haryana and Punjab, look much different from the rest of Indians. If you deny that, it doesn't matter.
i agre on that.. if hindus from kashmir, punjab and haryana look like that.. both lower and upper castes.. then its very possible that the hindkos and hindus are of same lineage
the current pak were hindus forced to interbreed with invaders and hence the looks which are more white . the current indians were brave enough not to be forced and hence purer.

If for a second we believe that your theory is true, how would you explain with your theory the physical attributes of Kashmiri Pandits and Punjabi Hindus who moved from present day pakistan to India. Going by your theory, they didn't interbreed with invaders, but then why Kashmiris Pandits, Punjabi Sikhs etc look more like Pakistanis and not Indians :azn:

you are a liar.. second pic is from the south. there are no cocnut trees in bihar.

I didn't lie. Enter "Bihari girls" in google images and look at the first pic which pops up (the above posted pic)
why should they announce.. 26/11 guys announced?
secondly, this is all in retaliation for since 1989 pak has been doing it with indian help. mutalik was by tehelka, so dubious source. obvviuosly indian mslims will say that about IM.
but still root source was all evenets emanating from Pak. also number of instances done by indians pales to insignificance compared to pak
Pak targeted Indians equally they dint kill only Hindus or Muslims.
But your target?
Read my posts carefully there are more events happening in India to defame muslims name. So beacareful. Dont fall trap.

About Mutalik: He himself went under ground now ashamed of his act. Source might be tehalka. From the same source bangaru lakshman tape was proved in court. Also karnataka with BJP government was itself thinking to ban "Shri rama sene"
If for a second we believe that your theory is true, how would you explain with your theory the physical attributes of Kashmiri Pandits and Punjabi Hindus who moved from present day pakistan to India. Going by your theory, they didn't interbreed with invaders, but then why Kashmiris Pandits, Punjabi Sikhs etc look more like Pakistanis and not Indians :azn:
thats because most of you guys were all hindus in the beginning. now hindus wre there of all types.. fair dark short tall .. thats the beauty.
now all the invaders from arab and central asia were fair and tall. so the product of punjabis and arabs will still be fair and good looking peopple.. the good looking part coming from hindus and the fair part from invaders

Pak targeted Indians equally they dint kill only Hindus or Muslims.
But your target?
Read my posts carefully there are more events happening in India to defame muslims name. So beacareful. Dont fall trap.

About Mutalik: He himself went under ground now ashamed of his act. Source might be tehalka. From the same source bangaru lakshman tape was proved in court. Also karnataka with BJP government was itself thinking to ban "Shri rama sene"
hey dont quote mutalik and sene.. totally different from trror of you guys.

Pak targetted indians. indians targetted pak over. indians were arrested.. pak are still doing it. now buzz off.

If for a second we believe that your theory is true, how would you explain with your theory the physical attributes of Kashmiri Pandits and Punjabi Hindus who moved from present day pakistan to India. Going by your theory, they didn't interbreed with invaders, but then why Kashmiris Pandits, Punjabi Sikhs etc look more like Pakistanis and not Indians :azn:

I didn't lie. Enter "Bihari girls" in google images and look at the first pic which pops up (the above posted pic)
apologies for calling you so.. but these look more like south indian dalits.
Why the hell are people discussing skin color for ? The ones calling themselves women on this forum are the ones who are objectifying women in the first place. Sweet irony of it all.
see.. if indians destroy babri, why should Pak attack? do we attack when so many temples were destroyed in pak? NO
second, indians never have caused blasts in pak. even if india attacks all minorities in india, unless it impacts pak Pak should not poke its nose. period.
So your whole troll about samjhauta is flat.
OK . samjahuta guys are arrested. what about ISI head and dawood and saeed and lakhvi. Please arrest themm

nope didnt say that. first fair isnt good looks. second i never said that they are good looking. (although they are) thridly it was not conversion it was forced breeding, if you know what i mean. being a woman, i dont want to degrade my own kind

How can u focibly convert some one?? In islam if you just change the name to "Ahmad" or "Muhammed" Its not enough. There are so many things one need to do being a muslim. Atleast are you aware of 5 pillars of islam?

Now take one person converted a "Hindu" girl to islam forcibly. Will they practise islam? Will they like islam?
Will they teach their children islam? Wont their anger towards islam will grow? Wont they be following their old religion at home and mind?
It is soo easy to enter islam and leave islam. Just say "God is two" i think you are not a muslm.

Why in all forcible conversion stories end with they becoming permanent muslims?
It is really idiotic to believe that forcible conversation exists.
Converstions happen. its mosly because they learn. some times because girl wil be in love with boy (which majority of muslim family will not accept.).

How many famous persons in this world converted? In fact Tony blairs sister (i dont remember exactly sister, but its surly some one very close to him) converted recently.
Why the hell are people discussing skin color for ? The ones calling themselves women on this forum are the ones who are objectifying women in the first place. Sweet irony of it all.
dont concern you.. women discuss what they want..

How can u focibly convert some one?? In islam if you just change the name to "Ahmad" or "Muhammed" Its not enough. There are so many things one need to do being a muslim. Atleast are you aware of 5 pillars of islam?

Now take one person converted a "Hindu" girl to islam forcibly. Will they practise islam? Will they like islam?
Will they teach their children islam? Wont their anger towards islam will grow? Wont they be following their old religion at home and mind?
It is soo easy to enter islam and leave islam. Just say "God is two" i think you are not a muslm.

Why in all forcible conversion stories end with they becoming permanent muslims?
It is really idiotic to believe that forcible conversation exists.
Converstions happen. its mosly because they learn. some times because girl wil be in love with boy (which majority of muslim family will not accept.).

How many famous persons in this world converted? In fact Tony blairs sister (i dont remember exactly sister, but its surly some one very close to him) converted recently.
but thats the truth mate.
Why the hell are people discussing skin color for ? The ones calling themselves women on this forum are the ones who are objectifying women in the first place. Sweet irony of it all.

because one of your friends from India claimed that majority of Pakistanis are low caste Hindu converts. So had to post 1 or 2 pics. U should be happy, that I haven't posted hundreds of pics from both sides of border to prove my point. :azn:
yes I agree but ON AVERAGE people from Pakistan and extreme North Western Parts of India like Kashmir, Haryana and Punjab, look much different from the rest of Indians. If you deny that, it doesn't matter.

This assumption is quite dubious. I have been to 6 states in India and I didn't see any difference between people of haryana and UP. Mostly the tribals, labourers and poor people were dark as I observed cuz they have to work outside in the sun and their skin gets tanned gradually . Wealthy and middle class people are generally fair. Only the people south of tropic of cancer are dark as majority of them are tribals except for maharashtra. And the pic that you posted is most probably from south as southies can be recognised easily from their facial structure.
This assumption is quite dubious. I have been to 6 states in India and I didn't see any difference between people of haryana and UP. Mostly the tribals, labourers and poor people were dark as I observed cuz they have to work outside in the sun and their skin gets tanned gradually . Wealthy and middle class people are generally fair. Only the people south of tropic of cancer are dark as majority of them are tribals except for maharashtra. And the pic that you posted is most probably from south as southis can be recognised easily from their facial structure.

What about the people of Kashmir versus U.P.?
dont concern you.. women discuss what they want..

but thats the truth mate.

Yes it does. It's off-topic and dumbs down the debate for everyone. Discuss what you please on private messages.

The topic once again;

'Don't want to return to Pakistan'

'Don't want to return to Pakistan' - Says Pakistani Hindus living in Delhi.

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