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Pakistani file plea to prove Bhagat Singh innocent

:what: ethiest, communits and also a Sikh???

isnt contradiction?

Why is that???For me Sikhism is one of the cool religions that the atheists and rationalists respect, like Buddhism.It's a highly philosophical religion which promotes political egalitarianism,Instead of Dogma.The concept of "God" in Sikhism and is so broad as to have no conflict with and encompasses all of science, any new discoveries, the universe, every person regardless of faith, sex, caste, class, nationality, sexual preference, etc.; every living thing, and all human experience.
:) what is culturally in this case ?

I mean he may have prescribed to some Cultural Practices of Punjab many of which were born out of or incorporated in the Sikh Religion but otherwise he was atheist & a Marxist at that !
Thats why your Indian member was including the confused one in freedom fighter line funny indians.

It took many decades for India to install his statues and you guys are looking forward that Pakistan must have done it

so wait we also may install one after few decades.
@bhagatsingh Pakistan had been celeberating Bhagat's birthday and his death anniverssary since long.

the extremists in India had changed the Muslim given names of Indian cities to Hindu given names.

so you dont qualify for the objection at all

I don't know reverting back the name of city names given by invaders and British has anything to do with recognising a freedom fighter and keeping him close to heart, afterall he was born in your own land fought for the freedom of undivided India while most of the invaders were cruel looters and inhuman except a few. I don't know whether govt of pak was doing all celebrations in secrecy, because most of the pak members I come across don't appreciate bhagath sigh as a freedom fighter or value him..why this contradiction ?
btw I have made no misjudgement in arresting bhagath sigh as a freedom fighter, rest all cases can be argued in "relevant threads" now or on another occasion as you like it.
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:what: ethiest, communits and also a Sikh???

isnt contradiction?

Bhagat Singh was a Sikh who cut his hair to mingle with the crowd in his political work. He was a great patriot and a total nationalist. The Hindu Congress have been trying to malign him by terming him communist, atheists, etc. Bhagat had nothing to with the communists. Yes, like all revolutionaries of the time he was socialist minded.
Bhagat Singh was a Sikh who cut his hair to mingle with the crowd in his political work. He was a great patriot and a total nationalist. The Hindu Congress have been trying to malign him by terming him communist, atheists, etc. Bhagat had nothing to with the communists. Yes, like all revolutionaries of the time he was socialist minded.

There is nothing wrong in being an Atheist or a Communist.Bhagat Singh was one of the earlier Marxist in India,Although he formally never joined any Marxist movement.And about being an Atheist I think its one of his greatest plus point.
It took many decades for India to install his statues and you guys are looking forward that Pakistan must have done it

so wait we also may install one after few decades.

Wait a second, why are you commenting and comparing when we did and when will you do?

Still if you want to compare yourself with us as always,

The National Martyrs Memorial at Hussainiwala was built in 1968, now its been four decades, where is your statute or memorial at?

Also, found this piece
But the irony of the fate is that during 1971 Indo-Pak war, the statues of these very martyrs were removed and taken away by Pakistan army and have not been returned till today
Welcome to the official website of District Ferozepur, Punjab, India.
Din't know PA wanted those statue, they could have asked us, we would have given them a few :lol:
Bhagat Singh was a Sikh who cut his hair to mingle with the crowd in his political work. He was a great patriot and a total nationalist. The Hindu Congress have been trying to malign him by terming him communist, atheists, etc. Bhagat had nothing to with the communists. Yes, like all revolutionaries of the time he was socialist minded.

educate yourself
There's Statue of bhagat Singh in the parliament itself.
And you are asking is there any installed in India?There are countless.

So is Jinnah??

No but rather the world's most funniest personality after Charlie Chaplin ie Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi.:rofl:
No but rather the world's most funniest personality after Charlie Chaplin ie Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi.:rofl:

Gandhi was a clown in his persistence in trying to placate the Muslim minority of India and his plea that India treats Pakistan with kids gloves. Other than that, he is respected internationally as a great leader who fought for the freedom of all undivided India. If you are seeking comparison to Charlie Chaplin, you may well turn to those who led Pakistan into the boiling pot it currently is. Therein you will find comedy espoused with shocking stupidity
Gandhi was a clown in his persistence in trying to placate the Muslim minority of India and his plea that India treats Pakistan with kids gloves. Other than that, he is respected internationally as a great leader who fought for the freedom of all undivided India. If you are seeking comparison to Charlie Chaplin, you may well turn to those who led Pakistan into the boiling pot it currently is. Therein you will find comedy espoused with shocking stupidity

Sure he was n i dont care what u think or not abt muslims.
But his personality seriously is funny.:rofl:
Even if he were alive today the world would have forgotten Charlie Chaplin long ago n remember his as the world's most funniest personality.:lol:
Sure he was n i dont care what u think or not abt muslims.
But his personality seriously is funny.:rofl:
Even if he were alive today the world would have forgotten Charlie Chaplin long ago n remember his as the world's most funniest personality.:lol:

When the Yanks composed that song "We are the world", they certainly didn't include mindsets of yours in the theme. So I am certain that you are adequately unqualified to speak for the world. Does a dhoti dressed old man who fought for amongst others your forebears' freedom amuse you ? Well if it does then I wonder which other heroic personalities you find hillararious. Nelson Mandela maybe a tad too funny right? What about Martin Luther King? Did his pleas for justice for his people rip you apart ? But hold on, looking at your comments about my perception of Muslims makes me wonder what your age is. No point in arguing with one who holds the mind of an infant I say to myself. Good bye and enjoy your humour :D
When the Yanks composed that song "We are the world", they certainly didn't include mindsets of yours in the theme. So I am certain that you are adequately unqualified to speak for the world. Does a dhoti dressed old man who fought for amongst others your forebears' freedom amuse you ? Well if it does then I wonder which other heroic personalities you find hillararious. Nelson Mandela maybe a tad too funny right? What about Martin Luther King? Did his pleas for justice for his people rip you apart ? But hold on, looking at your comments about my perception of Muslims makes me wonder what your age is. No point in arguing with one who holds the mind of an infant I say to myself. Good bye and enjoy your humour :D
sure for the time being ''anything to make indians happy'' but now 2014 is near n they r saying gooodbye.
So after that hehe ISI's full concentration on yr jaddu ki nagri n Gandhi n co will run like playboy bitches.:chilli:
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