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Pakistani Fighter Jets for a brief crossed LOC and entered Indian Air Space

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News is confirm but don't need to be over hyped it's just testing of indian response time which is a routine in this kind of circumstances.
1) To give an impression of a long range strike mission. (To gauge india's response to such a maneuver) and bluff them a few times, ma seeke them let their guard down and then go and strike.
Why else will they take a big and slow *** fuel tanker that close to LOC?

2) To encourage indian airforce to come after the tanker (bait) and kill a few of them once they cross over into the trap.
1) Most probably the training mission was to keep the fighters in air instead of landing them for refueling thus keeping CAP presence all the time instead of what you are saying. Why? because long range mission would require tanker to enter enemy territory which of course would result in loss via enemy fire so the mission wont be feasible plus in modern day missiles would be preferred for long range ops and not sending fighters.

2)Jahaz aik side pe,apne IL-78 k pilots muft ka maal hain jo unko aisa mission dena hy? Plus lose a bigger asset to kill smaller enemy assets? And why would they cross on our side if our tanker is within its own airspace? Be realistic...Missions don't work the way you think they do.

This is how you test enemy defenses and response time.
I don't know why people who have been on this forum for years still can;t figure this out?

As for crossing LOC being a routine? Which retard is calling it a routine? I hope you do know how sensitive LOC is and what is meant by crossing into the other side for "any reason".
Apart from Stand off period...Yes Border Crossing Violations happen a lot throughout the year.
abhinandan did not come from back??????????///
PAF knows it very well that there be no IAF pilots willing to confront PAF...they are just trolling scared chicken
Breaking: The Pakistan Air Force crossed the Line of Control for a few moments!
August, 08 20l9 3:49 PM#PAF #pakistan #loc #india #IAF
Pakistan Air Force jets crossed the Line of Control for a very brief time today and soon returned.

Breaking: The Pakistan Air Force crossed the Line of Control for a few moments!

It was aware that the LoC was near, yet the Pakistan Air Force IL-78 air refueling tanker aircraft was very close to the Kashmir area about an hour ago and almost ran away after crossing the LoC.

Pakistan Air Force jets crossed the Line of Control for a very brief time today and soon returned. PAF reportedly took advantage of the presence of the Indian Air Force in the region and crossed the Line of Control. By doing this, either Pakistan is making some other plan, so that it is reluctant by the Air Force to send terrorists on the LoC to spoil the atmosphere in Kashmir.

With such a step, Pakistan is trying to show its people that it still has power for its supporters and Pakistan is going to take some new steps soon. By doing this, the pressure that the Pakistani rulers are making on the radicals there may put a halt to some extent.


Indians and their stupid full of lies propaganda.
Despite acknowledging that like 27th February 2019, PAF once again entered in Indian controlled airspace in broad day light and returned back without any harm and challenge.
But the stupid Indians tried to link it to the "intrusion" of "freedom fighters".
Don't worry Indians, I hope that PA is thinking on the same line what I and many others here and all across the world want's Pakistan to do. To arm Kashmiris and trained them to fight the Indians.
Gloves should be completely off now. If you see IAF jets, shot them down immediately without any hesitance. No mercy to the Indian terrorists and criminals.
Why is this a news, did we bomb some targets? This is routine stuff, they could just be checking IAF response time or as Oscar said this could just be due to some technical issue.Why do we have to open a thread for it.
That goes without saying, but unless we make them repeal the act at the very least, i am not claiming victory.
The act is gone, history. Even if it was brought back the damage to India's credibility as a federal unit is already done. You cannot go back to the status quo ante.
What we need to be doing is making political and military capital out of it.
The game has changed forever.
Whether for better or worse, time and events will tell.
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