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Pakistani Female Pilots, report by CNN

take it in positive sense plz

technically induction of galz as GDP pilots are really wrong on the basis of some points

if some gals become pregnent in the middle of conflict or in high tension situation what PAF would do then.

in govt institutions maternity leave is assigned to female servents for approx 3 months and during that returning to duty is out of question even if badly needed

2ndly if u induct pilots of both sexes and if in future u get courgeous female pilots and if there number increases to considerable amount then the above problem be serious and

3rd is that during giving birth to childs some may go through operations and also giving birth to more and more childrens weakened the womens as in the pakistan`s case and who is here to give surity that the probably some women inducted in the PAF may not have seven childs if husband insists and if during operation for birth some technicalities occurs (chances exists) who would be responsible for such training and money lose which be spend over her traiinig. another important point is that females are more consious to child then males and if child is serious ill the female spouse is more effected interm of emotions in pak males dont care much about there child illness but mothers worries.

according to medical point of view at the age of 40+ women loses most of potential

Oh my god...... :hitwall:

now take one more situation. a great pilot (Male) is on hospital bed due to some tragic accident; can u call him to fly on a mission?:disagree::disagree::disagree:

plz give our sisters a chance to serve our countries (in defense sector)
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We are very proud of our women in the PAF and in our armed forces so to speak GOD bless!

gr8 post...

We should encourage this sort of induction in armed forces:victory:

n surely Pak is not goin' to degrade their training just because they are female. So the day they will seat a high end fighter jet, surely they will be at par with their male counterpart. :cheers:
Sky is the limit for Pakistan’s women fighter pilots

Pakistani Air Force flight lieutenants Ambreen Gul (left) and Nadia Gul in Islamabad
Ambreen made Pakistani history by becoming one of the country’s first female fighter pilots, but yesterday she was due to swap her flight schedule in one of the world’s most dangerous countries for an arranged marriage with a stranger.
“It’s all set and planned, but I haven’t talked to him,” she admits, her face scrubbed clean and wearing a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jumpsuit — a far cry from the make-up and ornate gown she’ll wear for the wedding.
The wedding between Flight Lieutenant Ambreen Gul, 25, and an engineer from Islamabad has been arranged by their families in the best Pakistani tradition.
When she wakes up today — International Women’s Day - she’ll be married to a man she has only seen once before and with whom she has barely exchanged a word.
Pakistan is a conservative country, where the United Nations says only 40% of adult women are literate. Women are victims of violence and abuse, and the country still lacks a law against domestic violence.
But in 2006, seven women broke into one of Pakistan’s most exclusive male clubs to graduate as fighter pilots — perhaps the most prestigious job in the powerful military and for six decades closed to the fairer sex.
Ambreen’s company manager father was delighted. Ironically it was her housewife mother who initially feared her daughter would bring shame on the family.
“It was because of our eastern culture. She thought people would
say, ‘Why are you letting your daughter go out of the home?’”
She and 26-year-old Flight Lieutenant Nadia Gul say PAF is a trailblazer for women’s rights. As respected officers with a 60,000-rupee-a-month salary, they are living out their dreams.
“It’s a profession of passion. One has to be extremely motivated. I love flying. I love to fly fighter jets, to do something for my country that is very unique,” smiled Ambreen, her hair stuffed into a pony tail.
Signing up aged 18, only a handful of girls beat homesickness and stiff competition to pass a six-month selection process and graduate after three-and-a-half years of training.
“It was the toughest time we’ve ever faced,” Ambreen remembers.
During a training flight on a Chinese-made F-7, she once blacked out for a few seconds before survival reflexes kicked in.
Nadia, whose army captain husband is serving on the front line of Pakistan’s war against the Taliban in the wind-swept mountains of Swat, won a prize for academic achievement at PAF’s first women fighter pilot graduation.
“It was the first time. It was history,” she remembers, a bottle-green hijab covering most of her hair and tucked into her padded pilot’s jacket.
“I was just a girl who went to college and came back home, but now I’m in a great profession,” said Nadia.
Commanding male subordinates, they bat aside any question of sexism or men who don’t take kindly to being ordered about by a woman.
They love the respect that comes with official fighter pilot status in the armed forces — the wealthiest institution in Pakistan.
“Families are very fascinated. Everyone’s very impressed,” says Nadia, describing her husband as “very supportive” and “proud”.
Forbes ranked Pakistan in 2010 as the fourth most dangerous country in the world. Officers say only a tiny elite — and no women - actually fly in combat in Pakistan’s tribal belt, a battleground against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
While PAF is outwardly very proud of its women pilots, some wonder privately whether women are strong enough to reach the top of the profession.
But flying transport and cargo planes, ferrying VIPs like cabinet ministers around the country, Nadia feels women’s lot is improving and takes issue with Western perceptions of Pakistan as backward.
“PAF are giving us this chance on an equal basis. It was really a bold step that the Pakistan Air Force has taken in recruiting lady fighter pilots,” she said.
In a country where extended family is important and most middle-class women rely on servants for household work and child-minding, Ambreen and Nadia may be saved some of the problems faced by women in the West.
They believe marriage and — in the future — motherhood can complement, not replace, a career, “provided you have a supportive family”.

Didn't mean to post this as anti-Pakistani material but as this is related to this thread I thought I better share it.
Sky's limit, but not in wedlock

ISLAMABAD: Ambreen made Pakistani history by becoming one of the country's first female fighter pilots, but on Sunday she was due to swap her flight schedule in one of the world's most dangerous countries for an arranged marriage with a stranger.

"It's all set and planned, but I haven't talked to him," she admits, her face scrubbed clean and wearing a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jumpsuit — a far cry from the make-up and ornate gown she'll wear for the wedding.

The wedding between Flight Lieutenant Ambreen Gul, 25, and an engineer from Islamabad has been arranged by their families in the best Pakistani tradition.

When she wakes up on Monday — International Women's Day — she'll be married to a man she has only seen once before and with whom she has barely exchanged a word.

Pakistan is known to be a conservative Muslim country, where the United Nations says that only 40% of adult women are literate. Here, women are victims of violence and abuse, and the country still lacks a law against domestic violence.

But in 2006, seven women broke into one of Pakistan's most exclusive male clubs to graduate as fighter pilots — perhaps the most prestigious job in the powerful military and for six decades closed to the fairer sex.
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