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Pakistani Fashion





wow :tup::tup:
. . . . . . . . .
I am not against these fashion shows nor I support it...
but the thing is that we have two classes of people in our country..

1) One who sees this fashion show as a threat to Islamic community, ideology and so on.

2) The other one takes it as a normal thing..

There are more people who believe in the first part and this is an alarming situation. Either we go with majority, change the views of majority or stop the minority i.e. part 2 from fashion shows...

In the U.S., India or any other Christian county people support fashion kinda clothes etc..
but in our country we have created ideological barriers between conservatives and liberals..

We should have a uniform understanding so the class difference (ideological wise) is eliminated...
I hope that you understood me..
. . . . .
You proved by your post that you are on drugs :lol::lol::lol: Go and read the history again

Agreed :tup:

Prove it............... everybody knows he was defeated and captured and later on Alexander released him after his brave remarks :P

Read shahnameh of the great and most celebrated persian poet Firdousy...and have a souta of charas.

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