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Pakistani Diaspora Among the World's Largest

hmm.......this is good this fits in my plans for world domination south asia is getting pretty cramped pakistani population is huge and still growing really fast too much for pakistan to handle time to start spreading out to far off lands we have begun our invasion of norway already time to make some more colonies,sparse yet rich places like canada or australia are good we can outbreed them in short time.

rof; :rofl::rofl:..........
10 pakistanis living in palestine :what: and one guy remains in croatia :blink::blink:
Americans’ Most and Least Favored Nations

Following the top four Favored Nations, Israel receives a 71% favorable rating, similar to the 69% for both India and France.

On other side, Ten countries are viewed unfavorably by at least half of Americans. Of these, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Cuba are viewed more negatively than positively by a greater than 2-to-1 margin.


In US, Many Pakistani try to pretend as Indian for some reason. Indians in U.S. are way ahead than most of the Asian countries in Education, Job, Per capita income and political influence. Even Piyush Jindal is Governor of Louisiana. Same story for U.K. - Indians have highest literacy rate and least unemployment rate. Even the most richest British and European is an Indian i.e. Laxmi Mittal owner of Arcenol Mittal. He is 6th richest person in the world.

Americans’ Most and Least Favored Nations

Following the top four Favored Nations, Israel receives a 71% favorable rating, similar to the 69% for both India and France.

On other side, Ten countries are viewed unfavorably by at least half of Americans. Of these, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Cuba are viewed more negatively than positively by a greater than 2-to-1 margin.


Thats because of their media and Americans in general are very gullible people, they believe everything what their media tells them. No wonder Israel and India are loved by Americans, these countries have problems with Muslims. Or maybe they love india because you people serve them donuts every morning and American fat people love donuts. And yes we are with Iran, a country much more developed and rich than India despite being under sanctions by western powers.

In US, Many Pakistani try to pretend as Indian for some reason. Indians in U.S. are way ahead than most of the Asian countries in Education, Job, Per capita income and political influence. Even Piyush Jindal is Governor of Louisiana. Same story for U.K. - Indians have highest literacy rate and least unemployment rate. Even the most richest British and European is an Indian i.e. Laxmi Mittal owner of Arcenol Mittal. He is 6th richest person in the world.

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why dont you ever hear Pakistanis in the UK and Saudi Arabia say they are indians. Real Pakistanis from the soil of Pakistan would never say they are indian, thats the biggest insult to us.

Oh if indians are doing so good why does everyone in America make jokes about indians saying they are gas station workers, dunkin donuts workers, seven eleven workers from their media to their politicians all make jokes about you indians so why the hell would we want to be associated with you people. You indians are a big joke wherever you go.
Thats because of their media and Americans in general are very gullible people, they believe everything what their media tells them. No wonder Israel and India are loved by Americans, these countries have problems with Muslims. Or maybe they love india because you people serve them donuts every morning and American fat people love donuts. And yes we are with Iran, a country much more developed and rich than India despite being under sanctions by western powers.

Why dont you ever hear Pakistanis in the UK and Saudi Arabia say they are indians. Real Pakistanis from the soil of Pakistan would never say they are indian, thats the biggest insult to us.

Oh if indians are doing so good why does everyone in America make jokes about indians saying they are gas station workers, dunkin donuts workers, seven eleven workers from their media to their politicians all make jokes about you indians so why the hell would we want to be associated with you people. You indians are a big joke wherever you go.

Unfortunately for us, these Westerners can't seem to tell the difference between Indians and Pakistanis. Now, you don't become the richest minority in the US by working in Dunkin' Donuts (Indian Americans: The New Model Minority - Forbes.com).

...So obviously we're missing something here. I'll let you figure it out (if you can that is).
Thats because of their media and Americans in general are very gullible people, they believe everything what their media tells them. No wonder Israel and India are loved by Americans, these countries have problems with Muslims. Or maybe they love india because you people serve them donuts every morning and American fat people love donuts. And yes we are with Iran, a country much more developed and rich than India despite being under sanctions by western powers.

Why dont you ever hear Pakistanis in the UK and Saudi Arabia say they are indians. Real Pakistanis from the soil of Pakistan would never say they are indian, thats the biggest insult to us.

Oh if indians are doing so good why does everyone in America make jokes about indians saying they are gas station workers, dunkin donuts workers, seven eleven workers from their media to their politicians all make jokes about you indians so why the hell would we want to be associated with you people. You indians are a big joke wherever you go.

You need to get a reality check, cant believe you get away with insulting Indians like this constantly.

Also you seem like a really frustrated man, repeating this every single day.
Unfortunately for us, these Westerners can't seem to tell the difference between Indians and Pakistanis. Now you don't become the richest minority in the US by working in Dunkin' Donuts (Indian Americans: The New Model Minority - Forbes.com).

...So obviously there's something missing here. I'll let you figure it out (if you can that is).

Come on yaar just cos a few indians are very rich dont mean squat. The west treat all of with disdain. We are stupid if we think they like either of us.
Come on yaar just cos a few indians are very rich dont mean squat. The west treat all of with disdain. We are stupid if we think they like either of us.

Sure, sure. But the statistics sure to mean something don't they?

And simply because you are vehemently anti-American, it doesn't mean that Westerners treat Indians with disdain (ironically you live in the UK). You can stop with this Asian Brotherhood crap Aryan_B.
Unfortunately for us, these Westerners can't seem to tell the difference between Indians and Pakistanis. Now, you don't become the richest minority in the US by working in Dunkin' Donuts (Indian Americans: The New Model Minority - Forbes.com).

...So obviously we're missing something here. I'll let you figure it out (if you can that is).

Theres about 3 million of you indians in the U.S. and you people are everywhere. Theres only a couple of hundred thousand Pakistanis here. So if one indian is a rich engineer, there are a thousand indians working in dunkin donuts.

Franchise Business Opportunities | Indians Allege Discrimination By Dunkin
and soon there will indians on moon :cheesy:

Read my post 20..........

From Brazil to Kerala: Hamza waters run deep below Amazon

New Delhi: The 6,000-km Hamza river flows under the Amazon, an India connect to the world's longest river. And Valiya Mannathal Hamza, the Brazil-based scientist from Kerala who helped in the discovery of the underground river with his student, says he is thrilled their research has attracted such attention.

The Indian-origin professor at the National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro, has just been bestowed the rare honour of having the underground river flowing under the Amazon being named after him.

Brazilian scientists, who discovered the existence of the underground river last week, took the decision to name it after Hamza, in a tribute to his four-decade work in the region.

'I am happy that our research has attracted attention,' Hamza, 70, told IANS over the phone.

It was past midnight in Rio de Janeiro when he took the telephone call. Hamza sounded enthusiastic but was also modest at his achievement.

My students decided to 'name' the underground river after me, said Hamza, who has been in Brazil for nearly 40 years.

Hamza said his student Elizabeth Tavares Pimentel was working on her thesis when the study revealed the existence of the river below the Amazon.

The discovery was made possible thanks to research work performed at 241 wells that an oil company drilled in the Amazon region in the 1970s while prospecting for crude, according to the study.

The subterranean river runs at a depth of about 4,000 metres along a course similar to that of the Amazon.

The flow is just three percent of that of the Amazon river, which has its headwaters in the Peruvian jungle, empties into the Atlantic in northern Brazil and at 6,800 km is considered to be the world's longest river.

'It is possible,' said Hamza when asked whether he would like to return to India to work on some project.

Hamza, who did his BSc in 1962 and MSc in 1964 from the University of Kerala in Thiruvananthapuram, moved to Canada to do his PhD in 1973.

'I come from a place near Calicut in Kerala,' said Hamza, who first set foot in Brazil in 1974 and has since been conducting research work there.

Hamza, a geophysicist who works with graduate and postgraduate students, has to his credit over 100 publications in national and international journals.

Did he ever think he would spend a good part of his life in Brazil when he was in Kerala?

'Well, I don't know...That's difficult...,' said Hamza.

And what about learning Portuguese?

'I had to teach students so I had to learn Portuguese,' said the Indian-origin scientist before signing off.

Mathrubhumi English - From Brazil to Kerala: Hamza waters run deep below Amazon

You can see the determination of Keralite Aka Indian..................
Sure, sure. But the statistics sure to mean something don't they?

And simply because you are vehemently anti-American, it doesn't mean that Westerners treat Indians with disdain (ironically you live in the UK). You can stop with this Asian Brotherhood crap Aryan_B.

Hey thats a bit below the belt. You naughty boy. My heart will always be pakistani no matter what you write on a travel document. Its like you can write fire on a piece of paper and it will not burn but put a match to it it burns. lol
Theres about 3 million of you indians in the U.S. and you people are everywhere. Theres only a couple of hundred thousand Pakistanis here. So if one indian is a rich engineer, there are a thousand indians working in dunkin donuts.

Franchise Business Opportunities | Indians Allege Discrimination By Dunkin

Thats why you see a rich India man in every country of the world, because we are hard workers, and where India 5 richest man, are worth more then whole of Pakistan GDP. lol!

I am happy Indian could find a job in USA, where by 1 in 10 people in USA are jobless.

Yes that is correct 1 in 10 people!!!!

Well done Indians, let the Pakistanis laugh, while they search for jobs and laugh at Indians working.
Theres about 3 million of you indians in the U.S. and you people are everywhere. Theres only a couple of hundred thousand Pakistanis here. So if one indian is a rich engineer, there are a thousand indians working in dunkin donuts.

Franchise Business Opportunities | Indians Allege Discrimination By Dunkin

I'm not denying that no Indian works in a Dunkin' Donut genius. (And even if some do, so what? A job's a job isn't it.)

Thing is, Indian-American's have worked hard and earned themselves the title of 'richest minority' (And numbers mean jack sh*t here so no excuses). People who hail from countries which are known for something else... would do better to introspect rather than throw sh*t at a community which surpasses yours in pretty much every field despite coming from "sub-Saharan India".
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