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Salam bhai, long time no see. And you have changed your user name...How is your Ramazan going?

True, same here.
You skipped my question, do you sleep before Sehri? why? how? If i try and sleep i would have a tough time getting back up:o:.
I can barely keep my eyes open at iftari, how would I be able to stay awake till Sehri? :lol:
My schedule is pretty hectic (being a grown up sucks).
I can barely keep my eyes open at iftari, how would I be able to stay awake till Sehri? :lol:
My schedule is pretty hectic (being a grown up sucks).
:lol: And this sleep will just disappear in a couple of days...shopping all night long, lol.
Salam bhai, long time no see. And you have changed your user name...How is your Ramazan going?

Walaikum salam...................... ki hal hay? ................................. yep now I have become a true User :p:.

For me Ramazan yar is one month that always has positive affects and is the most peaceful and refreshing period during the year ............. not because I am some true pious Muslim who gets the most out of this month by praying ................... but because I get a break from smoking, develop some healthy eating habits and then during summers the load shedding hours shorten, the thirst during this month uss ka apna he aik maza hy yar. So all in all my ramazan this year is perfect as always, how about you?:)
You must learn the art of one week shopping spree.

It's actually the entire month, but....
You must have revived a PHD on it. And i feel for you long lines, the fights, the craziness. "no, i want this...i want that.."
Walaikum salam...................... ki hal hay? ................................. yep now I have become a true User :p:.

For me Ramazan yar is one month that always has positive affects and is the most peaceful and refreshing period during the year ............. not because I am some true pious Muslim who gets the most out of this month by praying ................... but because I get a break from smoking, develop some healthy eating habits and then during summers the load shedding hours shorten, the thirst during this month uss ka apna he aik maza hy yar. So all in all my ramazan this year is perfect as always, how about you?:)
It's going fine here too... Should try to stop smoking, very bad habit.
ضیاء الحق اور ڈیوڈ کیمرون
ایک کافر ہونے کی وجہ سے ڈیوڈ کیمرون ایک مومن کی عقل و دانش تک نہیں پہنچ سکتا۔ اس نے ریفرینڈم کروایا تو اس میں صرف ایک سیدھا سوال رکھ دیا کہ کیا آپ برطانیہ کے یورپی یونین سے نکل جانے کے حق میں ہیں؟​

نتیجہ وہی ہوا، اکثریت نے ہاں میں ووٹ ڈلا دیا اور اب وہ بے چارہ مستعفی ہو کر گھر جارہا ھے۔​

اسی کی دہائی میں اسلامی دنیا نے ایک عظیم مرد مومن اور سپہ سالار دیکھا، نام تھا جس کا جنرل ضیا الحق اور وہ پاکستان کا صدر تھا۔ صدر کیسے بنا، یہ ایک الگ کہانی ھے اور اسلام دشمن اس کہانی کو لے کر بہت سی باتیں بھی کرتے ہیں۔​
بہرحال، مردمون نے جب بھٹو کا تختہ الٹا اور اسے پھانسی دی تو پیپلزپارٹی نے ایم آر ڈی کے نام سے بحالئی جمہوریت کی تحریک شروع کردی۔ گرچہ مردمومن نے کوڑوں کے زریعے اس تحریک کو بڑی حد تک دبا دیا لیکن پھر بھی جیسے نئی جوتی پاؤں کو لگتی رہتی ھے، ایم آر ڈی بھی ضیامرحوم کو چبھتی رہی۔ ۱۹۸۴ تک حالات کافی خراب ہوگئے تو کورکمانڈرز نے مردمومن کو مشورہ دیا کہ ایک ریفرینڈم کروا کر عوام سے اپنی صدارت پر مہر لگوالی جائے۔​

غالباً دسمبر ۱۹۸۴ میں مردمومن نے اپنی صدارت پر رہنے کیلئے عوامی ریفرینڈم کا اہتمام کیا۔ ریفرینڈم میں کیا پوچھا گیا تھا، وہ ڈیوڈ کیمرون سے جیسے کم عقل کفار کیلئے ایک سبق ھے۔ ریفرینڈم کچھ یوں تھا:​
- کیا آپ ملک کا قانون اسلامی بنیادوں پراستوار کرنا چاہتے ہیں؟​
- اور کیا آپ آئین کو قرآن و سنت کے مطابق ڈھالنا چاہتے ہیں؟​
- اور کیا آپ نظریہ پاکستان کو تحفظ دینا چاہتے ہیں؟​
- اور کیا آپ اس پراسیس کو سپورٹ کرتے ہیں جس کے تحت ملک میں انتخابات کے زریعے منتخب نمائیندوں کو شریک اقتدار کیا جائے گا؟​
بیلٹ پیپر پر یہ سب سوال لکھے گئے اور نیچے ایک چھوٹا سا فُٹ نوٹ لکھ دیا گیا کہ اگرآپ ان سوالوں کا جواب ' ہاں ' میں دیتے ہیں تو اس کا مطلب ھے کہ آپ جنرل ضیا کو اقتدار میں رکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔​

مؤرخ نے دیکھا کہ جنرل ضیا کے ریفرینڈم کا نتیجہ ۹۹ فیصد ' ہاں ' میں نکلا۔ وہ تو ۱۹۸۸ میں آموں کی پیٹی پھٹ گئی ورنہ مرد مومن آج تک ملک کے صدر ہوتے اور اسلامی نظام کے نفاذ کی کوششیں کررہے ہوتے۔ ۔ ۔ ۔​
دیکھ لیں، ایک کافر اور مومن کی نیتوں کا فرق!!! بقلم خود باباکوڈا​
Hi guys! I wanted to know your opinions on fasting. I normally don't fast but I am always very curious about why others do. I want to know where my thinking is wrong, and feel free to criticize as that is the only way to truly grow as a person and live a better life.

It’s weird, this Ramadan, “not fasting” has been bothering me the most. I guess I am trying to analyze the reason behind it in depth. Islam is all about intentions and intentions are a tricky thing. They are so complicated. Most of us have been conditioned to think we believe in this religion since birth, to think that this is the absolute truth. We are human after all, our biology makes us vulnerable to conditioning. Everything we believe is somewhere someone else’s opinion. So where exactly is the true us in all of this? How do we know our opinion is truly our own? Human beings are very selfish creatures, which is only natural since survival is our primary instinct. Why do we fast? Out of fear? Do we do it because we are afraid of punishment. We all want heaven, is that it? There we only end up looking out for ourselves and feeding our inherent nature. Do we fast out of love? But how can we fast for love when a majority of us don’t even know what it is? Is love always obedience? We don’t even know who “we” are until we deconstruct ourselves completely. By doing that we are purifying our intentions, we are not only fighting the constructs fed to us since birth by society and our family, but also our human nature in itself. Even if we say it’s for god (we don't know what god is), how much of that is for our internal satisfaction that we get when we think we are pleasing “the most powerful” than actually for god. Say we get the intentions down, then the question is what is it that we are loving, that requires deconstructing the religion fully, how can you love something you don’t fully know or understand the depths of? Do it because god is merciful and great? We can call something greatness or mercy while someone else can argue that same thing to first of all be there because of god. God is the reason that humans are subjected to all of this. If we didn’t exist to begin with, we simply won’t have to go through all these vicissitudes. We wouldn’t have to worry about the day of judgment and go through suffering. We can then say that we should still look at the positives and thank god as a certain condition is not as bad as it could have been (since everything is relative). But do we just say that 80% because we are helpless and we don't have have much of an option, it's either that or be bitter and ungrateful about it, which causes unhappiness to no one but yourself. So it’s never black and white. Similarly, human emotions have so many selfish atoms in them that they are almost always corrupt in one way or another. How do we know it’s out of love and not out of the desperate attempts to find something concrete to hold onto in this world of uncertainty we have been thrown into. It’s all about intentions. If there is a god, I highly doubt it’s the fasts that count, but the intentions behind it. And purifying intentions takes years if not decades. So, I think to myself, why fast if my heart’s not fully and truly into that act of worship or true passion. I can only speak for myself as I don’t know anyone else’s intentions. But this is how I kind of feel. What do you guys think and what are your opinions? You don't have to reply, but I'd love to hear your opinions.

@Horus @RAMPAGE @Akheilos @Armstrong @Pakistanisage
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Hey people how are you?
Pdf p kaya chal raha ha...... kon aaya koon gaya....... koe new rules......... ??? Ya sb waisa hi ha
......Pdf p kaya chal raha ha...... kon aaya koon gaya....... koe new rules......... ??? Ya sb waisa hi ha

Don't know about any new rules. I am mostly lurking here for minutes.
So far my demons are in chains here :devil:
Fighting and taking up arms will not free Kashmir(it is a dead end), peaceful resolution is the only solution. We don't seem to have to a policy to engage the other party. Taking up arms will only create and have only created more problems. We had sympathy of the world before arms were taken up in Kashmir, our opinion was strong and the world was backing us. As per my father, 'Taking up arms has only weaken our stance.'
Getting the youth to fight is not a solution, we need to resolve it in a peaceful manner.
PS: I am a Gilgiti, i have the same sympathy for the occupied people. We will free our people one day.
@Zarvan ,@Jonah Arthur ,@haviZsultan ...
@Joe Shearer
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