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Pakistani corner

I thought you were joking.
You do have experience of 50+ people.....
Leh!!! why would I lie ----not really -- but you can say in a short span of time I have seen more than I was supposed to see --- its been fun but now its getting boring -----
http://www.punjabcode.punjab.gov.pk/public/dr/PUNJAB PROTECTION OF WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE BILL 2015.doc.pdf

First of all let me say this.......... may be this act was formulated with all the good intentions I can assume that, but what I cannot accept is how can women of Pakistan remain silent on this law? I am saying this not because I support domestic violence and discrimination of women or I am a supporter of treating women as slaves, but because this law is idiotic, it is insufficient, it is nowhere near to be implemented successfully, it has flaws and it appears as if this was just passed in haste for the sake of it. And the fun part Islamic scholars are rejecting this useless law whereas women of Pakistan (the ones this law really needs to be implemented) are nowhere in picture or may I safely assume that they don’t even have knowledge of this law so how would they know what is good for them. But I am amazed how can the educated women of Pakistan accept this law and support it as it is? This law needs their attention and they should support something that fully protects their rights, lives and honor, not something imperfect to make matters more worse for them.

Islamic or not Islamic is irrelevant in this case except the clause that relates to evicting a rightful owner of a property from his own house.


Is this a joke? Where the heck is women empowerment in this bill? Each and every clause of this bill is written to address minority cases it is not like every other house in Pakistan is involved in domestic violence? Where are the whole protection system real time accountability clauses? What if Protection centers and shelters (which by the way need to be constructed yet) turn into corruption hubs? Has the government decided on Toll free number? Has the government established merit based hiring of people for implementation of this act? The training that needs to be given to the concrened staff? Where the heck are clauses to ensure that after registering a complaint aggrieved woman won't get divorced?

Who is going to protect Women Protection officers? A country that cannot protect its polio workers is making laws and authorising women to break into houses in a male dominant conservative society, a society by the way where rape is imminent and brutal tool of revenge against women.

This shit law does not protect women from harassment in public places, sexual abuse, does not say a word about measures to be adopted to prevent rape and punish the rapists. What the hell so much fuss on something that is totally useless and would never get implemented?

These lawmakers should have consulted Edhi before passing this act, they don't have the appropriate means to implement the law but they have passed it anyways to create a drama. But hey this is passed under CMship of a person who blackmails others to marry their wives. Such shit can only happen in Pakistan lagay reho and people on thread related to Public Holidays for minorities acted like as announcing those holidays was a waste of time.

@jamahir read this act buddy and shed some light; I don't find this act of any use.
Actually pehley wala bill hi Tahfuz-e-Zanana wa Mardana hona chahiye tha.....

Seriously instead of women protection the bill should be called Spousal & Family Rights Protection which may cover both parties including Parents and children. Sab say ziyada violation tu old Parents & Children ki hoti hey...

@WAJsal @The Eagle @Moonlight

U r comments on that
Tahafuz e Mardaan bill?
@Imran Khan @waz @OverLoad @django

Actually pehley wala bill hi Tahfuz-e-Zanana wa Mardana hona chahiye tha.....

Seriously instead of women protection the bill should be called Spousal & Family Rights Protection which may cover both parties including Parents and children. Sab say ziyada violation tu old Parents & Children ki hoti hey...

@WAJsal @The Eagle @Moonlight

U r comments on that
You know the molvi is only trolling us right?
Actually pehley wala bill hi Tahfuz-e-Zanana wa Mardana hona chahiye tha.....

Seriously instead of women protection the bill should be called Spousal & Family Rights Protection which may cover both parties including Parents and children. Sab say ziyada violation tu old Parents & Children ki hoti hey...

@WAJsal @The Eagle @Moonlight

U r comments on that

Before the bill or punishment, there is a need of awareness/education in this regard. Your highlighted issue regarding Old Age Parents is indeed the area that needed to serve first like if a son especially, having a wealthy life, dumps the parent only on wish and whim of wife or for so called freedom, should be punished by way of finance/heavy penalty. Such son should be made an example in society that did not think for a while about all those hardships that parents faced to raise him up.
Rest about this bill alone, if the one has already decided to not to live with husband/wife, such bill would not matter and there will be separation. On other hand, where the couples lives with peace, love and giving each other his/her rights, doesn't even know about this bill or don't care because they know the right way to live. IMO, this bill is going to put more burden upon the woman alone that she might need to to survive in society or would have to do work for life living. In Islamic law, husband is fully bound to take good care of Wife and children and pay their deserving rights, which is a complete system but if the one do not want to follow would not be afraid of such bill or punishment. Heard about one or more divorces after this bill where Husband was ousted from house for couple of days due to conflict between wife and husband, as per bill which clearly indicates more complications/grudges among married couples. So IMO, priority should be awareness and education to the people to know the rights and proper way of living rather than ignoring the problem but giving them a path to more conflicts which may ends in separation and insults to the both parties which may not serve the purpose. The question arises why especially Punjab and heard of few people from there that most of the woman use to work than man in Punjab for life living and this will create more hurdles and hardships for woman that may need to live alone/independent by leaving the home everyday for life living/bearing expenses.
no i am with women protection bill . pakistani women are in very bad condition
Specially Qandeel Baloach because she can't sleep at nights...no one is available specially Imran khan to hear her please of marriage. Sir u r also Imran Khan can u help her...:agree:
Nawaz can not face.


This is getting very creepy. I honestly don't really like the idea of women kicking their husbands out of home and calling police over him. Every society has its own norms and values and mindsets. In our society, men gonna take it very personally and believe it's their insult and give the divorce to wife. Example is seen in media.
Everyone's rights should be protected regardless their gender. I even hate the idea of feminism. In trying to protect the rights of women, or equaling them to men things are getting even worse. Many other rights/values are being compromised.
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