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Pakistani corner

I'd dive in there, mouth open and just eat away.

And i could move my bed under this tree. :p:

PSFW Day1: Sportswear reigns supreme, Feeha Jamshed brings back the bob
Feeha returned to the ramp after three years and MUSE made clear that a brand can evolve without abandoning its ethos.

Luxury pret is really what PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week is all about – thoughtful, creative statements that are fashion-forward and feel indulgent yet can still be plucked off the rack to be worn with minimal adjustments.

As we inch towards a better understanding of what luxury pret is and should be it’s clear that some brands grasp the concept more fully than others. Day 1 at PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week (PSFW) reflected this: what didn’t work appeared to falter because of muddled notions of what constitutes covetable ready-to-wear rather than a lack of experience.

Still, there was plenty to applaud on day 1. Feeha Jamshed returned to the ramp after a three-year hiatus and didn’t let us down, MUSE made clear that a brand can evolve without abandoning its ethos. PSFW’s red carpet was buzzing even without heavy celebrity presence and the show started somewhat on schedule.

The only hitch in this was PSFW’s newly imagined ramp, which resembled a pristine white football field rather than an avenue for fashion presentations. It was vast. So vast that when models strode down the center of it, much of an outfit’s painstakingly crafted detail was lost. Usually a distance of only two or three feet separates a model from the front row; this time editors, sponsors and guests squinted across an expanse of 15-20 feet or more. Unsurprisingly, cries of ‘I can’t insta this!’ sounded up and down the frow.

The collection boasted floral prints and indulgent sporty wear

While the leisurewear worked, the sheer gharara didn't really hit the right notes.

Jamshed proves good things come to those who wait

Everyone had their eye on this quirky jacket (middle)

The boys pulled off sequins like nobody's business

MUSE made clear that a brand can evolve without abandoning its ethos

Sadly, we spotted more misses than hits
We're really feeling the budding partnership these two have going on

There was nothing ready to wear about this one

One thing's for sure: white sneakers aren't going anywhere!

From L-R: Other designers of the segment include Ghulam Dastgir, Saiqa Raheem and Unza Khalid
I was thinking they are flying at night for safety purpose, to keep away from illegal activities like kite and pigeon flying.
Today at 4:55 am i heard jet roars again while i was getting ready for morning jerk.

Bahi then share their collection. :D

And i could move my bed under this tree. :p:

Which type are they?
Sir actually 23rd march is a republic day of Pakistan and the celebrations regarding the holiday include a full military and civilian parade in the capital, Islamabad. I wanted to disclose regarding aerial show preparation at late night.
I get up early morning to run a mile or two. I heard jet roars few days back while i was getting ready for morning exercise.
This is the whole story.
Ghizer and the surrounding areas have huge potential in terms of producing Hydral electricity, through small dams-which are a need for the region and the country. Secondly, the area has a huge tourism potential, the road to Shandur is unbearable, better infrastructure can boost tourism and help the economy. And there is also a huge potential of Agriculture products. Not that the region isn't producing anything for now. Government help can certainly help a lot. Basic facilities can easily be improved. Back in Yasin we have an Aga Khan dispensary and a proper Hospital if emergency ever strikes is in Gilgit, which takes and hour and a half to reach. Distrcit capitals should have a proper hospitals and all. Musharraf made the road, that too thanks to Lalik Jan's Mizar. That area can easily be a example for the world, needs a little attention. Ever been to the area? it is a hidden Shangrila.

@notorious_eagle ,@Jazzbot , another sazich...

I don't doubt a single word that you have said. The time will come!

Also, I have long been sickened by the hospital situation in these areas, it's a travesty. People down south have no clue what it even feels like....

Sadly the only time I've been through Ghizer was the one time I went from Chitral to Gilgit via Shandur. I believe the road passes south of Yasin, through Gupis. Ghizer is the only northern district which I haven't properly seen, Yasin and Ishkomen would be the two northern tehsils that I've never been to. One day...
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