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Pakistani Bollywood fans take note, Bollywood backs article 370 removal

Dear Pakistanis please forward this to any idiots who still watch the plagiarised, hedonistic, Pakistani hating trash.

What your dear Bollywood 'stars' think of article 370.


Had enough Bollywood now?

On a funny note that c*nt Gul Panang declares herself a liberal and comments about Trump etc and here she is supporting fascism.

You know what is worse than having an enemy, it's your own people shamelessly worshipping bollywood. It's disgraceful, illiterate and despicable behavior.

They (bollywood worshipping Pakistanis) have no sense of actual identity, just hollow, faceless mirrors of an oblong box showing steriod injected, artificially whitened and wearing kilos of cosmetic make-up.

Pakistanis need to grow a pair of balls, recognize that they are Muslims FIRST! and act like dignified human beings who have a moral compass and a sense of certainty and confidence about who they are, Pakistani!! And Pakistanis feel that they don't have a role model to follow, just open your friggin eyes and look at your Prime Minister, who is leading from the front and showing the world that Pakistanis are dignified people.
Dear Pakistanis please forward this to any idiots who still watch the plagiarised, hedonistic, Pakistani hating trash.

What your dear Bollywood 'stars' think of article 370.


Had enough Bollywood now?

On a funny note that c*nt Gul Panang declares herself a liberal and comments about Trump etc and here she is supporting fascism.

Not to brag but I have NEVER EVER watched, listen to or endorsed ANY indian films, programmes, documentaries, music etc my ENTIRE life. I'm proud of that.......8-)

Love the programs that come on PTV Global. Iranian and Turkish dramas are good aswell. Why the hell some Pakistanis feel the need to endorse the media of a nation that wants to wipe us out is beyond me. Can you imagine Jews/Israelis endorsing German Nazi media? The treachery and IQ of a lot of Pakistanis is very questionable at best........:disagree:
Dear Pakistanis please forward this to any idiots who still watch the plagiarised, hedonistic, Pakistani hating trash.

What your dear Bollywood 'stars' think of article 370.


Had enough Bollywood now?

On a funny note that c*nt Gul Panang declares herself a liberal and comments about Trump etc and here she is supporting fascism.
We need to understand that they are Indians first so naturally anything good or bad will be accepted by them. Why should we except anything more out of these clowns who act as Machoman in the movie. Take bollywood for what it is a third class entertainment at best. Nothing more.
Baigherat Pakistsnis would still watch indian movies on Kashmir day or Babri Masjid day

Dear Pakistanis please forward this to any idiots who still watch the plagiarised, hedonistic, Pakistani hating trash.

What your dear Bollywood 'stars' think of article 370.


Had enough Bollywood now?

On a funny note that c*nt Gul Panang declares herself a liberal and comments about Trump etc and here she is supporting fascism.
People still watch that s*t coming out of bollywood on name of films???naaah don't think so forget hollywood ,netflix alone lights years ahead.Thanx for suggesting that great series KINGDOM cant waiting for season 2
Dear Pakistanis please forward this to any idiots who still watch the plagiarised, hedonistic, Pakistani hating trash.

What your dear Bollywood 'stars' think of article 370.


Had enough Bollywood now?

On a funny note that c*nt Gul Panang declares herself a liberal and comments about Trump etc and here she is supporting fascism.
We should just pressurize our own government and army to take some actions in support of Kashmiri before doing anything else
We should run a campaign in the society to ban Bollywood/Indian "entertainment" content in Pakistani society, it should be an ongoing process, not just one time effort. We need to reiterate the need to get rid of Bollywood/Indian crap from Pakistani society on periodic and consistent basis, persistent suggestion does help in the long run according to modern psychological research.
Remember bad habit die hard, but they do die with persistent/consistent suggestion "therapy".
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