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Pakistani Bollywood fans take note, Bollywood backs article 370 removal

Why are we acting surprised here? The whole country of 1.3 billion had collectively lost their marbles. I havent watched this bollywood trash in decades. At the end of the day why we care that clowns matter to us, most of them are full of shit.
Bollywood/indian/hindi movie industry has gone through a tremendous change in my life time. I used to watch their movies telecast on their national TV Doordarshan since 1986 when we bought our first black and white TV, we get strong signals of indian national TV due to our proximity to Jammu area where they had a "booster" for Doordarshan. You know in 80s they used to telecast a hindi movie every Sunday at 5 O'clock in the afternoon, they were mostly 60s, 70s or sometime early movies of 80s. The storylines were very traditional, family based, in fact I would say somehow socialist views were spread through those movies, probably because india was ruled single handedly by congress part of india which had "socialist leanings" and it was reflected in their movies also because I believe most of the producers/directors from that era were also supporters of congress or socialist types. The story line were pretty fixed particularly in 80s indian hindi movies, the hero was always poor and heroine was the daughter of a rich "seth" and then hero would somehow marry the daughter of that rich seth against his will and all kinds of fights and melodrama about this kind of story lines. Another type of indian hindi movies used to have a hero who was social justice warrior and was often a policeman or a government employee and would be fighting against smugglers and other such kind of evil people.
Then came 90s and the storylines of the movies changed drastically, the traditional socialist family oriented storylines were renounced and movies were centred around a young college boy who falls in love again with daughter of a rich seth who was his class fellow in the college and then a lot of fights and melodrama around it. Then came 2000s and the indian hindi movies used to be called "bollywood" (a new word for us, it didn't exist until 80s or even 90s) and the story line shifts from the "poor hero" to the "rich hero" often residing in the foreign countries and speaking very anglicized langauge, same with the heroine characters. And now in this decade, Bollywood movies are totally devoid of any kind of rational/story lines and just are propagating whatever is in the fashion in the western world which they seem to be worshipping at the moment, songs are filled with "white background girls" and other kinds of ridiculous thing. I think their movie industry is totally devoid of any connection to their society anymore and is just a sh1tty version of hollywood since last 15 years or so. And our so-called "Lollywood" is behaving these days a crappy sh1tty version of "bollywood" these days.

So these days it is like this

Hollywood ==> Bollywood ==> Lollywood
I agree. South Indian industry is a bit better though.
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