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Pakistani Army runs for cover, ISI worried with India's strong response to border firing: Report

Nope snipers are used effectively and with precision when needed. Civilian casualties are very low on Indian side. The numbers say it all and support my claims. We have very good aim. Go ask all the dead Indian soldiers from LOC. Oh wait. You can't. They are dead.

No you don't, you can keep lying it doesn't change a thing.
Why do you mortar the kashmiris then when they are so far away?

You have decent aim, nothing special and it all stops when we start escalating with mortar, rpgs and artillery.

No one keeps using snipers, you start maybe once in a while you hit someone and we shower you with lmgs, mortars, etc and since we outnumber you always stop eventually.
You begin, we end.
PA raising the white flag after they had had enough of the punishment.

Anyways. At least you guys have no moral standing to whine about someone killing Kashmiris since you are the one who has been doing this since 1947. You take land from poor villagers and then also brag about it. Anyways we know you. And your habit of attacking civilians. Even Kashmiris know that.

Oh wait, so when the rohani army of pak does the displacing of almost 1000s of families its for their own good, when it kills 10s of thousands of civilians in just over a decade its for their own good, but when we do just a small percentage of all the $hit you do, we are bragging about taking land from the poor villagers.
Yeah right.
Hypocrisy much?

Unlike you lot who think of Kashmiris as expendable we have for a while now started reinforcing Kashmiri houses and schools, making reinforced bunkers wherever they live for as many as is possible so that when you lot are getting frustrated and look to attack our people you won't be able to.


So lets not talk about hurting civilians, you will always be on the zenith in that category.

Death due to snipers are norm? Good for us :lol:

They are not norm as it is not possible, but then again you are a pdf pakistani who will believe any over the top nonsense.

Nope. I am telling you we use snipers and other tactics to hunt you guys and thus try to avoid civilian casualties as much as we can.

No you don't.

Too few sniper casualties to say that snipers are being used extensively.

We avoid as much as possible. Not like your dirty self. This is a fact

Oh really?
Here have a serving of truth.
Look at the civilian casualty figures.

We don't have these numbers in Kashmir in 30 years while you manage to kill more in FATA in just over a decade.

So again, don't count sins you will always come on top.

AJK has no equivalence to IOK. So lets not fool ourselves and starting comparing the two. AJK is far better and we all know that.

What was that now?


All are being rehabilitated so IA or its fanboy like you don't need to worry.

Stop making excuses, that was never the point.
They never had to go through all that if PA was not so inefficient.
You think rehabilitating them with a few trinkets will bring back the dead or adequately compensate them?
Stop kidding yourself.
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Nope snipers are used effectively and with precision when needed. Civilian casualties are very low on Indian side. The numbers say it all and support my claims. We have very good aim. Go ask all the dead Indian soldiers from LOC. Oh wait. You can't. They are dead.

Anyways. At least you guys have no moral standing to whine about someone killing Kashmiris since you are the one who has been doing this since 1947. You take land from poor villagers and then also brag about it. Anyways we know you. And your habit of attacking civilians. Even Kashmiris know that.

Death due to snipers are norm? Good for us :lol:

Nope. I am telling you we use snipers and other tactics to hunt you guys and thus try to avoid civilian casualties as much as we can.

We would use all as needed. Don't worry :)

We avoid as much as possible. Not like your dirty self. This is a fact

As said. We avoid as much as possible. That is why people were evicted from their homes and then rehabilitated. Go read about it instead of asking stupid questions here.

Only in your delusional little bharati world.

AJK has no equivalence to IOK. So lets not fool ourselves and starting comparing the two. AJK is far better and we all know that.

All are being rehabilitated so IA or its fanboy like you don't need to worry.

No you don't, you can keep lying it doesn't change a thing.

We don't lie dear. We shove bharati lies in the place where sun doesn't shine.

Why do you mortar the kashmiris then when they are so far away?

A few mortars might hit civilians but the fact that every year there are more dead Indian soldiers than civilians is a proof that we try to avoid hitting civilians unlike cowards on other side who don't have any respect and sympathy for civilians on their side let alone ours.

You have decent aim, nothing special and it all stops when we start escalating with mortar, rpgs and artillery.

And with that doesn't aim we have killed several bharatis. Good in fact excellent. And when you use RPG, mortar etc then we also use them same. Not a big deal. Nothing impressive.

No one keeps using snipers, you start maybe once in a while you hit someone and we shower you with lmgs, mortars, etc and since we outnumber you always stop eventually.

And we stop so much that we keep violating ceasefire as per your own media. We have allegedly done record number of ceasefire violation as per Indian media. Wow. You and your not so might bharati sena clearly stopped us.

Keep this fanboyish BS to yourself please. :lol:

You begin, we end.

Haha. :)

PA raising the white flag after they had had enough of the punishment.

I saw this picture a year ago. And I saw at least two dozen Indian soldiers dying in cross border firing and raids after this picture. 1 incident of beheading too as per your media.

Moment of silence for you and your "punishment". :)

Oh wait, so when the rohani army of pak does the displacing of almost 1000s of families its for their own good, when it kills 10s of thousands of civilians in just over a decade its for their own good, but when we do just a small percentage of all the $hit you do, we are bragging about taking land from the poor villagers.

My army displace people to save civilians not only in NWA but all over Pakistan from terrorists who were killing Pakistanis in mosques, markets, schools etc etc. It was not for its own good. Keep your low bharati intellect aside while you are debating with me.

And Pakistan army's operation have proven to save lives of civilians all over Pakistan.

Zarb-e-Azb: terror incidents significantly decline


This is us. This is Pakistan and its army. I never said we killed tens of thousands of civilians. That is you and your army. We did operations against the most ruthless terrorists. Something your army never faced even in top years of Kashmiri militancy. And in that we tried our best to not to hit civilians and we succeeded too that is why Tribals are proud Pakistanis and not revolting against us as you and Afghans wished.

Unlike you lot who think of Kashmiris as expendable we have for a while now started reinforcing Kashmiri houses and schools, making reinforced bunkers wherever they live for as many as is possible so that when you lot are getting frustrated and look to attack our people you won't be able to.

Bullsh!t propaganda. You have destroyed houses and civilian properties all over IOK and didn't rebuild any of them. So cut this BS and keep it limited to your bharat ratshit forum. Talk about it with other rats on that forum.


Yeah that is why your army has killed hundreds and thousands of civilians in Srinagar city alone. Even yesterday your forces injured two elderly civilians including a lady in Srinagar.

Cut me this BS bharati. :)

So lets not talk about hurting civilians, you will always be on the zenith in that category.

In your delusions. May be. But not on ground.

They are not norm as it is not possible, but then again you are a pdf pakistani who will believe any over the top nonsense.

Whatever. I am happy you are taking them in a light manner. Good for us. We also want same from you.

Too few sniper casualties to say that snipers are being used extensively.

Too few are being used effectively again and again whenever needed. Shows our intent to avoid civilian casualties.

Here have a serving of truth.

Truth from a bharati? Really? Truth is not meant for your country or your kid. Why fool yourself?

We don't have these numbers in Kashmir in 30 years while you manage to kill more in FATA in just over a decade.

Lol. Your so called actually shows decline in civilian deaths after Pakistan did Zarb e azb. Read something before you present it to us as a proof. Don't be typical bharati moron.

It only shows our operations have managed to reduce terrorism in Pakistan and hence lower civilian deaths.

So again, don't count sins you will always come on top.

As I said. Only in your delusions.

What was that now?

As I said before. There is no equivalence between AJK and IOK. AJK is far far better. IOK is a shithole due to dirty presence of India and its occupation.

It is funny you bharatis think we don't know about your lies before you present them to us. I know about this bullsh!t fact long before. Keep it to yourself and kindly answer a few questions here:

1. How many curfews in last two years in AJK as compared to IOK?
2. How many internet shutdowns in AJK as compared to IOK?
3. How many civilian deaths by Pak army as compared to those in IOK by Indian army?
4. How many mass unmarked graves in AJK as compared to IOK?
5. How many fake encounters in AJK as compared to IOK?
6. How many pellet guns we used in AJK as compared to you in IOK?

There are many more. But these 6 questions are enough. In fact no need to answer them with your typical bharati BS. We all know the answer. We all including you know that there is no equivalence between AJK and an occupied territory like IOK.

Stop making excuses, that was never the point.

That is always the point. People are back. Army and government are doing their best to help. Rest of Pakistan is with them and raising their voice to bring them n mainstream. You on other hand can take a hike.

You think rehabilitating them with a few trinkets will bring back the dead or adequately compensate them?

Nope. But since they are our own people unlike in your case in IOK, it can help to start afresh and to make sure that no where in future again terrorists would be able to establish their HQ in those regions.

Stop kidding yourself.

Same to you and all other bharatis who are bound to live their lies fed to them by their state.[/QUOte]

I know bro. I know it all. Let bharatis in their lies and dreamworld. Works for us.
We don't lie dear. We shove bharati lies in the place where sun doesn't shine.

Oh pakistan is synonymous with lying.
You lot can lie through your teeth in front of the world, literally in front of the world.



A few mortars might hit civilians but the fact that every year there are more dead Indian soldiers than civilians is a proof that we try to avoid hitting civilians

Our soldiers die more than our civilians because that is how it should be, as we protect our people and don't use their settlements as cover like PA does.

Also, our civilians dying through mortar fire is proof that you kill our people when you can't kill our army personnel.

Otherwise, how do you continuously hit our civilians when we both know that they are far away from the action?

You lot have advanced American weapons locating radars so don't tell me you can't pin point where our mortar fire is coming from.

Do keep your excuses to yourself.

And with that doesn't aim we have killed several bharatis. Good in fact excellent. And when you use RPG, mortar etc then we also use them same. Not a big deal. Nothing impressive.

Your sniper kills are rare at best.
You try definitely, we always end these escalations though, as we have more men, more weapons and more posts.

It is only common sense a numerically superior force will have the last laugh.
But then again, this is pdf how can pakistani teenagers accept that morsel of truth.

And we stop so much that we keep violating ceasefire as per your own media. We have allegedly done record number of ceasefire violation as per Indian media. Wow. You and your not so might bharati sena clearly stopped us.

Keep this fanboyish BS to yourself please. :lol:

You don't stop, we make you stop.

And yes, you have done record number of ceasefire violations, usually to provide cover for infiltrating terrorists and we escalate and you can't keep up and then you back off.
Every single time.

Its the honest bitter truth, swallow it.

I saw this picture a year ago. And I saw at least two dozen Indian soldiers dying in cross border firing and raids after this picture. 1 incident of beheading too as per your media.

What a joke, you can't help yourself from being presumptuous can you?
This pic started appearing in social media almost a month after the exchanges.

Once we started using artillery, all of your bluster went phusss.

My army displace people to save civilians not only in NWA but all over Pakistan from terrorists who were killing Pakistanis in mosques, markets, schools etc etc. It was not for its own good. Keep your low bharati intellect aside while you are debating with me.

So do we, but unlike you our civilians to terrorist ratio is far better.

You would have been able to guage that if you had compared both IA and PA's stats.

Maybe it would do you good if you used that pakistani high IQ once in a while.

This is us. This is Pakistan and its army. I never said we killed tens of thousands of civilians. That is you and your army. We did operations against the most ruthless terrorists. Something your army never faced even in top years of Kashmiri militancy. And in that we tried our best to not to hit civilians and we succeeded too that is why Tribals are proud Pakistanis and not revolting against us as you and Afghans wished.

You don't have to say it, it is already an established fact that you lot infact did kill 1000s.

You did a full scale military operation against a rag tag group of insurgents, just coz you used more resources doesn't mean your opponents were any less pathetic.

Lol you used bigass high tech equipment against these "ruthless terrorists" you would normally use against mature armies, compare that to us we use low scale intervention techniques, less money is spent, economic rehabilitation is provided to curb terrorism in the valley and we got there by hurting far less civilians than you.

Not revolting? When you already killed so many of them who is left to revolt?

Besides, western Pakistan is one of the most media censored areas in the world, so at best you are betting on ignorance.

Also by protests you mean like this?









And these are only the ones we know about, imagine the ones forcefully curbed under the cover of media blackouts in western pak.

Bullsh!t propaganda. You have destroyed houses and civilian properties all over IOK and didn't rebuild any of them. So cut this BS and keep it limited to your bharat ratshit forum. Talk about it with other rats on that forum.

You are such a sore loser I literally showed you a pic of bunker construction for civilian houses, and yet you go straight into denial mode crying "no, no, no, I can't accept this fact because hindoos are bad my textbook and media say so", so typical.

I guess when a pakistani is shown the truth after years of indoctrination this is how he reacts.

A state wise plan is already in place to further protect our people from frustrated PA mortar fire.

Indian army are personally building and digging trenches.
It was again reiterated in the recent press conference by our COAS.

But do keep crying.

Yeah that is why your army has killed hundreds and thousands of civilians in Srinagar city alone.

Yawn, same old debunked nonsense that is a pdf staple.
Try again next time.

Again, look at civilian casualties inflicted by PA in the course of zarb e azb as compared to COIN ops in J&K by IA since late 80s, the figures itself will smack you back to reality.

Truth from a bharati? Really? Truth is not meant for your country or your kid. Why fool yourself?

Actually, the source is pakistani.
But then again, to pdf pakistanis anyone who doesn't worship your army and quotes its agitprop nonsense is a liar, right?

So yes, TRUTH.

Lol. Your so called actually shows decline in civilian deaths after Pakistan did Zarb e azb. Read something before you present it to us as a proof. Don't be typical bharati moron.

You lot are really adept at this slight of hand strawman argument thing, aren't you?
And were tribals being killed by the thousands before zarb e azb?
Keep lying to yourself.

It only shows our operations have managed to reduce terrorism in Pakistan and hence lower civilian deaths.

It shows that you lot are very good at inflicting civilian casualties when undertaking counter insurgency ops.

The stats are there for everyone to see.

As I said before. There is no equivalence between AJK and IOK. AJK is far far better. IOK is a shithole due to dirty presence of India and its occupation.

It is funny you bharatis think we don't know about your lies before you present them to us. I know about this bullsh!t fact long before. Keep it to yourself and kindly answer a few questions here:

1. How many curfews in last two years in AJK as compared to IOK?
2. How many internet shutdowns in AJK as compared to IOK?
3. How many civilian deaths by Pak army as compared to those in IOK by Indian army?
4. How many mass unmarked graves in AJK as compared to IOK?
5. How many fake encounters in AJK as compared to IOK?
6. How many pellet guns we used in AJK as compared to you in IOK?

There are many more. But these 6 questions are enough. In fact no need to answer them with your typical bharati BS. We all know the answer. We all including you know that there is no equivalence between AJK and an occupied territory like IOK.

Lolololol, so anyone and anything that is not skewing to the pakistani rhetoric is a lie?

The only reason we don't see "attrocities" from your side is because you hide them.
Our ops are extensively covered unlike yours.

Pakistan is one of the worst abusers of freedom of press, so it is hardly a surprise.

So lets not talk about freedom in pak kashmir where the truth is muzzled and hardly are the kashmiris given the rights like we do here in our kashmir.

I know being in pdf makes you unable to see the truth but that is the reality.
Just because all you hear is anti India propaganda doesn't mean that is the norm, the truth comes out when we compare each other and that is where you lot stutter.

http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/Azad Kashmir-govt-bans-pro-azadi-books-on-jandk/1/615339.html

http://www.republicworld.com/s/6988...-down-Azad Kashmir-newspaper-after-its-survey

Here, have it again, a neutral source Freedom House, a compiled study of how Pak Kashmir is far worse than indian kashmir and not 2 or 3 independent news articles pakistanis like to mentally masturbate over.

Enjoy the "lies" of the world.


That is always the point. People are back. Army and government are doing their best to help. Rest of Pakistan is with them and raising their voice to bring them n mainstream. You on other hand can take a hike.

Yawn, sound your sappy crap to someone who has an ear for bull$hit.

Nope. But since they are our own people unlike in your case in IOK, it can help to start afresh and to make sure that no where in future again terrorists would be able to establish their HQ in those regions.

Lol, its much better for a group to have us as enemies than pakistanis as friends.

Kashmiris are our own people and unlike you we don't use our civilians as human shields, or kill them by the 1000s in just over a decade, or let America drone bomb them regularly, or exclude them from our formal constitution.

We economically improve kashmir so that our people unlike your IDPs don't have to beg for food and water.
Oh pakistan is synonymous with lying.
You lot can lie through your teeth in front of the world, literally in front of the world.



Actually it was not a lie and bharatis with their dumb nature forced Pakistanis to show real pellet ridden picture from IOK.

That's how foolish your kind is.

Our soldiers die more than our civilians because that is how it should be, as we protect our people and don't use their settlements as cover like PA does.

Or because we avoid hitting civilians since Kashmiris on both sides are our own people. Or else if we can keep killing Indian soldiers then there is nothing in this world that can stop us from killing civilians in big numbers if we really want to.

Also, our civilians dying through mortar fire is proof that you kill our people when you can't kill our army personnel

Stop contradicting yourself like a bharati. Oh wait. you are a bharati. Full of contradictions.

Anyways you already admitted we kill more Indian soldiers instead of Kashmiri civilians so there is no point answer this contradictory rubbish from you.

You lot have advanced American weapons locating radars so don't tell me you can't pin point where our mortar fire is coming from.

Just because there are weapon locating radars that doesn't mean few mortars won't hit civilians. Anyways we avoid such hits and stats support our claims.

Do keep your excuses to yourself.

My excuses are supported by stats and your contradictions. So yeah. Our excuses are actual and valid.

Your sniper kills are rare at best.

Last sniper kill was just 10 days ago. One before that was 15 days ago.

Anyways it is good that you are downplaying them. Works well for us. You live in your delusions and we get our kill.

You try definitely, we always end these escalations though, as we have more men, more weapons and more posts.

And still nobody is impressed with your might and keep giving back to you. :lol:

It is only common sense a numerically superior force will have the last laugh.

Yeah I see the last laugh. Your own media keeps on sharing videos of that "last laugh".

But then again, this is pdf how can pakistani teenagers accept that morsel of truth.

Truth was never meant for your kind. In fact your kind is always allergic to it. No wonder you are called as the most ignorant nation in the world.

India Has Surpassed Mexico To Become The Most Ignorant Nation In The World: Survey


So don't be a fool. We all know you hate truth and lies is your only and last refuge.

And yes, you have done record number of ceasefire violations, usually to provide cover for infiltrating terrorists and we escalate and you can't keep up and then you back off.

So we didn't stop. Or if we stopped then how come your soldiers keep on dying and ceasefire violations are breaking records.

make your mind. I know it is hard. But still stop contradicting yourself so openly. It is an embarrassment even if you don't feel it.

Every single time.

Yeah right... :lol:

Its the honest bitter truth, swallow it.

Lol swallow what? Your contradictions and your pathetic attempt at chest thumping?

I would give it a pass.

This pic started appearing in social media almost a month after the exchanges.

And dozens of Indian soldiers died after that. Meaningless pic. meant to fool Indian fanboys on social media.

Once we started using artillery, all of your bluster went phusss.

And we went so much phusss that we keep killing your soldiers and keep violating ceasefire as per your own media.

Again. Stop fooling yourself. :lol:

So do we, but unlike you our civilians to terrorist ratio is far better.

Yeah I saw that when you killed dozens of civilians in different towns and villages of IOK last year and year before that.

You would have been able to guage that if you had compared both IA and PA's stats.

no need. We all know the truth. Even though PA has faced far more brutal than anything IA faced, our record is far better. No wonder people of FATA are still loyal to Pakistan and want to be part of KPK province so that can join mainstream unlike IOK where even yesterday there were protests in Srinagar.

Maybe it would do you good if you used that pakistani high IQ once in a while.

Would be too much for your low IQ and your delusions. You are already contradicting yourself even with out that. I don't wan to be that brutal on a BJP and Indian army fanboy. ;)

You don't have to say it, it is already an established fact that you lot infact did kill 1000s.

Yeah we killed thousands of terrorists and saved rest of Pakistan from them. We accept it and love it.

You did a full scale military operation against a rag tag group of insurgents, just coz you used more resources doesn't mean your opponents were any less pathetic.

TTP was anything but a rag tag group of terrorists. They were brutal. They were well trained. They had best equipment a terrorist can have. They had numbers ranging in thousands at least. They controlled area of more than 25000 sq km of FATA and even many areas of KPK like Swat, Buner, Dara Adam Khel etc etc. They even had American humwees. So nope. They weren't rag tag in any manner.

Lol you used bigass high tech equipment against these "ruthless terrorists" you would normally use against mature armies, compare that to us we use low scale intervention techniques, less money is spent, economic rehabilitation is provided to curb terrorism in the valley and we got there by hurting far less civilians than you.

Yeah because you never faced anything like TTP. Or else your soldiers would have been doing collective suicides unlike those 1 in every fortnight that we have nowadays. We faced something far bigger, brutal and well trained and we used what was needed to eliminate them.There is no comparison here.

Not revolting? When you already killed so many of them who is left to revolt?

May be in your lalaland we might have killed all the tribal but that is not the case in reality.

Besides, western Pakistan is one of the most media censored areas in the world, so at best you are betting on ignorance.

It is impossible to hide a mass revolt if it exists. Nobody can do that today. Since there isn't any so we don't see it.

Also by protests you mean like this?

Nope. Not these random protests for random reasons. I mean revolt against Pakistani state which doesn't exist.

Don't present yourself as a fool by posting these random links. Even you know meaning of revolt with your poor comprehension ability.

And these are only the ones we know about, imagine the ones forcefully curbed under the cover of media blackouts in western pak.

None of them are revolt against Pakistani state. These are protests for random social and political issues. And there won't be any ever. After all FATA people are loyal to Pakistan despite all your sympathies for them. In fact they want you to take your sympathy and shove it where sun doesn't shine. :D

You are such a sore loser I literally showed you a pic of bunker construction for civilian houses, and yet you go straight into denial mode crying "no, no, no, I can't accept this fact because hindoos are bad my textbook and media say so", so typical.

A random pic from an Indian army fanboy is meaningless when there are literally thousands of houses and infrastructure destroyed by your army all over IOK.

India uses `dirty war' tactics in Kashmir


So share that pic with fellow bharatis so that they can also live with lies like you. Don't share it here with me.

I guess when a pakistani is shown the truth after years of indoctrination this is how he reacts.

Yeah. Years of indoctrination. That is why you have this proud title of being the most ignorant fools in the world.

Take a hike buddy. This mantra of truth is not for you.

A state wise plan is already in place to further protect our people from frustrated PA mortar fire.

Good. We also would avoid like before not to hit our people on other side.

Indian army are personally building and digging trenches.

Good for you.

It was again reiterated in the recent press conference by our COAS.

Yeah heard to that. Rawat sounded frustrated and hence stupid. So stupid that even IOK education minister was disturbed with foolish rant.

But do keep crying.

That is your job actually. In fact your whole media job.

Yawn, same old debunked nonsense that is a pdf staple.

Yeah a PDF which even you didn't bother to read and actually supports my position.

You are that stupid.

Again, look at civilian casualties inflicted by PA in the course of zarb e azb as compared to COIN ops in J&K by IA since late 80s, the figures itself will smack you back to reality.

your PDF actually shows a massive decline in civilian deaths after Zarb e Azb. So again. First read your own proof and then present it to someone.

Actually, the source is pakistani.

I never said it is bharati.

But then again, to pdf pakistanis anyone who doesn't worship your army and quotes its agitprop nonsense is a liar, right?

PDF Pakistanis are like rest of Pakistanis. Love their country and hate India for their lies and for its filthy dirty nature. There is no worship here. We just don't accept your lies.

We are not the ones who use death of jawans to get votes like it happens in India.

So yes, TRUTH.

Something you are allergic to.

You lot are really adept at this slight of hand strawman argument thing, aren't you?
And were tribals being killed by the thousands before zarb e azb?

Stop repeating yourself. Tribal don't care. They don't give a f*ck about you, your country or your lies or sympathy. So move on buddy.

It shows that you lot are very good at inflicting civilian casualties when undertaking counter insurgency ops.

The stats are there for everyone to see.

From that PDF which you didn't bother to read and proves massive decline in civilian deaths after Zarb e Azb?

Yeah right. :D

Lolololol, so anyone and anything that is not skewing to the pakistani rhetoric is a lie?

Actually anyone who tries to create any kind of equivalence between IOK and AJK is a liar if not ignorant. So yeah you are a liar.

The only reason we don't see "attrocities" from your side is because you hide them.

Or because they don't happen and hence make AJK the most peaceful and even very developed region of Pakistan.

Pakistan is one of the worst abusers of freedom of press, so it is hardly a surprise.

Says someone who shutdown internet every now and then in IOK. Something people of AJK never experienced.

Frequent Internet Bans Are Slowly Choking Kashmir’s Online Businesses


India shut down internet 29 times in 2017


So lets not talk about freedom in pak kashmir where the truth is muzzled and hardly are the kashmiris given the rights like we do here in our kashmir.

Don't say this to someone from AJK. Poor guy would dying laughing at your foolishness and your ignorance.

I know being in pdf makes you unable to see the truth but that is the reality.

Reality from the most ignorant nation in the world? Nah. Doesn't happen that way.

Just because all you hear is anti India propaganda doesn't mean that is the norm, the truth comes out when we compare each other and that is where you lot stutter.

Yeah right. :lol:

Here, have it again, a neutral source Freedom House, a compiled study of how Pak Kashmir is far worse than indian kashmir and not 2 or 3 independent news articles pakistanis like to mentally masturbate over.

A many years old report which bharatis use too much and then fail every time like in your case.

You didn't answer any of my six questions. And I already said you won't. You lived up to my expectations. :lol:

Yawn, sound your sappy crap to someone who has an ear for bull$hit.

That is exactly doing that right now. I am sharing truth with you. A bharati. Who would live and die with bullsh!t.

Lol, its much better for a group to have us as enemies than pakistanis as friends.

True. That is why Indian flag keeps on struggling to get respect in IOK even after 70 years.

You are indeed better enemies.

Kashmiris are our own people

Even Kashmiris on both sides of LOC would laugh at you for this. And you are saying this to a Pakistani.

Some courage you have. Or is it shamelessness in your nature being a bharati? I think it is the later.

We economically improve kashmir so that our people unlike your IDPs don't have to beg for food and water.

Yeah by daily curfews, killings and draconian laws like AFSPA.

Nice work to improve Kashmir. Keep it up. :rofl:
Actually it was not a lie and bharatis with their dumb nature forced Pakistanis to show real pellet ridden picture from IOK.

That's how foolish your kind is.

Actually, the point was you lot lie on a regular basis , without an iota of shame.
How did those sartaj dossiers fare again?
Oh that's right every self respecting nation gave you the middle finger for perpetrating such lies on a world scale.

Also, its really funny how pakistanis cry about dispersing rioters with pellet guns when you yourselves kill 21500 civilians in around a decade with actual weapons.

Or because we avoid hitting civilians since Kashmiris on both sides are our own people. Or else if we can keep killing Indian soldiers then there is nothing in this world that can stop us from killing civilians in big numbers if we really want to.

Yes there is, its called the UNSC and the ICC.
You use Kashmiris as cover on your side and mortar kashmiris on our side when you are frustrated with your loses.
How else can you explain our civilians dying when our posts are nowhere near our populace like yours are.

Stop contradicting yourself like a bharati. Oh wait. you are a bharati. Full of contradictions.

Anyways you already admitted we kill more Indian soldiers instead of Kashmiri civilians so there is no point answer this contradictory rubbish from you.

Typical pakistani, resorts to ad hominem when he is being owned 10 times over and cannot disseminate information as long as it is serving his confirmation bias.

Again, you kill less of our people because unlike the pakistani army we don't use Kashmirs as human shields.

Just because there are weapon locating radars that doesn't mean few mortars won't hit civilians. Anyways we avoid such hits and stats support our claims.

My excuses are supported by stats and your contradictions. So yeah. Our excuses are actual and valid.

More excuses.

Its not few at all, but then again why would a pakistani know that.
Enjoy your stats.


Your excuses are supported by sophistry and strawman arguments which is why I can easily give you empirical proof every single time you try to vomit nonsense.

Last sniper kill was just 10 days ago. One before that was 15 days ago.

Anyways it is good that you are downplaying them. Works well for us. You live in your delusions and we get our

We are downplaying them because they are hardly the norm or used as extensively, but then again I am arguing against a pakistani who hears a small morsel of newer news and goes on to beat it till its a dead bloody horse.

And do tell, how many times do you hear about retaliation by means of lmgs or rpgs or mortars from either side? Is it in the same proportion to sniper fire?

You have been answered.

And dozens of Indian soldiers died after that. Meaningless pic. meant to fool Indian fanboys on social media.


The photo appeared in November 2016 while the exchanges ended in October.

I know the truth hurts, but we will be doling out more such truths, so get used to it.

Yeah I saw that when you killed dozens of civilians in different towns and villages of IOK last year and year before that.

Oh did you now?
Were they even remotely like this?

Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

no need. We all know the truth. Even though PA has faced far more brutal than anything IA faced, our record is far better. No wonder people of FATA are still loyal to Pakistan and want to be part of KPK province so that can join mainstream unlike IOK where even yesterday there were protests in Srinagar.

Why no need? Coz the actual stats may pop your bubble?

PA face insurgents who aren't even 1/10th as capable as a mature military and half as capable as the terrorists the Americans or any other middle east nation faced or are facing.

You are comparing some minor tunnel construction protests in Srinagar with something in FATA where people are protesting food and water shortages, non payment of salaries, to be included in the formal constitution since mainland pakistanis are abusing their rights, and over all non inclusion?
Yeah right.

And still nobody is impressed with your might and keep giving back to you. :lol:

Only till we bring out the big guns, then you go back to your hole and raise a white flag.

Yeah I see the last laugh. Your own media keeps on sharing videos of that "last laugh".

They sure do.

Truth was never meant for your kind. In fact your kind is always allergic to it. No wonder you are called as the most ignorant nation in the world.

India Has Surpassed Mexico To Become The Most Ignorant Nation In The World: Survey


So don't be a fool. We all know you hate truth and lies is your only and last refuge.

So You'll just straight up substitute strawman arguments now, alright.

You'd rather post states about how good a population guesses than actual stats.
You call that literacy?


Does it feel good being so disingenuous now?

So we didn't stop. Or if we stopped then how come your soldiers keep on dying and ceasefire violations are breaking records.

make your mind. I know it is hard. But still stop contradicting yourself so openly. It is an embarrassment even if you don't feel it.

How hard is it for a pakistani to understand a simple fact?

Here let me speak slowly.

Maybe you have been indoctrinated to such a degree under a theocratic banana republic that a simple fact bounces right off of you.

And we went so much phusss that we keep killing your soldiers and keep violating ceasefire as per your own media.

Again. Stop fooling yourself. :lol:

Well since you believe our media so whole heartedly, according to them we killed 138 of you and suffered only 28 deaths, so you must believe that as well?

Yeah we killed thousands of terrorists and saved rest of Pakistan from them. We accept it and love it.

Wow you saved so many......

Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

TTP was anything but a rag tag group of terrorists. They were brutal. They were well trained. They had best equipment a terrorist can have. They had numbers ranging in thousands at least. They controlled area of more than 25000 sq km of FATA and even many areas of KPK like Swat, Buner, Dara Adam Khel etc etc. They even had American humwees. So nope. They weren't rag tag in any manner.

Oh yawn, when you say they "controlled" areas they basically extorted the locals and hid in caves lol.

Don't even compare them to the more main stream terrorist groups who have SRBMs and SAMs, APCs and the like.

So yeah they were rag tag.

LOl ruthless.

Yeah because you never faced anything like TTP. Or else your soldiers would have been doing collective suicides unlike those 1 in every fortnight that we have nowadays. We faced something far bigger, brutal and well trained and we used what was needed to eliminate them.There is no comparison here.

LOL, we have been engaging in urban operations and jungle warfare without inflicting as many civilian casualties as you and without using jets or tanks in kashmir for decades on end, fighting in desert plains is far easier, ask the americans.

It is impossible to hide a mass revolt if it exists. Nobody can do that today. Since there isn't any so we don't see it.

Its hard for countries that have a free press and where the government and intelligence agencies don't kill journalists for telling the truth.
In Pakistan its very easy.

None of them are revolt against Pakistani state. These are protests for random social and political issues. And there won't be any ever. After all FATA people are loyal to Pakistan despite all your sympathies for them. In fact they want you to take your sympathy and shove it where sun doesn't shine. :D

And ours is a revolt?
While yours isn't?

A random pic from an Indian army fanboy is meaningless when there are literally thousands of houses and infrastructure destroyed by your army all over IOK.

So share that pic with fellow bharatis so that they can also live with lies like you. Don't share it here with me.

Why not? Truth to bitter for you?

See unlike your government our government initiatives actually work.

Its already a recognized initiative, so cry all you want, coz its more than one pic.

The government plans to build 100 bunkers by the end of November, each at a cost of Rs.2.52 lakh. With each bunker accommodating 1,500 people, they are expected to cover the population of the nearby villages.

Yeah. Years of indoctrination. That is why you have this proud title of being the most ignorant fools in the world.

Take a hike buddy. This mantra of truth is not for you.

Firstly, how does that report prove indoctrination?
Secondly, its a biased report.
Only about views of muslims in India.
Not about minorities in Pakistan, we all know what pakistan does to them.

So lets not talk about indoctrination when Pakistan a banana republic has regular military coups and has a biased unfree media as compared to us.

You lot are bound to be indoctrinated.

Yeah heard to that. Rawat sounded frustrated and hence stupid. So stupid that even IOK education minister was disturbed with foolish rant.

LOL Kashmiri politicians are finally being put to the task, enjoy hating him coz he will give you a $hit load of reasons to hate you during his term.

Yeah a PDF which even you didn't bother to read and actually supports my position.

You are that stupid.

Read it, ate it, $hat it out.
No one takes that nonsense seriously outside of pdf, but do keep crying

your PDF actually shows a massive decline in civilian deaths after Zarb e Azb. So again. First read your own proof and then present it to someone.

The point is these are the figures.
Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

It doesn't matter if you killed less later on, the fact is you KILLED and more than anything we have ever done in that short period of time.

I never said it is bharati.

Then why be a hypocrite and deny it Pakistani?
Maybe the truth was too much to bear for an indoctrinated Pakistani.

PDF Pakistanis are like rest of Pakistanis. Love their country and hate India for their lies and for its filthy dirty nature. There is no worship here. We just don't accept your lies.

Why should we accept something from a country famous for lying on the world scale.
PDF pakistanis are a special breed, you lot come in as a normal "India hating pakistani" and come out as "India hating pakistanis in denial".

We are not the ones who use death of jawans to get votes like it happens in India.

Yeah, you just chant "death to India", "ghazwa e hind" during election time.

Actually anyone who tries to create any kind of equivalence between IOK and AJK is a liar if not ignorant. So yeah you are a liar.


There you have it, that is the mullah speaking in you.
You are basically saying, "I am not gonna accept anything that does not skew to my confirmation bias".
A blatant example of a pakistani who is so allergic to the truth that he will deny a source which is not even Indian and is free of Indian influence.

Here since it is pissing you off so much, have it again, A NEUTRAL SOURCE.

Says someone who shutdown internet every now and then in IOK. Something people of AJK never experienced.

Frequent Internet Bans Are Slowly Choking Kashmir’s Online Businesses


India shut down internet 29 times in 2017


OMFG, did a pakistani just quote internet freedom.
LOL, at least get the regular freedom first before over arching for something you clearly are not capable of.
Pakistan is one if the worst abusers of internet freedom, far more than India ever was.
Enjoy denial.

A many years old report which bharatis use too much and then fail every time like in your case.

You didn't answer any of my six questions. And I already said you won't. You lived up to my expectations.

Old report?
Here have the new ones.
Spoiler alert: It isn't any better.

All your 6 rhetorical questions are answered in the above link, all quantified in one.
Go ahead, enjoy it to your heart's content.

Even Kashmiris on both sides of LOC would laugh at you for this. And you are saying this to a Pakistani.

Some courage you have. Or is it shamelessness in your nature being a bharati? I think it is the later.

LOL, there you go pakistani delusion at its worst.
You think you hear 2 news from our presstitutes and you know the ground reality?

LOL, first let people in Pak Kashmir vote in untampered elections and represent themselves without jailing them, then talk about what our Kashmiris think, at least we let our people vote.

Yeah by daily curfews, killings and draconian laws like AFSPA.

Nice work to improve Kashmir. Keep it up. :rofl:

What was that now?
GDP of Pak J&K - $3.2 billion
GDP of Indian J&K - $23 billion

See, every one of your rhetoric can be quantified empirically and proven wrong by stats.
So you keep regurgitating all the nonsense, and I'll keep knocking them out of the park.


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Actually, the point was you lot lie on a regular basis , without an iota of shame.

The point is that you ranting that we lie doesn't prove sh!t. You still remain the most ignorant nation in the world due to your lies that you believe in and that would remain the same until your nation starts accepting truth then we might see a decline in your rank in ignorance.

How did those sartaj dossiers fare again?

Enough to make you rant and that you remember even after so many months.

Oh that's right every self respecting nation gave you the middle finger for perpetrating such lies on a world scale.

Yeah right. In your dreams. Or else we have excellent relations with most nations of the world.

Also, its really funny how pakistanis cry about dispersing rioters with pellet guns when you yourselves kill 21500 civilians in around a decade with actual weapons.

We killed 21500 of our civilians? Where? Oh in your delusional world based on your poor comprehension skills and pathetic intellect. Nope we didn't 21500 of our civilians and that would be explained later in your post when I further how moronic you are for saying anything like this.

Yes there is, its called the UNSC and the ICC.

Nope it is called restraint for own people by Pakistan. UNSC or ICC can't stop us from killing your soldiers again and again. Beheading and mutilating them again and again as per your allegations. From doing Kargil. From doing Captain Saurabh Kalia as per your claims. So surely it couldn't stop us from killing civilians if really wanted to.

You use Kashmiris as cover on your side and mortar kashmiris on our side when you are frustrated with your loses.

That's what you are told being an Indian army fanboy anda troll but numbers from past several years deny this bullsh!t story of yours.

How else can you explain our civilians dying when our posts are nowhere near our populace like yours are.

go check again. In many sectors civilians are present very close to Indian posts. In fact all along LOC we have villages with people in them on both sides of LOC. You were lied again by your country. Go check again.

Typical pakistani, resorts to ad hominem when he is being owned 10 times over and cannot disseminate information as long as it is serving his confirmation bias.

Owned? By whom? You? Who is ranting with lies and is still failing at that.

Again, you kill less of our people because unlike the pakistani army we don't use Kashmirs as human shields.

Yeah. Tell this BS to your fellow compatriots. They would accept being an Indian and their love for lies. Don't share this with us.

Its not few at all, but then again why would a pakistani know that.

A Pakistani knows far better than you who top the wold in ignorance. So cut this cr@p.

Enjoy your stats.

Sure. I am enjoying them. They support me.

So you again gave us something that supports our position. How foolish of you. Poor Indian intellect I guess :lol:

Anyways as per your link in Pakistani border firing in last 13 years(2004-2017) only 50 civilians were killed. That means only 3.4 civilians in a year. As I said. We try to avoid hitting civilians on other side and these numbers prove it.

Or else there is nothing in this world that can stop us from hitting civilians. These numbers are a proof.

Your excuses are supported by sophistry and strawman arguments which is why I can easily give you empirical proof every single time you try to vomit nonsense.

Blah blah. Not interested in your rant hence moving on.

We are downplaying them because they are hardly the norm or used as extensively, but then again I am arguing against a pakistani who hears a small morsel of newer news and goes on to beat it till its a dead bloody horse.

You are downplaying them since you can't stop them except bombing Pakistani civilians. They are being effectively used by Pakistan and would be used in future too. Or else there is no logical reason to downplay them when at least 2 Indian soldiers have died to them in just last 15-16 days unless you don't care about those two poor souls who were given head shots.

And do tell, how many times do you hear about retaliation by means of lmgs or rpgs or mortars from either side? Is it in the same proportion to sniper fire?

Pakistan uses lmgs, rpgs, mortar when needed. There are dozen of reports from Indian media about them so nope your delusion that somehow you use RPG and everyone runs always is just that. It is a delusion.

You have been answered.


Clearly you are not keep a good count of the deaths of guys whose fanboy you are :D

The photo appeared in November 2016 while the exchanges ended in October.

And dozens of soldiers died after November 2016. In fact beheading and mutilations too.

So exchanges might have ended in your dream but in reality they are continuing with no end in sight and more of your "jawans" are going to die.

I know the truth hurts, but we will be doling out more such truths, so get used to it.

Abay what truth? You are wrong and are clearly ignorant with all the ground realities. Why your delusions would hurt me? :rofl:

Oh did you now?
Were they even remotely like this?

Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

Now coming to this 21527 civilians part.

Idiot. Nonsense bharati. A great majority of these 21527 were killed by terrorists in terror attacks all over Pakistan. In all 4 provinces, in FATA, in GB and AJK. That is more than 875000 sq km of land. Very few of these civilian deaths are due to Pakistani military fire or operations.

We did Operation Zarb e Azb and hence civilians casualties declined massively. Your own PDF report that you presented to as a proof without even reading it says the same.

So first go and learn to comprehend things properly and them come here to teach us "truth". Don't exhibit your pathetic IQ so openly. :)

Why no need? Coz the actual stats may pop your bubble?

Because you are too dumb for that. Even right now you are showing how big of a fool you are. In fact you showed it the moment when you tried to compare AJK with IOK.

PA face insurgents who aren't even 1/10th as capable as a mature military and half as capable as the terrorists the Americans or any other middle east nation faced or are facing.

I never called it a military. They were terrorists and died as a terrorist. But they were most brutal and most organized terror group in the world. They not only consisted of Pakistanis but also Afghanis, Arabs, Chechens, Uzbeks, Uigurs and many more.

You are comparing some minor tunnel construction protests in Srinagar with something in FATA where people are protesting food and water shortages, non payment of salaries, to be included in the formal constitution since mainland pakistanis are abusing their rights, and over all non inclusion?

Minor tunnel construction protests :rofl:

There are massive protests in IOK where people openly burn Indian flags, disrespect Indian anthem and everything Indian and proudly shout Hindustan murdabad/ Pakistan Zindabad and demand freedom from Indian occupation. Something that doesn't exist in FATA. Something that would never happen in FATA no matter how much you wet dream about it.

As for non inclusion. Don't worry about it. Very soon they would merged in KPK. We all are working for it. At least you don't need to worry about it. FATA people want you to shoo and buzz off. :lol:

Only till we bring out the big guns, then you go back to your hole and raise a white flag.

And again this white flag BS? Didn't I already tell you that this bogus pic was meant to fool you and other Indian fanboys and had no impact on ground or on us.

The picture is from October 2016(not November). should I start counting all those incidents that happened after this date? I don't want to mock any of your dead soldier by if you keep BSing this white flag thingy then I might have to mention all those deaths of Indian soldier that kept on happening despite you were foolishly cheering for this bogus picture.

They sure do.

We have several such videos of Indian bunkers too.

So nah. Not impressed. :)

So You'll just straight up substitute strawman arguments now, alright.

Well you are world champions in ignorance. And ignorance is byproduct of lies like in your case you live and believe in lies and hence the title of most ignorant nation in the world.


That is even worse. This shows that you are being fed lies in your schools hence your rank in ignorance in this world.

Here let me speak slowly.

Here let me simplify it further.


There you go. Made it very simple for you.

Maybe you have been indoctrinated to such a degree under a theocratic banana republic that a simple fact bounces right off of you.

Still better than getting indoctrinated in a cow republic and become the most ignorant nation in the world.

Well since you believe our media so whole heartedly, according to them we killed 138 of you and suffered only 28 deaths, so you must believe that as well?

Lol you are getting desperate now.

For neutrality and impartiality i only take Pakistani casualties from Pakistani media and Indian casualties from Indian media. I don't accept Indian casualties in Pakistani media and I am not going to accept Pakistani casualties in Indian media.

It is simple logic. Might be too much for you but still simple logic.

Wow you saved so many......

Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

The final operation in NWA that is Operation Zarb e Azb happened in June 2014. Now see the decline of civilian casualties from your own PDF proof that you didn't bother to read.

2014 1781 civilian casualties
2015 940
2016 612
2017 38 (till February 5)

Got it? Saw the continuous decline? That is how we saved by our operation and that is what is beyond your ability to understand.

Oh yawn, when you say they "controlled" areas they basically extorted the locals and hid in caves lol.

No need to show your ignorance. We know you belong to the most ignorant nation in the world.

But TTP didn't hide in caves. It was the most organized terror group in the world and controled whole towns and valleys covering thousands of sq km.

This looks hiding in cave to you?

They operated openly. They had their own courts. One system of governance. Lived among civilians in towns and cities. So keep this hiding in case thing to you. Go read about TTP operations and how they operated without in various parts of Pakistan.

Don't even compare them to the more main stream terrorist groups who have SRBMs and SAMs, APCs and the like.

Which terror group have SRBM? TTP had SAM and APC. They had anti aircraft guns. We found thousands of tonnes of explosives from their hide outs. Hundreds and thousands of latest guns of all kind. They fighters from all over Pakistan ranging in thousands and even from many different other regions of the world. They had alliance with other terror groups like Al Qaeda, ETIM, IMU and other international terrorist organizations.

So yeah rag tag :lol:

So yeah they were rag tag.

They sure were.

LOl ruthless.

Far brutal than anything you faced.

LOL, we have been engaging in urban operations and jungle warfare without inflicting as many civilian casualties as you and without using jets or tanks in kashmir for decades on end, fighting in desert plains is far easier, ask the americans.

Once more. The great majority of those civilian casualties include deaths from terror attacks from all over Pakistan. So first read and understand report and then rant over here. Don;t make a fool of yourself in such a pathetic manner.

Its hard for countries that have a free press and where the government and intelligence agencies don't kill journalists for telling the truth.
In Pakistan its very easy.

Says someone who tops the world in journalist deaths. :)

Lol we are talking about non existence of revolt in FATA and you are presenting me a paid campaign for Balochistan in New York. :rofl:

Do you even know that FATA and Balochistan are two different regions?

Come on bharati. Don't lose your marbles so quickly. After all you are here to tell us the "truth" :D

Why not? Truth to bitter for you?

Because you are already losing your mind. I am being kind on you. ;)

Its already a recognized initiative, so cry all you want, coz its more than one pic.
We do the same on our side. But still civilian casualties are high due to your cowardice and your nature of deliberately attacking civilians.

AJK govt given heads-up for evacuation of LoC villages


PM approves protection bunkers for civilian population along LoC


So we also take precautions that are possible but there is no precaution possible to your cowardice that is natural to you and your military.

Firstly, how does that report prove indoctrination?

Ignorance comes from indoctrination and continuous propaganda. You are victim of your own propaganda and lies.

Secondly, its a biased report.


Only about views of muslims in India.

But the report is not by muslims or Pakistan. So very lame excuse to be honest.

Not about minorities in Pakistan, we all know what pakistan does to them.

The report is about level of ignorance in India and not minorities in India/Pakistan. Your prejudices against minorities are important reason for your high level of ignorance and hene they mentioned it.

So lets not talk about indoctrination when Pakistan a banana republic has regular military coups and has a biased unfree media as compared to us.

Says a citizen of cow republic where vote for pogroms and parliament is full of people with criminal offenses. :)

LOL Kashmiri politicians are finally being put to the task, enjoy hating him coz he will give you a $hit load of reasons to hate you during his term.

There goes the "freedom of Indian administered Kashmir" that you were bragging about down the drain. :lol:

We don't need to hate him. His own not very integral part citizens hate him a lot. And he can't do any harm to us or even to Kashmiris.

Read it, ate it, $hat it out.
No one takes that nonsense seriously outside of pdf, but do keep crying

Read what? That we made terrorists to run away and thus brought down civilian casualties massively? Well I already know that. Thanks for confirming it again.

The point is these are the figures.
Zarb e azb:
Civilians -21527
Terrorists/ Insurgents -33363

The fact is that you due to your poor understanding of these matter and your national ignorance failed to understand these figures and made a complete idiot of yourself.

It doesn't matter if you killed less later on, the fact is you KILLED and more than anything we have ever done in that short period of time.

Meh :lol:

Then why be a hypocrite and deny it Pakistani?

I never denied it either. You didn't understand my post. Go read it again and don't let your poor intellect to make you go idiot again.

Maybe the truth was too much to bear for an indoctrinated Pakistani.

Your so called proofs are supporting my position and here you are bragging about them that they are somehow difficult for me to accept.

What a joke you bharatis are :)

PDF pakistanis are a special breed, you lot come in as a normal "India hating pakistani" and come out as "India hating pakistanis in denial".

And still you are here getting humiliated by PDF Pakistanis. Typical Indian obsession with Pakistan. ;)

Anyways we do hate you. That is a fact. We hate you for your lies. We hate you for your filthy mentality and for you being ugly inside and outside.

Anyways no matter how much you hate PDF Pakistanis, you are still here ranting with them. Typical Pakistan obsessed bharati.

Yeah, you just chant "death to India", "ghazwa e hind" during election time.

No we don't. That actually happens in your country. India is a non issue in elections in Pakistan.

There you have it, that is the mullah speaking in you.

Control sanghi inside you

You are basically saying, "I am not gonna accept anything that does not skew to my confirmation bias".

It basically means that I don't even want to debate about AJK and IOK since the difference between the two is too clear. AJK is the most peaceful region of Pakistan while IOK is a hell where thousands have died and are still dying thanks to your occupation of Kashmir.

A blatant example of a pakistani who is so allergic to the truth that he will deny a source which is not even Indian and is free of Indian influence.

Your source is meaningless since it only focuses on one aspect and doesn't about all the other factors. Even in that factor that you are proudly presenting there is only a minor difference. The scores from that report you keep presenting are just slightly ahead of Pakistan. The atoot ang of largest democracy is partially free as per your own favorite report. Bah. Big deal.

Now coming to matters that are more important than any freedom brownie points. These were also my six questions that you didn't answer because you couldn't.


In year 2016 only Indian imposed 60 days long curfew in Kashmir

IOK: 2 months straight curfew in 2016

AJK: 0 curfews in 2016

Source: http://www.greaterkashmir.com/news/...s-60-days-longest-ever-in-history/227790.html

Internet Shutdowns:

IOK: 29 times in year 2017
AJK: 0

Source: https://tech.economictimes.indiatim...-shut-down-internet-29-times-in-2017/59627417

Civilian Deaths by Security Forces:

IOK: Dozens killed by security forces
AJK: 0

Source: https://scroll.in/article/839887/en...-has-seen-almost-daily-armed-violence-in-2017

Unmarked Mass Graves:

IOK: 2080 mass graves
AJK: 0

Source: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/...3800-mass-graves-kashmir-171103114819966.html

Fake Encounters:

IOK: Dozens
AJK: 0


Number of People injured by Pellet Guns:

IOK: Thousands in year 2016 alone
AJK: 0

Source: http://www.aljazeera.com/video/news...ian-administered-kashmir-170423052248825.html

LOL, there you go pakistani delusion at its worst.

Says someone who doesn't even accept his own sources and calls them presstitutes. Delusions are your forte not ours.

LOL, first let people in Pak Kashmir vote in untampered elections and represent themselves without jailing them, then talk about what our Kashmiris think, at least we let our people vote.

Don't worry about our elections. They are least priority for people of AJK and hence nobody is revolting against Pakistan in AJK despite all your lies. Just stop killing civilians in for just few days and who know you might actually get a right to compare IOK with AJK.

What was that now?
GDP of Pak J&K - $3.2 billion
GDP of Indian J&K - $23 billion

Throwing random numbers is not truth and can only impress someone dumb like yourself or your compatriots. The fact is that AJK is one of the most peaceful regions of Pakistan and is also ahead to rest of Pakistan in development and education.

From your own media:

Muzaffarabad, with a population of just over 6,00,000, looks cleaner than Srinagar (Azad Kashmir has 10 districts with an estimated population over three million in 2009). Even during my previous visit in 2004, I found that the stories of “under development in Azad Kashmir,” fed to us on this side, are off the mark. This time, I noticed road connectivity and power supply to houses even on the upper reaches of a hill. In contrast, many villages in Jammu and Kashmir even today are without basic facilities. Neither does Muzaffarabad seem to be lagging behind in education and health compared to the Indian side of Jammu and Kashmir though progress is more in tune with Pakistani literacy rates. In the past few years the development in these two sectors has been rapid. The literacy rate in Azad Kashmir has touched 65 per cent which is higher than for any other area in Pakistan. In conversations, both the young and old in Muzaffarabad say that Pakistan has “never discriminated” against the region.


From British media:

The city of Mirpur, in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, is known as "Little England" due to its large British Pakistani community. So what is life like for the city's many expats?

Mirpur's connection with Britain has made it a place quite unlike anywhere else in the region. You can see it in the huge villas.

"Where could I get a place like this in the UK?" says Zahoor from Ilford, as we crane our necks to get a full view of his dazzling palatial creation, complete with terraces and towers.

But even that is nothing compared to his most recent foray into development Mirpuri-style. He has now finished building an entire "British street".

IOK Behind AJK in Education:

JK behind ‘Azad Kashmir’ in education ranking


AJK ahead of rest of Pakistan in Education:


Villagers of IOK desire facilities they see across the border in Azad Kashmir

Source: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/vill...see-across-the-border-in-azad-kashmir.533689/

So keep numbers to yourself since numbers can always be manipulated. All government do that. Lets go straight at the realities and facts that matter and lets laugh at you once again for comparing AJK with IOK. :rofl:

We would bombard you with truth and would bury you under it. Truth never was meant for you and your country. So buzz off bharati. Shoo.
I search "bsf jawan" on Google everyday and everyday I find something funny like bsf jawan died due to slip, bsf jawan died because of suicide, bsf jawan vanished hahahaha bsf jawan crosses border just to save his a** hahahaha, bsf jawan run away, bsf jawan opens fire on seniors, bsf jawan kill his friends, bsf jawan beaten to death in his native town, bsf jawan honeytrapped, bsf jawan without head hahahaha, bsf jawan slips from helicopter, and also bsf jawan video on food quality lol. I mean Indian army is totally disgusting.lol
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