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Pakistani Army runs for cover, ISI worried with India's strong response to border firing: Report

I search "bsf jawan" on Google everyday and everyday I find something funny like bsf jawan died due to slip, bsf jawan died because of suicide, bsf jawan vanished hahahaha bsf jawan crosses border just to save his a** hahahaha, bsf jawan run away, bsf jawan opens fire on seniors, bsf jawan kill his friends, bsf jawan beaten to death in his native town, bsf jawan honeytrapped, bsf jawan without head hahahaha, bsf jawan slips from helicopter, and also bsf jawan video on food quality lol. I mean Indian army is totally disgusting.lol
BSF is not army, they are border police...
When your army begins war or plans one, Indian army moves in....
The very fact that Pakistan army is forced into use sniper to hide aim and kill soldiers on border perrol and using population as cover is a clear signal that they are out of options.
lols PA been using sniper to hunt bharti supa army for a long time.and by your cho*** inida logic any army using sniper rifle is a coward?
Mashallah, kitne azeem bahadur hi indian sena ke jawan. India plz hamen bhi sikhao na border border kese khelte hen.
So the morale is so low that they have to do this. Something is seriously wrong there. It could be the suicide rate is getting higher with less and less number of officers in the military seeking commission.


Its the right time to play some games with them but will the strategists in Pakistan agree?
Actually Indian army suicide rate is less tha suicide rate of US, Israel, UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, Russia, Turkey, S Korea armies.

Also Indian army has two times more officers than Pakistan army.
Actually Indian army suicide rate is less tha suicide rate of US, Israel, UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, Russia, Turkey, S Korea armies.

Also Indian army has two times more officers than Pakistan army.

Pathetic excuse for suicides. Your were humiliated for this excuse last time too.

Lol, such bs.
Why do your mortars still hit Kashmiris then?
Also pray tell, you would rather have the people at your side die than inconvenience them by telling them to live a few kilometres off?
Hypocrisy at its finest.

What hypocrisy. Civilian casualties are always low on Indian side of LOC because we try to avoid them as much as possible.

Hypocrisy on your part. Your whole position on Kashmir reeks hypocrisy.
Pathetic excuse for suicides. Your were humiliated for this excuse last time too.
Pathetic attempt.
Suicide rates everywhere In the world are determined per 10,000 people.
Pathetic attempt.
Suicide rates everywhere In the world are determined per 10,000 people.

But you hide behind some random US stats to fool your compatriots and fail every time.
lol they idiots dont know ISI never worried about usa until now
What hypocrisy. Civilian casualties are always low on Indian side of LOC because we try to avoid them as much as possible.

Hypocrisy on your part. Your whole position on Kashmir reeks hypocrisy.

Civilian casualties are low because the Indian army doesn't fight from between the civilians' houses.

Our posts are far away from the clustered living areas and we make sure to remove these people from conflict zones unlike the PA, yet pak manages to hit our civies.

So yeah, hypocrisy.
Last year Indian army suicide rate was 0.57 per 10,000 personnel at the same year it was 0.9 per 10,000 in Israeli forces and 1.8 per 10,000 in US forces.


Still the same BS. Nobody cares what it is in your abbu army(US army) or your boy friend( Israel).

We are talking bharati army here so stick to that and don't act like an as$hole in these final moments of your stay with this profile.

Civilian casualties are low because the Indian army doesn't fight from between the civilians' houses.

Our posts are far away from the clustered living areas and we make sure to remove these people from conflict zones unlike the PA, yet pak manages to hit our civies.

So yeah, hypocrisy.

Civilian casualties are low because PA prefer using snipers and precision attacks to hunt Indian soldiers unlike targeting civilians like Indian army. And even we don't have bad habit of kicking out people from their ancestral lands like it is in your case.

So yeah you are hypocrites.
So according to frivolous Bharti brains, Pakistan Army is running for cover, yet they always blame same PA for ceasefire violations. Now it's no rocket science to say that such practice is simply not possible for a running force.
However when one has his head up where sun don't shine then making such claims is possible and only Indians are expert in adopting that position.
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