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Pakistani and Black violence in UK

Thats not the point. Pakistan is not an ethno-linguistic identity. We start our day with Punjabi roghni parathas and finish with Pashtun Naan. We drink Punjabi lassi the breakfast, eat Afghani pulao in lunch and drink Peshawari qehva after dinner.

In other words, if you are not born and bread in Pakistan, you actually have no idea what it means to be a Pakistani. It means allegiance to a multicultural country which was created upon a spiritual ideology. This is what makes Pakistan unique. Those kids, born and bread abroad in the UK are British not Pakistanis. They are the product of THEIR society, THEIR culture, THEIR language, THEIR education system - NOT ours!

I grew up in London and knew many Pakistanis and West Indians in school. Even 20 years ago the Pakistani youth were very different in character from the Pakistanis I meet in South Asia now so third generation British-Pakistanis will be even more removed culturally I guess. The same applies to Bangladeshis as well.
If a British born cant be called a british, after growing up in THEIR society, being indoctrinated in THEIR school systems and THEIR way of life - he still is classified with a British XYZ and his skin color- than one must wonder,what all the talk about 'western equality' really means.

They can't be called british because britain to begin with was never a multi-racial society. These people are either second or third generations of migrants from former british colonies.

And if you visit Britain, certain parts of it no longer resemble british culture. Entire neighborhoods have been cordoned off to Whites or non-Muslims over religious or racial reasons.

And to be honest, racially homogenous societies tend to be more successful and prosperous than multi-racial societies.

I grew up in London and knew many Pakistanis and West Indians in school. Even 20 years ago the Pakistani youth were very different in character from the Pakistanis I meet in South Asia now so third generation British-Pakistanis will be even more removed culturally I guess. The same applies to Bangladeshis as well.
This is a result of cultural marxism.

What people perceive to be "british" or "Western culture" is in fact not Western culture. Most of the degeneracy prevalent in the west is a much recent phenomenon which only started in the past 50 or so years (after WW2).
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lmao, oh I see, I guess I haven't reached to your intellectual or maturity level, long way to go :cry:

Sure u cant be of our maturity levels as its yr school days. Have a lollipop and sleep.
So you'd rather have the British Pakistanis be called British Punjabis, British Pashtuns, British Sindhis, British Baloch, British Indians (Muhajirs) and so on?

It's strange to see Pakistanis themselves accepting that they are an artificial nation with a very vague idea binding them together. Indians who fre far more diverse still are called overseas Indians and are comfortable with it.
It's strange to see Pakistanis themselves accepting that they are an artificial nation with a very vague idea binding them together. Indians who fre far more diverse still are called overseas Indians and are comfortable with it.

Now the Indian inside you comes out!
Your words not mine. Wondering what happened to "we were always different and unique story "

And you interpret it as an artificial nation? - Thats your bigoted Indian brain at work!
And you interpret it as an artificial nation? - Thats your bigoted Indian brain at work!

That's the only way uk look at it. Especially when you yourself don't accept it as a nationality when it is not convenient or pretty.
That's the only way uk look at it. Especially when you yourself don't accept it as a nationality when it is not convenient or pretty.

That is your way [The way an Indian looks at a Pakistani] to look at it - not the only way.
What is the other way to look at it?

An Indian brain is inherently incapable of processing any other identity for Pakistanis, so lets just call it a day. Lets just allow you to live with what you already believe.
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