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Pakistani-Americans Rising Strength in Academia

Self congratulatory behavior notwithstanding, If you take the top 10% of India and Pakistan diaspora (and Bangladesh too for that matter) and supplant them to the US - they will have dramatically high levels of income. Because they were mostly educated in the US and they qualify for higher salaries.

90% of my Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani friends had a background and upbringing better than the average middle class family in the US - so its really unfair to compare them (and their preferences and economic/educational levels) with the "general public" here in the US.

The flipside of that equation is that all we have left, back in our countries in South Asia - are dip$hit leaders incapable of governing our countries successfully. In India you have "new Indians" whose twitter handles include Hitler's face with a Tika.

These are the inept dregs of humanity we all have left behind who have now risen to prominence and the more educated people leave, the more uneducated, self-indulgent, lootera, dictatorial and unqualified the next group of leaders in our countries will be, picked from the ranks of these dregs.

Which will invite more and more blatant interventions by world hegemons to exploit our populace.
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Self congratulatory behavior notwithstanding, If you take the top 10% of India and Pakistan diaspora (and Bangladesh too for that matter) and supplant them to the US - they will have dramatically high levels of income. Because they were mostly educated in the US and they qualify for higher salaries.

90% of my Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani friends had a background and upbringing better than the average middle class family in the US - so its really unfair to compare them (and their preferences and economic/educational levels) with the "general public" here in the US.

The flipside of that equation is that all we have left, back in our countries in South Asia - are dip$hit leaders incapable of governing our countries successfully. In India you have "new Indians" whose twitter handles include Hitler's face with a Tika.

These are the inept dregs of humanity we all have left behind who have now risen to prominence and the more educated people leave, the more uneducated, self-indulgent, lootera, dictatorial and unqualified the next group of leaders in our countries will be, picked from the ranks of these dregs.

Which will invite more and more blatant interventions by world hegemons to exploit our populace.

we have new list by Wikipedia as above.
here we find Indian and Pakistanis are the top 2 in the list. :-)
but how Israelis/Jews have become so poor? what happened to them since recession?
we have new list by Wikipedia as above.
here we find Indian and Pakistanis are the top 2 in the list. :-)
but how Israelis/Jews have become so poor? what happened to them since recession?

Israelis are smart. they don't disclose money earned.

Same with Bangladeshis I believe (and some other groups, including some Pakistanis).
its measured by QS Gobal, the 'equivalence' of CAT of IIMs, and its GMAT translation. means, you scored this much in CAT for IIM and its 'equivalent' value in GMAT score, or, for GRE(for IITs). what we find
> https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...hed-survey/articleshow/17749898.cms?pcode=461
There is no way to convert CAT scores to GMAT scores. They are different exams. The scores reported are the GMAT scores for IIM students. Though it is not a requirement for admission, some IIM applicants do take the GMAT.

Putting aside my dislike of Endians for a moment.

Pakistanis and Indians together would basically dominate most categories for foreign Americans if the numbers were combined, really is a testament to the second and third generation making strides.
Second and third generation people of South Asian origin are Americans. However, there are lots of Indian citizens and first generation naturalized Americans from India who were educated in India and earn 7 and 8 figure salaries and a few who earn 9 figure salaries. I don't think the same can be said about Pakistani citizens educated in Pakistan.
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There is no way to convert CAT scores to GMAT scores. They are different exams. The scores reported are the GMAT scores for IIM students. Though it is not a requirement for admission, some IIM applicants do take the GMAT.

Second and third generation people of South Asian origin are Americans. However, there are lots of Indian citizens and first generation naturalized Americans from India who were educated in India and earn 7 and 8 figure salaries and a few who earn 9 figure salaries. I don't think the same can be said about Pakistani citizens educated in Pakistan.

Miss India Shining - like all bhakts, you are over generalizing.

If you have never been to Pakistan, don't make generalizations - see my byline.

Pakistan does have institutions par excellence of higher learning, India is not the sole country in that regard.

Maybe not as good as IIM's or IIT's, but they do exist. This is coming from a person who has more than half a dozen IIT educated friends who have the same opinion.

BTW I hope I did not generalize - that you are a woman.
Pakistan does have institutions par excellence of higher learning, India is not the sole country in that regard.
Maybe not as good as IIM's or IIT's, but they do exist. This is coming from a person who has more than half a dozen IIT educated friends who have the same opinion.
We are talking about Pakistan-educated students working in high-paying jobs in the US. Many investment and consulting firms and Silicon Valley tech companies
, where 7 and 8 figure salaries are not uncommon, hire directly from IITs and IIMs for jobs in the US. I don't know of a single Pakistani university from which top US firms recruit directly. Maybe you can enlighten me if that is not so. The Pakistani students hired in these conpanies generally have US degrees.

Also, in my experience, even the few Pakistani students who join these companies are from very rich families and leave to either join their family enterprises or ( for girls) get married and take on less demanding careers or focus on raising their families.
There is no way to convert CAT scores to GMAT scores. They are different exams. The scores reported are the GMAT scores for IIM students. Though it is not a requirement for admission, some IIM applicants do take the GMAT.

it was a news of Times of India and they gave reference of QS Global, who translated scores/marks of different institutes of world.
we always find less the credibility of these news but something we have, one of the most credible among others.....

We are talking about Pakistan-educated students working in high-paying jobs in the US. Many investment and consulting firms and Silicon Valley tech companies
, where 7 and 8 figure salaries are not uncommon, hire directly from IITs and IIMs for jobs in the US. I don't know of a single Pakistani university from which top US firms recruit directly. Maybe you can enlighten me if that is not so. The Pakistani students hired in these conpanies generally have US degrees.

Also, in my experience, even the few Pakistani students who join these companies are from very rich families and leave to either join their family enterprises or ( for girls) get married and take on less demanding careers or focus on raising their families.

Pakistan is now listed next to Indians, the second in Household income as below. we find them 'fit' in competition with Indian diaspora worldwide :-)
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Miss India Shining - like all bhakts, you are over generalizing.

If you have never been to Pakistan, don't make generalizations - see my byline.

Pakistan does have institutions par excellence of higher learning, India is not the sole country in that regard.

Maybe not as good as IIM's or IIT's, but they do exist. This is coming from a person who has more than half a dozen IIT educated friends who have the same opinion.

BTW I hope I did not generalize - that you are a woman.

we would have transit in South Asia, at least similar to ASEAN, south east Asia. Visa on border/arriaval would also be encouraged.
we would have first identity as South Asians first, similar to ASEAN.:cheers:
I would also propose a common military for SA, which would include Afghan and Burma also.
it was a news of Times of India and they gave reference of QS Global, who translated scores/marks of different institutes of world.
we always find less the credibility of these news but something we have, one of the most credible among others.....

Pakistan is now listed next to Indians, the second in Household income as below. we find them 'fit' in competition with Indian diaspora worldwide :-)

This is what the data says

$159,261 vs $97,436

, where 7 and 8 figure salaries are not uncommon, hire directly from IITs and IIMs for jobs in the US. I don't know of a single Pakistani university from which top US firms recruit directly. Maybe you can enlighten me if that is not so. The Pakistani students hired in these conpanies generally have US degrees.

I find this hard to believe that US corporations are hiring people with "7 or 8 figure" salaries from India and
directly from IITs and IIMs for jobs in the US

I mean anyone can spew anything here in the pages of PDF, but this is news for me.

First of all - I believe you have little clue about hiring practices at the US corporate executive level being from India. They don't hire based on Indian "body shop" rules.

American Executive search firms hire based on referrals and very strict "club" rules (and most importantly - pedigree). Brown Hanoomans from India aren't included in that list of pedigrees (no matter how educated), though other immigrants are.

You can be any Indian chump with a 4.0 GPA, doesn't mean jack squat in the US. You have no experience and no pedigree - no jobs for you. People from India are mostly darker brown than those from Bangladesh or Pakistani middle and upper middle class.

I think you Indians have started on this "pie in the sky" dreaming of late, comparing yourselves to whites too often.

No American executive search firms search for Indian talent direct from India. American companies think jack squat about IIT's and IIM's. Stay in India if you need sponsorships, no one sponsors H1B's anymore.

Without even having a decade of service in corporate ranks in US companies - even most Harvard, Yale and MIT grads don't get to these level of salaries and you're talking IIT and IIM.

Indian rules don't play in the US.

@RiazHaq bhai - I have never heard of this - maybe you can shed some light? Have you heard of this in Silicon Valley?
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First of all - I believe you have little clue about hiring practices at the US corporate executive level being from India. They don't hire based on Indian "body shop" rules.

American Executive search firms hire based on referrals and very strict "club" rules. You can be any Indian chump with a 4.0 GPA, doesn't mean jack squat in the US. You have no experience and no pedigree - no jobs for you, besides you are also "brown". People from India are mostly darker brown than those from Bangladesh or Pakistani middle and upper middle class.

I think you Indians have started on this "pie in the sky" dreaming of late, comparing yourselves to whites too often.

Its a bitter pill to swallow at the end of the day

  1. endians with multi crore CTCs getting hired right out of college,
  2. endian PMs in UK,
  3. endian CEOs controlling most global MNCs
  4. the next US presi will prolly also be an endian.. it what is it.

But do work hard and you too can get quarter way there in another 50 years maybe? ..

Coming back to the topic .. and to end your misery .. attaching placement papers for just 1 year from just 1 of our IITs and 1 of our IIMs .. Like I said.. I know its a bitter pill to swallow ..

IIM A 2022
IIT B 2023
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Its a bitter pill to swallow at the end of the day

  1. endians with multi crore CTCs getting hired right out of college,
  2. endian PMs in UK,
  3. endian CEOs controlling most global MNCs
  4. the next US presi will prolly also be an endian.. it what is it.

But do work hard and you too can get quarter way there in another 50 years maybe? ..

Coming back to the topic .. and to end your misery .. attaching placement papers for just 1 year from just 1 of our IITs and 1 of our IIMs .. Like I said.. I know its a bitter pill to swallow ..

IIM A 2022
IIT B 2023

Listen Mister Hanoo Man, feed this line of BS to deluded ghatiya uneducated low-life slum-dog bhakts in your local shakha. No takers here.

Whatever Endeya BS you are pushing, keep it limited to India. The US is out of your Hanooman League. India is Bhikharee States not United States.

What I see is that IIM/IIT graduates are mostly (98%) getting hired in India in whatever ghatiya subsidiary of US or EU companies. Not in the US like that other lady claimed. "Sheven-Aiigghtt feegurr USD shalary!" Yeah right. :rofl:

And in Bangladesh corporate circles, entry-level people in larger outfits are getting paid around 20 lakhs a year, which is not too far from the INR 25 lakh a year mentioned as median for IIM grads. Your Kanjoos-e-Makkhichoos companies don't pay enough.

Now coming to the US - your salaries from India aren't even comparable - much less the perks. You Indians are just getting too deluded comparing your country to the US, just because you have a few shiny buildings built in place of slums.

Here in the US - just-graduated entry level lawyers from mid-grade law schools (who should get paid much less than start off on salaries of $300,000 a year at most law firms (which is close to 2.5 crore a year not including perks and health/401K/club membership benefits, which are again just as much if not more). So more like 5 crore a year plus.

In spite of special Brown Brahmin privilege given to IIT/IIM grads (besht-of-the-besht in Endeya) - this is still your effed up down-in-the-dumps pagar situation. Yeah it means you get to employ some miserable slumdogs to make you Roti-Veggie meals and shine your shoes and give your car some cow-piss-snaan, but Endeya is still the third world at the end of the day. Rot/Stew in your uncomfortable slum-ridden hellhole which you've selectively tuned out as usual.

And by divine providence - even if these IIM grads are able to manage an appointment stateside - will they become white all of a sudden? Still the dog ugly Indian treated like bottom-of-the-barrel.

One time I had to console one of your proud IIM chest puffers on why his white colleagues nicknamed him "DickShit the Dip$hit".

Just stop with comparing the US with India - just because some bhikharee hitherto unknown citizens were thrown a bone by the whities and allowed to become SHEE-EE-OO in the US means jack squat because these companies are infested with your ugly chimps ilk. So having a brown SHEE-EE-OO helps keep the peace and increases morale.

I don't understand your garbage Hindi Language - but here is some debunking evidence which talks about your claim.


Hi Friends, Today in this video I will be telling you all about the reality of 1 crore CTC at IIM/IIT.

Are you curious about the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC (Cost To Company) salary package at IIM/IIT?

This is a topic that has been heavily discussed in recent years, with many students aspiring to secure such high-paying jobs after graduation. However, it's important to understand that achieving a 1 crore CTC package is not easy and depends on several factors.

We also discuss the reality of ESOPs. ESOPs stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plans. ESOPs are a type of employee benefit plan that allows employees to own a part of the company they work for. This is typically achieved through the company allocating shares of the company's stock to the ESOP trust, which then distributes the shares to eligible employees based on certain criteria such as length of service, job title, or performance.

ESOPs are often used as a way to incentivize and reward employees, as well as to create a sense of ownership and loyalty to the company. ESOPs can also provide tax benefits for both the company and the employees.In this video, we dive deep into the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC package at IIM/IIT. We discuss the factors that influence these high-paying jobs, such as the type of industry and job graduates join, work experience and specialized skills, and negotiation tactics. We also explore the myths and harsh truths surrounding the 1 crore CTC, and provide valuable insights for students and job seekers who aspire to join these institutions.

Whether you are a prospective student or just curious about the job market in India, this video is a must-watch. We provide an honest and unbiased look at the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC at IIM/IIT, and offer practical advice for students who want to build their skills and increase their chances of securing a high-paying job after graduation.

Don't miss out on this informative and eye-opening discussion!

0:00 Introduction
1:01 IIM Ahmedabad highest salary package
2:39 1 Crore Package Reality
3:11 India va USA MBA Salary
3:47 What are Esops?
6:13 How to start your career after MBA?

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Listen Mister Hanoo Man, feed this line of BS to deluded ghatiya uneducated low-life slum-dog bhakts in your local shakha. No takers here.

Whatever Endeya BS you are pushing, keep it limited to India. The US is out of your Hanooman League. India is Bhikharee States not United States.

What I see is that IIM/IIT graduates are mostly (98%) getting hired in India in whatever ghatiya subsidiary of US or EU companies. Not in the US like that other lady claimed. "Sheven-Aiigghtt feegurr USD shalary!" Yeah right. :rofl:

And in Bangladesh corporate circles, entry-level people in larger outfits are getting paid around 20 lakhs a year, which is not too far from the INR 25 lakh a year mentioned as median for IIM grads. Your Kanjoos-e-Makkhichoos companies don't pay enough.

Now coming to the US - your salaries from India aren't even comparable - much less the perks. You Indians are just getting too deluded comparing your country to the US, just because you have a few shiny buildings built in place of slums.

Here in the US just-graduated entry level lawyers from mid-grade law schools start off on salaries of $300,000 a year at most law firms (which is close to 2.5 crore a year not including perks and benefits).

In spite of special Brahmin privilege given to IIT/IIM grads (besht-of-the-besht in Endeya) - this is your effed up down-in-the-dumps pagar situation. Yeah it means you get to employ some slumdogs to make you Roti-Veggie meals and shine your shoes and give your car some cow-piss-snaan, but Endeya is still the third world at the end of the day.

Stop your jumping and settle down.

Just stop with comparing the US with India - just because some bhikharee hitherto unknown citizens were thrown a bone by the whities and allowed to become SHEE-EE-OO in the US means jack squat because these companies are infested with your ugly chimps ilk. So having a brown SHEE-EE-OO helps keep the peace and increases morale.

I don't understand your garbage Hindi Language - but here is some debunking evidence which talks about your claim.


Hi Friends, Today in this video I will be telling you all about the reality of 1 crore CTC at IIM/IIT.

Are you curious about the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC (Cost To Company) salary package at IIM/IIT?

This is a topic that has been heavily discussed in recent years, with many students aspiring to secure such high-paying jobs after graduation. However, it's important to understand that achieving a 1 crore CTC package is not easy and depends on several factors.

We also discuss the reality of ESOPs. ESOPs stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plans. ESOPs are a type of employee benefit plan that allows employees to own a part of the company they work for. This is typically achieved through the company allocating shares of the company's stock to the ESOP trust, which then distributes the shares to eligible employees based on certain criteria such as length of service, job title, or performance.

ESOPs are often used as a way to incentivize and reward employees, as well as to create a sense of ownership and loyalty to the company. ESOPs can also provide tax benefits for both the company and the employees.In this video, we dive deep into the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC package at IIM/IIT. We discuss the factors that influence these high-paying jobs, such as the type of industry and job graduates join, work experience and specialized skills, and negotiation tactics. We also explore the myths and harsh truths surrounding the 1 crore CTC, and provide valuable insights for students and job seekers who aspire to join these institutions.

Whether you are a prospective student or just curious about the job market in India, this video is a must-watch. We provide an honest and unbiased look at the reality of achieving a 1 crore CTC at IIM/IIT, and offer practical advice for students who want to build their skills and increase their chances of securing a high-paying job after graduation.

Don't miss out on this informative and eye-opening discussion!

0:00 Introduction
1:01 IIM Ahmedabad highest salary package
2:39 1 Crore Package Reality
3:11 India va USA MBA Salary
3:47 What are Esops?
6:13 How to start your career after MBA?

Too much camel piss for me to parse ..

I gave you solid proof that US firms hire freshers directly from Indian campuses.

Show me such proof for Kangladesh Unis or go back to driving and ferrying "Endian SHEE EE OOS" to their place of work ..

Btw Don't start a video war Lungi .. you will not win ..there is just too much Lungi content online ..

Your brethren in the streets of Delhi ..

Oh and btw ..Yes your chaps are polishing our boots in the "bhest of the Bhest" Unis in USA if you believe in statistics .. But statistics are Haram .. so no hope for you there either ..

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It's a Goddamned disease with these ugly bum-fricked Hanoomans - the desire to chest puff and make their ugly selves out to be superior to others, when their country looks like this (see below), right next to one of their largest Int'l airports.

Non-Indian people are nice and they don't ask these Hanoomans to look at themselves in the mirror - but IMHO, this should be done far more often - to put them in the right place. This is how they manage their lower class in their country (worse than animals) - in spite of boasting about IIM and IIT. Advanced degrees mean squat when you manage your country like the $hithole it is.

And these bhakt idiots also boast about running away from India to foreign unis - as if that brain drain is supposed to be a mark of pride for their dump. :lol:

Selective blindness - USA/Canada is worse than India! We will restrict visas for US/Canadian citizens! :p:

SLUMLOG Welfare Society

Hard to believe that human beings can live in places like this (but they claim that India is comparable to the USA)


Right there in the Mumbai Airport flightpath, as I've seen many times...


Yeah the epitome of higher learning, mind owarr matturr, tell this to the dump takers here among the filth and swine

Too much camel piss for me to parse ..

Of course it is - for dim-bulb low IQ Hanoomans. Stop trying :lol: its beyond your level.
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It's a Goddamned disease with these ugly Ch*t*a Hanoomans - the desire to chest puff and make them out to be superior to others, when their country looks like this, right next to one of their largest Int'l airports.

Non-Indian people are nice and they don't ask these Hanoomans to look at themselves in the mirror - but IMHO, this should be done far more often - to put them in the right place. This is how they manage their lower class their country (worse than animals) - in spite of boasting about IIM and IIT.

And they also boast about running away from India to foreign unis as if that brain drain is supposed to be a mark of pride for their dump.

Selective blindness - USA/Canada is worse than India! We will restrict visas for US/Canadian citizens!

SLUMLOG Welfare Society
View attachment 960645

Hard to believe that human beings can live in places like this (but they claim that India is comparable to the USA)
View attachment 960646

View attachment 960647

Right there in the Mumbai Airport flightpath, as I've seen many times...
View attachment 960648

View attachment 960651

Yeah the epitome of higher learning, mind owarr matturr, tell this to the dump takers here among the filth and swine
View attachment 960652

Of course it is - for dim-bulb low IQ Hanoomans. Stop trying :lol: its beyond your level.

I'm sure Kangladesh is a land of milk and honey...

Is that why you are sending your women over in droves for our auto wallahs and panwallas to plow ?




Like I said .. don't play this images and Video war with me Lungi .. You will not win
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