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Pakistani Agent of Fear Sends Chill Down Defence Ministry Spine

Just curious.

BTW, is the Head of RAW, too on ISI payroll?

Man, You are feeling so INSECURE !!!

Those Indians that exist in Indian ruling elite, military, media hierarchy and provide accurate information, is the reason they survive in India.

The question about Indians giving false information to pakistani media outlets, intelligence agencies and govt , well you can do it once, twice but third a false spook is a dead spook.

In simple words, in the large scheme those Indian will eventually loose. BJP lost last time didnit it before UPA came, because it never suited Pakistan before.

Indians are much better off living successfully on Pakistani long term investments than rot for nothing. it is common knowledge in Pakistani ruling elite, media and military circles, that Indian Public and Indian media doesn't get fast enough information as do Pakistanis get off Indians.

Indians need power, give them the dream India power.
Man, You are feeling so INSECURE !!!

Yes, I am very insecure if Modi is on ISI payroll.

I mean, under ISI instructions Godhra riots happened, wonder what next will happen?
Indians are much better off living successfully on Pakistani long term investments than rot for nothing.

We are hoping for better trade relations with Pakistan, and hopeful of trillion $ investments in India from Pakistan :D
Civilian rulers of Pakistan have always helped RAW.
It is in Pakistan's best interest to close Indian embassy in Islamabad.

No one is surprised, Indians are playing games by psoting htis sort of news!
Biggest threat to ISI, always have been politicians, they do a lot more damage than an Indian mole within the ranks.
Both your claim and your proposition are ridiculous. Do you have evidence that Pakistan's civilian gov is on RAW's payroll?

The ISI isn't supposed to rule over the government and the country, go live in Cuba or North Korea if you believe such things. It is an unfortunate fact that many Pakistanis find hard to swallow that the ISI has gone far too long without any oversight to keep them in check. If the government and the judiciary has done one thing right, it's to reign in the ISI and making the agency more accountable.

As for your little claim that Pakistan woul be better off closing down the Indian embassy, all I can say is that even during the height of the cold war, when both sides were clearly funneling arms to groups that the other was fighting, the USSR and the USA both kept diplomatic channels open. Why? Because closing down diplomatic relations is the stupidest idea ever conceived, even by someone who clearly doesn't understand geopolitics and global security, especially when both nations are armed to the teeth and both have nuclear weapons.

I don't know why I even replied to you, it's not like you even care about fact.


Moving on...

Whether he's an agent, or if he's a scapegoat, this sort of thing is expected in this game. The agents know the risks involved, so don't feel too bad for him. As for those that are wishing he's tortured to death, think about why he did such a thing and then pass judgement; Who knows, you might even sympathize?
Pakistan is proud of his services, i hope ISI paid him well. Hindu is bania before soldier, always looking to make profit. Since it was going on for years he got complacent and was caught.

Anyway if he is hanged, India should give dead body to Pakistan for proper burning of great men.
CIA has money and techno. Experience of brainwashing. We have none as compared to them. But we have a lot as compared to ISI.

ISI remained top class organization till 2000 it has got weaker due to lack of support from CIA.

I mıght say that about PAK army but not ISI.
Somebody told me there are 26 such other organısatıons ın Pak.And RAW mostly gleans but ISI uses the ınfo for proxy attacks.
Some how I fınd them more vıgılant than our RAW...must be the CIA back up and fundıng that helps.Amerıca would never stop fundıng them.As long as thıs regıon ıs dısturbed (the subcontınent) ,US gets to play ıts games and sell ıts arms here.

One of the known personality on TV karan Thapar- very much seems to be taking orders from his masters in pakistan...

Throw some more lıght on ıt...thıs sounds ınterestıng. :)
I mıght say that about PAK army but not ISI.
Somebody told me there are 26 such other organısatıons ın Pak.And RAW mostly gleans but ISI uses the ınfo for proxy attacks.
Some how I fınd them more vıgılant than our RAW...must be the CIA back up and fundıng that helps.Amerıca would never stop fundıng them.As long as thıs regıon ıs dısturbed (the subcontınent) ,US gets to play ıts games and sells ıts arms here.

Thats because the ISI has got me - an agent that puts 007 to shame many times over ! :smokin:

Whereas the RAW is stuck with chubby engineers like yourself who can't walk two steps without panting profusely ! :p:
Those Indians that exist in Indian ruling elite, military, media hierarchy and provide accurate information, is the reason they survive in India.
Then why ISI was not able to stop the division of Pakistan and humiliating defeat of Pakistani army??
Civilian rulers of Pakistan have always helped RAW.
It is in Pakistan's best interest to close Indian embassy in Islamabad.
Hehehe....thıs ıs extremely funny.
Is thıs concocted by your braın or do yoı have a proof???
I hope ıt was so easy for RAW.:D
But nevertheless our men are doıng a fıne job across the border. :-)

Thats because the ISI has got me - an agent that puts 007 to shame many times over ! :smokin:

Whereas the RAW is stuck with chubby engineers like yourself who can't walk two steps without panting profusely ! :p:

A gym toned ISI chıcken{ :haha:} talks to an athelete RAW lıoness??? :dirol:
You are my feast armstrong .:devil::devil:
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A gym toned ISI chıcken{ :haha:} talks to an athelete RAW lıoness??? :dirol:
You are my feast armstrong .:devil::devil:

Yeah....yeah an athletic RAW Lioness : :lol:

Inderpal Singh Kushwaha a retired Indian Army Soldier IF really was working under ISI, has done greatest service to himself and Pakistan.

Sounds like a true Sikh man, he is a gentleman, he deserves finest award for his services for giving information past 10 years or so to the lone Nuclear Power Pakistan.

Inderpal Singh Kushwaha, like many others who served Pakistan in India, are heroes who cannot be replaced easily, will not be replaced.
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Anyway if he is hanged, India should give dead body to Pakistan for proper burning of great men.
Yes, a person who sold his country is a great man for pakistan. Talk about the value system of the country. No wonder your soldiers are slaughtered like animals and Taliban are considered martyrs in your country.
The ruling Indian junta of all classes are not the only ones made up and propped up by Pakistanis, lower level ppl are equally important, and will continue to be so...

Then why ISI was not able to stop the division of Pakistan and humiliating defeat of Pakistani army??

Then what about Indian defeat in 1947 loosing Kashmir, which always wanted to be part of Pakistan, now Azad kashmir.

What happened in 1965, war is only won when India would have completed eradicated Pakistan Military force.

Even 1971, India planed to annex west Pakistan, so who really won it ?

ISI mostly came into active existence in Soviet-Afghan Jihad era in 1980s. Soviet Union, India sided with got defeated. USSR is now in so many parts, while India conducted terrorism in Pakistan, the Indian-Soviet Union nexus lost and eventually India defeated in the big power game in it.

Kargil, do i need to tell who still holds the most mountain peaks, how many thousand Indian soldiers were buried under soil compared to Pakistanis.

And What happened in Srilanka, when your Tamil supported LTTE lost at the hands of Sinhalese Srilankan Army supported by PA & PAF.

A sure defeat to India in it. Count it , nearly 6+ defeats !!!
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It is not only ISI which works in Indian institutions and Delhi-Mumbai-Calcutta heartlands, The Pakistani civilian IB, FIA, Interior Ministry of Pakistan, Pak Media houses links, Pak Civilian Business links, MI (military intelligence) have all extended their reach, there are thousands and thousands of Indians working for Pakistan in top tier ruling junta of India, those Indians are living the most best and comfortable life anyone can imagine.


He was just a "Subedar" ...ISI could not penetrate our offıcer's category ıt seems. :lol:

Funny, the real laugh is really on you. That if u read the first post, an article closely, even the Subedar level can have this all important info, forget abt brave Senior most Civil and Military Indians working for Pakistanis unstoppable for last 6 decades:

India should hang in utter SHAME again and again : Somnolent Jhansi Cantt yielded deployment details of Indian Army’s Arjun tank regiments, CDs with classified information on war games, classified minutes of the meetings involving senior army officers, a copy of a confidential battle presentation by the Gorkha regiment, annual confidential reports of Army officers and more............had been shipping top military secrets to his ISI handlers in Pakistan for the last 7-8 years.

The biggest joke is on India mate: as quoted 'it has given shivers down the spine of the Defence Ministry. As the story unfolds, the extent of damage 'the hero of Pakistan' has caused India’s defence preparedness is being ascertained. It is going to be a long haul. And the haul was big enough to strike fear in the security establishment'.:victory::omghaha::omghaha:
It is not only ISI which works in Indian institutions and Delhi-Mumbai-Calcutta heartlands, The Pakistani civilian IB, FIA, Interior Ministry of Pakistan, Pak Media houses links, Pak Civilian Business links, MI (military intelligence) have all extended their reach, there are thousands and thousands of Indians working for Pakistan in top tier ruling junta of India, those Indians are living the most best and comfortable life anyone can imagine.

abe bekhari nautanki ban kar
It is not only ISI which works in Indian institutions and Delhi-Mumbai-Calcutta heartlands, The Pakistani civilian IB, FIA, Interior Ministry of Pakistan, Pak Media houses links, Pak Civilian Business links, MI (military intelligence) have all extended their reach, there are thousands and thousands of Indians working for Pakistan in top tier ruling junta of India, those Indians are living the most best and comfortable life anyone can imagine.
Funny, the real laugh is really on you. That if u read the first post, an article closely, even the Subedar level can have this all important info, forget abt brave Senior most Civil and Military Indians working for Pakistanis unstoppable for last 6 decades:
India should hang in utter SHAME again and again : Somnolent Jhansi Cantt yielded deployment details of Indian Army’s Arjun tank regiments, CDs with classified information on war games, classified minutes of the meetings involving senior army officers, a copy of a confidential battle presentation by the Gorkha regiment, annual confidential reports of Army officers and more............had been shipping top military secrets to his ISI handlers in Pakistan for the last 7-8 years.
The biggest joke is on India mate: as quoted 'it has given shivers down the spine of the Defence Ministry. As the story unfolds, the extent of damage 'the hero of Pakistan' has caused India’s defence preparedness is being ascertained. It is going to be a long haul. And the haul was big enough to strike fear in the security establishment'.

Men fight it out in the open and not as hidden moles.Lolzzzz:rofl:

Thankfully India concentrates on a lot other internal issues than just make their men work for a wiggling enemy.
What you are proud of has eaten up your country like a termite.
Instead of paying our men pay your men and fight the Taliban.
And then come back and fight a war with us....not a proxy one :disagree:

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