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Pakistan would be "finished" after an N.attack on India. X NSA

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As of October 2008, China, India and North Korea have publicly declared their commitment to no first use of nuclear weapons.

So the threat is actually from Pakistan

This speaks high of your shallow knowledge. Not having 'no fist use policy' doesn't necessarily means that one would provoke war. It primarily acts as a deterrent implying something like; 'please dont be mistaken, we'll bang you with these shinny toys of ours if you dare attempt any misadventure'

So, keeping Pakistan's lesser strategic depth and defencive-offensive doctrine in view, this indeed is a VERY valid option.
but so will India... an exchange of nukes will effectively destroy India also... and the way I see it India will be a greater loser in such a war...

Pakistan needs to cover very large area and india needs to cover very small area and delivering N.weapons is not like firing bullet..
so here india have major advantage but dont worry india is responsible state.. not going to harm anyone..:tup::tup:
Pakistan will ONLY use nukes if its existence is threatened.

So as long as you don't threaten us you'll be fine. :)
Pakistan will ONLY use nukes if its existence is threatened.

So as long as you don't threaten us you'll be fine. :)

Perhaps this has to do with the fissile material cutoff treaty.

I would say that 200 should be more than sufficient number for Pakistan..They definitely should stop after that...because it is goinng to cost a lot to maintain the nukes.

And anyways.
I believe responsible people in both country understand that nuclear posturing and actually bombing are two different things.

Pakistan will not.. I repeat will not use the nukes until it is already on brink of losing the war..
Or the nukes are stolen by some radicals ...
first use - is last use - unless you are united states .

i request ignorents to read about nuclear weapons and their effects.

a bunch of jingo talking about we will nuke u.

have no idea if india or pakistan who ever nuke first will be turned to dust - since other will have sympathy from the world.

and ofcourse it will be world war - because a nuke war cant just effect one country - it will have impact of whole world.


some times i think pakistani and indian are monkeys with nuke weapons - they have no understanding of its impact .

thats why people are always talking of nuking eachother. but thank god there is rest of world to keep a lease on them. and also some smart people sitting on higher post to keep a tab on nuke.
My friend any country would be finished if it attacks an other country with nuclear wepons these wepons are not joke that you can attack one and other with it if any countries does attack there will be so many economic sanstions that it will die economicaly

it depends on the strength of the country. A country like Pakistan which is depended on the outside world may not survive on its own for even a year or so. But it will be stupid to say Pak will be nuked in every corner as retaliation.
As of October 2008, China, India and North Korea have publicly declared their commitment to no first use of nuclear weapons.

So the threat is actually from Pakistan

There is no point in having a weapon with no will to use it to one's advantage... We have made it clear that we will use the nuke against India if needed as a first strike... This determination on part of Pakistan to be willing to use a nuke is what has kept the Hindu fanatics in India at bay..

Our government still does a few things right...
it depends on the strength of the country. A country like Pakistan which is depended on the outside world may not survive on its own for even a year or so. But it will be stupid to say Pak will be nuked in every corner as retaliation.

The best they ll be "able" to do before their government and important cities get vaporized is to strike our own main cities and areas of strategic importance... I think it would be right to repeat that India will be a much greater loser in such a scenario... If our leadership plays it cool and smart (which we cant under the present government) we could actually survive and have alternatives setup to have a functioning government as well as an army to push into India itself after a nuke exchange...
Pretty LAME I guess.
No one can survive a N.attack.

As for it, was he reffering to Nation or country??
A country having Nukes would surely know how to protect itself from an other nuke attack, not much a big deal.

And for your information, people like these are creating fights betwwen the two Nations, resulting in war and possible use of Nukes. We must try to be peaceful, and one peace attempt comes with thousand draw backs including people like these.

Having nukes, doesnt mean you are surely gonna use them, when you are in mood to do so! Its for fear of attacks (Self defence) and nothing else.

Similarly, ind 2001-02, a Indian Army Personnel claimed that they would finish Pakistan if we dare to look at India. Now what happened? Who started it?

No offense, but it wasnt us.

A neutral poster.
The best they ll be "able" to do before their government and important cities get vaporized is to strike our own main cities and areas of strategic importance... I think it would be right to repeat that India will be a much greater loser in such a scenario... If our leadership plays it cool and smart (which we cant under the present government) we could actually survive and have alternatives setup to have a functioning government as well as an army to push into India itself after a nuke exchange...

The fact that "India has a lot more to lose in case of a war" should mean that OUR leadership should play it cool and smart, and try and avoid a war like situation, not yours.
The best they ll be "able" to do before their government and important cities get vaporized is to strike our own main cities and areas of strategic importance... I think it would be right to repeat that India will be a much greater loser in such a scenario... If our leadership plays it cool and smart (which we cant under the present government) we could actually survive and have alternatives setup to have a functioning government as well as an army to push into India itself after a nuke exchange...

wah !! what a logic...u will attack us and our cities will be vaporized..

nice...and u will survive our nuclear retaliation ....then ur army will enter india nd capture delhi...did i miss anything?:rofl:

and what will a 2 million strong indian armed forces do...?
may be they will welcome u with garlands..rite???:hitwall:
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