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Pakistan would be "finished" after an N.attack on India. X NSA

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if Pakistan attacks India, it will pose severe damage to India. but in return it will be completely destroyed. defense professionals say that nuclear war between India and Pakistan will wipe out 1/3 India and entire Pakistan from world map.
stop embarassing the title of military professional. :rolleyes:

when we launch our nukes they will be launched in clusters, either clusters of mixed non-nuclear and nuclear equipped missiles or just clusters of nuclear equipped missiles. you stand less than a 1% chance to prevent a nuclear holocaust on india soil. and see my signature? we won't be strking those areas which account of 3/4 of india soil. :disagree::disagree:

You speak as if all your Missiles are Incorporated with MIRV and are made combat ready to strike India.... Get a Life child... MIRV is still in testing phase, And MIRV is not a Viable solution for a Country if its sharing the boundary, MIRV's are Used in ICBM's.... And Dont teach me what India is, If India is what You mentioned as in your Signature , Then I am sorry to say the state of Pakistan is even worse ,as its in the top 10 failed nations list, India is Nowhere in the top 50
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This is very apt:


good post ! i hope some members will understand the economic burden nuclear arsenals of Pakistan and India poses on their economies. :cheers:
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you don't even know the basic doctornie of a first strike yet you start ranting like a delusional schizophrenic. i have to teach you what india is because you don't know it except the brainwashing and misinformation that the media and your own government gives you. and yes india is what I mentioned in my signature. Unless of course its a ISI conspiracy and india is a pure eutopia. :rolleyes:

You might have a Doctrine of a First strike or a Second strike which obviously has no relevance to Our Action, we have every viable option to neutralize the threat open, Nuclear Weapons can not be used as a Permanent threat, u need significant conventional weapons to have control over battle... And getting personal is always Symptom of frustration, Control it Child.... And My source was BBC, Well as its against your national sentiments you would not hesitate to call it BS as well....
if Pakistan attacks India, it will pose severe damage to India. but in return it will be completely destroyed. defense professionals say that nuclear war between India and Pakistan will wipe out 1/3 India and entire Pakistan from world map.

Dont worry, we will not leave you to live the miserable, painfull and disabled life if you survive, the aftermath of the nuclear strikes, we are going towards making it 3/3 for India aswell.

If war heads were to fall whats the use of ABM's???

ABM's are used so that the delivery of these payloads will not result in any causalities of the pilots or planes and will remove the human factor/error.

i mean isn't it obvious SIR?
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Son, trying to Nuke a Country possessing second strike capability and Interceptors is nothing but a Suicidal attempt

First strike is meant to be used when the destruction of Pakistan is eminent. So suicidal doesn't matter :tup:
ABM's are used so that the delivery of these payloads will not result in any causalities of the pilots or planes and will remove the human factor/error.

i mean isn't it obvious Sir?

What?? Do you think its Obvious?? I dont.... It destroys the war head... Do you know something, Most of the ABM's are Nuclear tipped, And the velocity matters too
In theory it seems perfect, as usual.
PAD is out of the league then, as it has proximity detonation mechanism.
But what about the actual capability of AAD? Success rate of intercepting an incoming ballistic missile can never be 100% eventually some thing will go through the shield.
Will it be effective against our MIRVs?

Directional warhead(For PAD) and Kinetic kill vehicle are both in development ..funny part is in PAD test even a proximity warhead has caused complete disintegration of target missile..so all that will be falling to ground is radioactive heap of metal and with KKV even that would vaporize on coming contact with earth's atmosphere ..like it happens when a small meteorite falls towards the earth surface.

Theoretical kill probability for AAD 99.80% ..besides a mid course interception by AD1 or AD2 will make MIRV useless(though there are no indications of you having any or ever tested any.)
In a Nuclear war which ensures MAD (Mutual assured destruction) no one is a winner , this is what i think a moron like Rajesh would never understanding.
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To close this thread on a serious note, if and when a nuclear war occurs.

Not much will be left to discuss who won and neither will run around claiming victory.
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