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Pakistan wins it's first OSCAR award!


Jan 7, 2012
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Pakistani film wins Oscar for best documentary - The Times of India

Naeema Azar was a self-assured real estate agent in Pakistan when she was attacked with acid by her ex-husband. Blinded by the attack, she is now looked after by her son Ahmed.
“It took one second to ruin my life completely,” the scarred woman says. “My face was ruined and nobody was punished at all.”

“That chilling remark — from a Pakistani woman who was attacked with acid — is from the film “Saving Face,” which won the Academy Award for best short documentary on Sunday night,” Mark McDonald writes on the Rendezvous blog. The film “film looks at the efforts of a British plastic surgeon, Dr. Muhammad Jawad, who travels to Pakistan to do reconstructive surgery on women attacked with acid,” he writes.

“We want to dedicate this award to all the heroes on the ground working in Pakistan,” said co-director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, who won an international Emmy for her previous film, “Pakistan’s Taliban Generation,” which looked at the recruitment of young jihadis following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


Mera Passion Pakistan - Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy - YouTube

Amazing..........this what we all need to do....Make Pakistan Proud.
Great progress for Pakistan and great example for all of the Islamic World.
Asian countries did a good job in this Oscar,first Iran and now Pakistan,congrats to all of you
Gods knows this country deserves every bit of sunshine it can get..... The Ordinary people need Hero .... Ms.Chinoy has given some hope back to the youths.

Good Show Pakistan.
Oscar handing out awards ?

She won for the women of Pakistan (To all the women in Pakistan working for a change). Those repressive men in pakistan/afghanistan should feel at least some shame by now. I bet those men in pakistan/afghanistan who even do not want their girls to go to school feel nothing at all???!!! How about those bastards who force their women to cover from top to the bottom???

This award certainly make women in Pakistan proud. However, I bet she risks her life throughout the journey and the female victim in the movie who have suffered at least twice the humiliation by those men: one physically, the other one mentally whenever reviewing this movie recalling the horrible evil doings by those bastards.

I bet her life is also on some wanted list of those radicals.

Remember guys, there is violence against women all around the world, it doesn't just apply to one country.

Though, people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, etc tend to use religion and other excuses to justify their behaviors.
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