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pakistan will test missile withen 48 hours

Wow....windjammer's voice is heard!......lets wait and watch
Source? or it is false news.

Yes its a False news , how can Pakistan test a missile:azn:

Your happyness is my wish mate:lol:

Waiting ..... hope its the long awaited ICBM , enough to scare the crap out of any enemy with any intentions...

good work boys:pakistan:
well i hope it is some thing new and not just the evaluation of some already existing system. test are also carried out to test and evaluate flight parameters of existing system and i wish this time it actuall is a new missile.
i would have got some news on it by now but with the Eid approaching i have not been able to catch up my source.
hopefully some thing will surface in a couple of day or then i will contact him to get some intel...

Zardari has gone to great pains to limit Pakistan's strategic programs (no missile testing, cuts in the Strategic Plans Division etc.) to try and build relations with the West and India.

However, Zardari is also in lots of domestic political trouble with a raft of unpopular issues against him. A missile test might seem a good distraction from all that to him, though it would be short lived.

Lets wait and see though.
well as per my source it is something being kept strickly under cover so this gives me an idea that it is a new system. moreover it is most probably planned for third day of Eid.
no more news yet...

with whole of the world eyeing on Pakistan well that test may add fuel to fire for Pakistan and critics will get another point against Pakistan.

Pakistan would definetly give the reason for the tests as India but the world considers Taliban as much more and immediate concern for Pakistan and these tests are not going to serve any purpose. This can result in pressure from the world to divert resources.

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