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Pakistan will Respond to US Prospective Attack

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time will tell you don't worry we will never break your heart .since last 50 years USA fighting with kids unarmed states like vetnam combodia iraq afghanistan let them face one time 1mn solders with full power nukes missiles subs tanks and every nail then backup of 14crrore nation which is armed more then their army .lolz

You are very right. but the nations usa fought with had nothing to loose( and when you have nothing to loose, you cant be intimidated). i mean, those countries never had good government or economy or diplomacy ( you know like a country should be). But pakistan has little to loose( like your economy is bad, not that good governance), all you have is good millitary but that you can kiss it good bye, if war comes knocking at your door step.

Dont take it in a wrong way but your atitude is wrong about war.
But who said they will put boots on ground ? :what:

How will you shoot B-2 Spirits with Ak-47 ?

Just asking.

Do not over estimate USA in your zealousy- even USA has limitation- what do you think has stopped the mighty US till now?-
If flying B-52 over enemy airspace was that much easy- wonder what stopping your master amrika to destroy Iran nuclear sites or N- Korea's ballistic missile program- Wet dreams should have a limit-

Even real amrikans dont wet their selves as much as indians do on behalf of amrika-

further more US has only directly attacked countries where some political groups or separatists from that country were in favor of the invasion?- ex. Iraq- Vietnam- Korea- Afghanistan- while you dont see such amrikan support in countries like Pakistan or Iran- Brazil?-
In case of conflict, India will not loose the golden opportunity.
Pakistan will be chocked from all sides.

Pakistan military and ISI knows this, thats why ISI chief takes first flight to CIA hq to discuss with slight indication of attack.

If I were the decision making power in India, I would just sit back, relax and watch whatever happens to Pakistan in case of US attack. I would not consider it a 'golden opportunity' as you have suggested simply because as a powerful developing economy I have a lot to lose as Pakistan will most certainly retaliate back with whatever is at her disposal.

Pakistan must not be pushed to a point where she has nothing more to lose. Because that is a scary though for many countries.
^^ It is Pakistan which has been the "most allied ally", the major Non NATO ally and so on.

Short memories? ;)
Kafir hai tu shamshir pay karta hai bharosa
Momin hai tu bai-taigh bhi larta hai seepahi

To Obama and his administration: You people got to do something really smart and outstanding to win the hearts of American People who will eventually vote for you in the coming elections. Taming Pakistan unnecessarily won't help you win the elections though. Just to give you an idea, since there are bigger number of sheeples lives in America do another 911 or the sort and blame it on Pakistan or some other country, then you might get a chance to win elections.
^^ It is Pakistan which has been the "most allied ally", the major Non NATO ally and so on.

Short memories? ;)

In defense strategies nothing constant but time pass. Memories should be refreshed with realities too. ;)
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