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Pakistan will Respond to US Prospective Attack

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Imran Akhtar


New Recruit

Sep 11, 2011
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any sane country will defend itself against any outside aggression.....that's why countries have Armies
USA will never do such huge mistake and we got it since last 10 days mullen was doing face palm only
well yes...pakistan will have to fight back if attacked by USA or any other cointry.
doesnt matter how technogically advanced or rich the attavking country is.
But how ??

time will tell you don't worry we will never break your heart .since last 50 years USA fighting with kids unarmed states like vetnam combodia iraq afghanistan let them face one time 1mn solders with full power nukes missiles subs tanks and every nail then backup of 14crrore nation which is armed more then their army .lolz
The best plan would be one that eliminates the need for such an attack or defense to be necessary in the first place, and I think that such a plan should be supported by all sides.
time will tell you don't worry we will never break your heart .since last 50 years USA fighting with kids unarmed states like vetnam combodia iraq afghanistan let them face one time 1mn solders with full power nukes missiles subs tanks and every nail then backup of 14crrore nation which is armed more then their army .lolz

But who said they will put boots on ground ? :what:

How will you shoot B-2 Spirits with Ak-47 ?

Just asking.
USA will never do such huge mistake and we got it since last 10 days mullen was doing face palm only

With elections nearby....the USA politicians may find attacking pakistan as e way of cranking up the ratings and popularity of the existing government.
Tbe most stupid president in history of anerica Gekrge Bush junior won two elections only by attacking countries....he made a mess of everything else.butamericans still voted him in because he was good at attacking countries.
Obama may follow suit.
so dont say it wont hapoen....it may hapoen and pakistan should be ready.
That's just a big sign saying "Game over in Afghanistan".Isn't it like the US think tanks are planning for an honorable retreat?
The best plan would be one that eliminates the need for such an attack or defense to be necessary in the first place, and I think that such a plan should be supported by all sides.

That might mean diplomacy.....but that seems to have failed already......:hang2:
That might mean diplomacy.....but that seems to have failed already......:hang2:

Since there has been no direct war so far, I would say that diplomacy from both sides seems to be working. Let's hope it stays that way.
But who said they will put boots on ground ? :what:

How will you shoot B-2 Spirits with Ak-47 ?

Just asking.

pakistan has much more than AK-47
its not about technical comparison......its about pakistan having no other option but to fight back even with sticks and stones....and whatever resources pakistan has.
for the last ten years pakistan has been complying with their demands....and now cant do anymore.....
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