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Pakistan will release captured Indian pilot tomorrow as a peace gesture. Prime Minister Imran Khan

great news for india........indian govt had already announced that they will not negotiate the release of our pilot ......pakistan simply has to release him .........nice to see indian govt actual able to get abhinandan back so soon and on the indian terms

On their terms ....your a joker
Release the prick but release him just before Indians go to polls so they vote against this war mongerer modi.

Has IK been pushed by external party or is he being too forthcoming? This is a bad move don't give up your advantage so easily.

Indians will always take advantage of any kindness this is fact. How many times must you go down this road.
I would request you to stop spreading pranoia and rhetorics and let the man come back safe and sound to his kid and his family.
Why do we need a chest thumping session over every f** thing.
People of the subcontinent need to understand this.
i simply stated known facts and indian position.....no chest thumping at all....nor i am bashing pakistan
Now Indians are calling us all sorts off disgusting names well done tree khan you have fucked your self up
Good and wise decision, you will see the output of this in the coming days. IK took everyone onboard and played a master stroke.

We showed the world we can protect our sovereignty and can do anything to safeguard us we are not warmongers but we can hit hard example in front of you.
one of the very few pilots who has shot an f-16 down.......will be nice to have him back

Have some common sense and start asking questions from your government, ask them to give some proofs. Ask them to show pics of 350 dead terrorists and crashed F-16.

You will get your answer.
great news for india........indian govt had already announced that they will not negotiate the release of our pilot ......pakistan simply has to release him .........nice to see indian govt actual able to get abhinandan back so soon and on the indian terms

Yet another achievement of Modi ji, just like Indian government got Kartarpur corridor without any negotiation on Indian terms. I hope Indians will not fall into Congress propaganda and will re-elect Modi ji as he is best man for the region.
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