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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

these goons have properties bussniess interests in UK and gulf . ghulam ibn ghulams
Yet have massive support from brain dead zombies back at home. When will people wake up and see them for who they are?
I think I may have forgotten my earlier post.

I respect your opinions. Also there’s a slight bit of miscommunication.

In the greater picture, I wanted the Uyghur people to return to their Turkic Islamic roots. This is much beyond the scope of South Asian & Central Asian politics.

Great Jinnah Bey said “Hindu & Muslim cannot co-exist”. I am full supporter of Quaid-i-Azam’s teachings in terms of modern nation-states.

That being said, the Muslim-majority Kashmir & parts of North India DO NOT belong in “Hindustan”. Those people fully deserve the manifestation of their political wishes.

Discussion has to stay on topic and then we are supposed to not to enforce our opinion on others while on the same time Forum maintains a friendly & peaceful environment without hurting the sentiments of any community. We don't drag other issues or to say, keep on with an opinion while diverting the topic from main subject.
Its high time for "United States of Muslims" organization
someone from PTI should also play a good cop so that ML (N) doesn't take sympathise of MBS. and then anyone get funds for working against PTI...
Why are we asking to help us ?

Arabs don’t stand for Palestinians who share the same culture, language and religion and we are asking for Kashmir ?

wasting time
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Seriously dude, which planet are you from? Pakistanis have sacrificed so much for so little and you have the audacity to make insulting comments.
If you live in utopia what can I do ! and whom I have insulted ! To politicians ? So you believe they are Saints? To corrupt elements in establishment ! so you believe they are Saints too , like kayani and etc don't you remember what Malik Riaz said openly that I have just shown one video of a colonel and it's just a starter, ok now come to liberals which one you call a wali Allah ? , Mera jism Meri Marzi ya gay group , it is bad luck of Pakistanies that Morons are at top level and bad luck of PDF that moron like you are elite, now I tell you there is a hospital in Hyderabad called Gidubander best known for psychological disorder treatment go there and get counselling from them, and last thing you are also so called Patriot a sympathizer of looters living either abroad or having zero knowledge of miseries of Pakistani peoples , don't reply me, my half City is sinken in rain water, paid 29k electricity bill for not using it , tell phone line is dead, buying water from tanker Mafia since year's , ata is 70 rupees kg sugar is 90 per kg milk is 120 per liter , petrol 106, garbage is floating in water on roads , who to control this all ? Me ? diid I as a common man paved the way for MQM PTI PMLn ppp to rule on us or someone else groomed them first and then imposed on us on the name of elections and democracy,? who gave NROs to these pigs zombies multiple times me or public was in masses on roads for their NRO or someone else wet his paints on just a single phone call ?, me insulting them or they have insulted my religion my nation my country my previous generation my current generation and what they have give to future generation ? begging bowls in hands ! sometimes we beg from USA sometimes from KSA UAE and now begging from China , and yet we are so shameless that we say we are going to adopt a independent policy , do beggers make their own choices for begging and do they have force to get what they want?
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Baiscally pakistan want everyone to choose between India and itself.... interesting.

What pakistan to offer to these countries?
what evidence pakistan is giving to these countries other than lip service?
Which of these countries are willing to actually work with pakistan and go against India?
and final question, what is difference between what pakistan is doing since last one year to now?
why do you think that in order to speak on human rights violations against Kashmiris by India ... Pakistan needs to offer something? Pakistan just want wants to fulfill its obligations towards the very purpose of OIC!
We have nothing in common with Arabic culture and current Arab leadership are more worried about their seats then the issues Ummah facing today.
Saudi Arabia and UAE is talk with China for nuclear technology. They are probably thinking that they no longer need Pakistan. Plus Saudi and UAE have invested billons in their defense industries
Historically Pakistan is more connected with Central Asia and Turkey... 100 agree!!! it is high time for Pakistan to move on!
Why are we asking monkeys to help us ?

Arabs don’t stand for Palestinians who share the same culture, language and religion and we are asking for Kashmir ?

wasting time
but many Indians work in Gulf.. plus daddy US, doesn't like India that much... so yes, Gulf can play role, if they show some spine.
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but many Indians work in Gulf.. plus US daddy, doens't like India that much...

why can't this be discussed in the parliament?

these baseless accusations are of no value unless credible evidence is provided.
Pretty much all of us knew that the Saudi Monarchy was not NOT faithful to Pakistan on Kashmir during the early period of last years annexation of IOK, and the genocide that followed, the same holds true for the despots of UAE, moreso with the current irrational incumbent leadership who are willing to destroy all nations around them as appeasement to certain powers, in hoping that it would allow them to buy loyalty and secure their thrones.

What I don't get though is our government have been singing the same mantra 'War is not an option' since last year and this holds true even today, given such a weak demeaner I was begining to fear that the current status quo was 'accepted' by the establishment, but for this to hold true the FM openly declaring is displeasure does not make sense since why would You want to harm the already overhyped 'relationship' and pay potential economic penalties if You wish things to stay as they are (a limbo). Clearly there is a bit of friction behind the scenes, for our leadership to come out the way they did.. which is a good sign, as we cannot compromise our national interests just for some spoiled brat prince. I do still wonder though how our leadership thinks Kashmir can be 'settled' with just mantras, whilst IOK is following the same trajectory of the Palestinian state.
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