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Pakistan will not allow the Chinese Navy to block US trade goods

Your route through Iran may not last and the thing about transporting through road is, its fast.

Giving a trade route would mean giving an air route too. How are we to know what goes in? Iran might help you with the trade but I'm guessing India would not want to involve Iranian customs in a scandal with transporting illegal materials too, namely guns, bombs, etc.

To get all these things into Afghanistan India has to spend a whole lot more. Why should we make it cheaper?

Why will we supply Guns and Rockets to Afghans...??

We provide monetary support and aid to groups favourable to our cause and they support us when we need them...thats all that is needed

and secondly Iran is with us in our common cause i.e. to gradually draw Afghanistan away from pakistan's sphere of influence

also we are not as fixated on you giving us a trade route as we make it seem ....coz we already have a good alternative

I feel that GOI is just clamoring for a trade route knowing well that pakistan wont allow it and will use your refusal to show taht pakistan is acting against the national interests of Afghans.

It will be a PR victory for us thats all.

and speed comes into picture only when we need to transport perishable commodities like milk...and this route seems good for even that .
Yep India is supporting again a forign insurgent group like it did in Sri Lanka, LTTE and now the anti pakistan afgan, pakistani forces found Indian weapons in Balochistan and yes this has been going on for awile. Pakistan should allow china to deal with India, but a reminder of what choas India has brought in pakistan by the murder of the French engineers, and pakistan wont forget that Ever.
...and if Pakistan goes on treating Karzai or anybody else in that post on a touch-me-not basis... the present imports of Afghanistan which are skewed towards pakistan at 25% will veer towards India(which now accounts for just 5.6%) there by corresponding with the size of our economy...:bunny:

DO really think in your wildest or in your wet dreams, that Karzai will last a day... even a second after the coalition has departed. :eek: And no pakistan and afgan relation are not something that is for 2 or 3 years its a blood relations. These people serve pakistan and would fight for it.
DO really think in your wildest or in your wet dreams, that Karzai will last a day... even a second after the coalition has departed. :eek: And no pakistan and afgan relation are not something that is for 2 or 3 years its a blood relations. These people serve pakistan and would fight for it.

and do you really think in your "wildest or in your wet dreams" that amrika will leave afghanistan in the near future .....unfortunately I expect the coalition to stay rather indefinitely
afghanistan will be like another saudiarabia or Japan to USA...they will establish permanent military bases there and stay for good.

By staying in afghanistan.. US has may advantages...they can put a leash on Pakistan... snoop on and curtail china's influence .... take care of their other strategic interests in central asia and middle east .....etc

why will they leave afghanistan ..?? not a chance!

and meanwhile Karzai will remain in power at least for his full term i.e 5 years.:lol:
and do you really think in your "wildest or in your wet dreams" that amrika will leave afghanistan in the near future .....unfortunately I expect the coalition to stay rather indefinitely
afghanistan will be like another saudiarabia or Japan to USA...they will establish permanent military bases there and stay for good.

By staying in afghanistan.. US has may advantages...they can put a leash on Pakistan... snoop on and curtail china's influence .... take care of their other strategic interests in central asia and middle east .....etc

why will they leave afghanistan ..?? not a chance!

and meanwhile Karzai will remain in power at least for his full term i.e 5 years.:lol:

:lol: Easier said than done. God you people wet dream alot. Karzai can't even travel outside Kabul knowing he will be gunned down. US will watch China but it can't stop it's growing potential, also know this act by US is also making Russia less secure (thus giving them an excuse to spend $ 190 Billion to modernize their useless equipment), how will US gets it's oil if pipe lines are being blown left and right in Iraq which is hampering oil deliveries recently Japan gave around $1 Billion just to repair them, Imagine how much it will cost to maintain the pipelines that will run in future Afghanistan (and I doubt UN forces will stay to long their getting into fierce fights daily and some coalition forces are leaving, also know the money that goes into maintaining the forces their). Also, know even US and UN bases are coming under attack by militia's their (rocket attacks, etc), and you just recently had a mass rally in Iraq (calling to kill US forces, etc in the holy town of Najaf). US forces willn't stay their indefinitely, they will leave with a puppet their and supplying him, but that to for how long. Their are to many things to consider, even US diplomats (demo's aside) are calling this a failure how Bush approached the whole WoT, and want to leave I rather believe them then what you dream about.

Guy, you are talking like a republican. Haven't you heard that the democrats are a coming---the republicans are on their way out----which means that mission accomplished------boys gotta come home. Time is again on pakistan's side. Americans are ready to screw it up again for the upteenth time. It is dejavu all over again.

Democrats see no advantage of staying in afghanistan or any other country where they are not wanted. They are ready to cut their losses and go home.
What a screw up----a catastrophy----incopmetence----again----a total lack of understanding of the middle east and that of the sub-continent.
Yar, on top of that Bush didn't know anything about the region, his cabinet members had to tell him, that their are Suni-Shia's and their 2 different thing! American's don't know the mind set of ME people or Muslims in general, I will atest to it we say something outside to make them happy but inside it's a totally different story.
Republicans will come, but they dont necesarily mean that Afghanistan has ot be cut. Maybe Iraq. Meanwhile NATO is in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan wont be abandoned. Plus Democrats are VERRY good for India:D. And Hillary is contesting.
Republicans will come, but they dont necesarily mean that Afghanistan has ot be cut. Maybe Iraq. Meanwhile NATO is in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan wont be abandoned. Plus Democrats are VERRY good for India:D. And Hillary is contesting.

Indians will hump anyting that moves in red, white and blue.
DO really think in your wildest or in your wet dreams, that Karzai will last a day... even a second after the coalition has departed. :eek: And no pakistan and afgan relation are not something that is for 2 or 3 years its a blood relations. These people serve pakistan and would fight for it.

AsSalam oAlaikum.
I think Afghanistan is a quagmire. There are so many variables in this equation that nobody can predict how this will all settle down. I agree That Karzais A## is fried the moment the coalition leaves Afghanistan.It is what happens afterwards that matters.The perception on the Afghan side is that we abandoned them in their time of need, something I dare say, they would also have done, had the tables turned and we were in their boots. Regarding trade, being in viscinity, we are in a much beter position as we can supply them through the land route which would be very cheap for them. However is that all that we want. The answer has to be No. The whole central Asian market is opening up with its own sets of goodies and we want a piece of it. Afghanistan serves as an access route towards that end. However, will we be allowed to avail the opportunity, and indeed will Afghanistan ever settle down enough to understand the whats, hows and whys of its importance __That to me is the question that is worth answering/knowing the answer to.
Why will we supply Guns and Rockets to Afghans...??

We provide monetary support and aid to groups favourable to our cause and they support us when we need them...thats all that is needed

and secondly Iran is with us in our common cause i.e. to gradually draw Afghanistan away from pakistan's sphere of influence

also we are not as fixated on you giving us a trade route as we make it seem ....coz we already have a good alternative

I feel that GOI is just clamoring for a trade route knowing well that pakistan wont allow it and will use your refusal to show taht pakistan is acting against the national interests of Afghans.

It will be a PR victory for us thats all.

and speed comes into picture only when we need to transport perishable commodities like milk...and this route seems good for even that .

Your only cause is to destabilize pakistan always .. This is the First time we are giving you such answers and please can you let me know what happend when US Attacked Iran .. then we will see the friendship of INDIANS ... :eek:
I don't think like this because the port is built by china's help and both china

or pakistan can use it in emgerce for indeed ,and includ send our navy to

protected our see transport line.

Indeed there is great love between india and democrats-----the only problem is that pakistan is not in the same boat as it was during the 90's. So, regardless of what the democrats do for india, india can never get ahead of its shadow---pakistan. India's defensive capability will never be at the same level again as it was in the 90's.

But then don't be selling the republicans short-----the republicans gave you more than the democrats would-----the democrats would never have given away all these american jobs that the indians have now.

The port is going to be the world port. It is just going to be a matter of time. You cannot suppress a good thing from happening. It is going to be a successful project. There is no other way about it.
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