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Pakistan will not allow the Chinese Navy to block US trade goods

We should also allow china to make a huge airbase near by Gawadar, so they can protect anything flies from any angel.
US is China's largest trading partner..why would China wanna engage in such suicidal trade circus! I like the Chinese policy...bleed your enemy financially by trade!
Chinese policy is not about bleeding the enemy via trade or any other methodology. The only thing that is generic in china's policy is to use a third expendable country to further one's china's interest. Take the basket case of north korea or that of myanmaar or of cambodia. China likes to thrive in chaos. It won't have been possible for china to be successful earlier if there was no cold war and if both US and USSR were looking away while china went about its objectives. It would not have been possible for china to be economically strong if the start had not been the remarkable failure of the asian tiger economies. In fact china helped the failure of these economies. Without the controlled exchange, china wold have been nowhere close to the economic clout that it has today. It has been the case because china always manouvered to find partners who were willing to shoot themselves in the foot to inadvertently help china realize its actual dreams such as is the case currently with banana republics in africa and best friend of china which is sudan and venezuela. The latest example is pakistan who has no qualms about mortgaging its owm property like gilgit and gwardar just to score brownie points over india. Remember the good old saying, china will fight india to the last pakistani alive!! Enjoy with the high performing and superbly quality goodies that pakistan is getting from the culturally close bhai mulk on actual loans for projects that are accomplished by chinese companies with chinese workforce and chinese material for which pakistan or in reality US pays for via the aid that it is giving. All the best.
We should also allow china to make a huge airbase near by Gawadar, so they can protect anything flies from any angel.
So machoman (?), ready to rent out tHe country once again? A la zia ul haq for the US. What happened to the fabled radarless PAF? See where the country is now. The time warp continues only in pakistan while the whole world has moved on. When will this urge of looking for newer and more capable masters end?
It won't have been possible for china to be successful earlier if there was no cold war and if both US and USSR were looking away while china went about its objectives. It would not have been possible for china to be economically strong if the start had not been the remarkable failure of the asian tiger economies. In fact china helped the failure of these economies.

you know the asian tigers didnt fail and are still around.

if there had been no cold war that would have suited china just fine, actually might have worked with the americans more(mao actually wanted to at one point) since there would not have been such a problem over communism.

and if they looked the other way when china did things? how exactly would this harm china's development? do you even know anything about anything, the CCP would absolutely love it if the Americans didnt care.

i wont even respond to the rest, its simply fully of wrong info, bad assumptions, racism, and Indian sayings that no one else agrees with.
So machoman (?), ready to rent out tHe country once again? A la zia ul haq for the US. What happened to the fabled radarless PAF? See where the country is now. The time warp continues only in pakistan while the whole world has moved on. When will this urge of looking for newer and more capable masters end?

Quit equating US with China. Not all countries are backstabbing imperialists like US. Some actually appreciate friendship. Look at bharat's relationship with USSR/Russia. Yes ultimately it comes down to interests but nevertheless, no one gets more selfish than the US.
To counter the Gwadar port that is also called the Chinese Gibraltar by Washington, India has built Chabahar port in Sistan-Balochistan province of Iran - just adjacent to Gwadar.

Rubbish! the US company Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) built Chabahar as an Iranian Navy/Air Force base, during the days of the Shah
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